
Chapter 8 (History)

This Chapter is all about the history of Earth. In other words, the Earth where Alex lives. This Earth is different from the real world.

At one point in history, the whole world used to be a single Continent, which was ruled by a powerful Clan called Greenwood Clan. That was the most peaceful era of humans.

The rule of the Greenwood Clan lasted for centuries. During this time, the seven legacies of the past become aroused. These legacies being Mutants, Body Refiners, Cultivators, Ninjas, Swordsmen, Espers, and Mages.

[AN: This is the 8th time that humans are going take part in the Ascension trial]

In this era, some people start developing special abilities(Mutants); some found Manuals to absorb the force of stars (Cultivators). Some awaken a mysterious bloodline that allows them to strengthen their bodies(Body Refiners). Some found their brain becoming stronger than the norm(Espers).

Some found ways to strengthen and use their life force(Swordsmen), while some found a way to use the world energy around them(Ninjas). And some founded themselves absorbing Elemental energy of almost all things(Mages).

As peoples awaken these powers, they start to have a desire to rule the world. Thus war broke out. People were dying each second. it was like the world was about to end. But then the rulers of the world {Greenwood Clan} make there move. In a few days, everything turns back to normal.

Members of the Greenwood Clan didn't have any legacy, but their Ancestor was still alive (Great Mage Dark Eyes).

[AN: The Great Mages Dark Eyes is a person the survive Ascension System trial along with few 7th generation humans.]

The Great Mage Dark Eyes was the father of magic, the same person; who gives mages their ability to absorb Elemental energy.

The Greenwood Clan had many ways to make themselves stronger, faster, and better than normal peoples. Instead, they weren't by any means weaker than peoples with supernatural powers. But the number of gaining these powers increase with each passing day.

As the numbers of peoples gaining these powers increase, the Greenwood family start to lose there rule. Many small and big kingdoms start forming all around the world. The Greenwood Clan was powerless to stop them. Even so, the Greenwood Clan was the strongest force out there.

Because of the Great Mage Dark Eyes Mages Mages very take part in any war. They always neutral, never involving themselves in the power struggle.

This power struggle lasted for more than 100 years. In these 100 years, 4 Empires rise in power; these were Mystic Empire(Mutants), Qing Empire(Body Refiner and Cultivators), Holy War Empire(Ninjas and Swordsmen), and Holy Spirit Empire(Espers).

These 4 Empires join forces and tried to destroy the Greenwood Clan. But even after joining forces, they were barely able to hold their own against the Greenwood family.

But with each passing day, these Empires were becoming stronger. The numbers of experts in each Empire keep increasing, and these experts had lifespans longer than normal humans. But members of the Greenwood family had a mortal lifespan, so they weren't a match for these experts who were able to live for about 200-300 years.

The 10-year long war ended in Greenwood Clan's defeat. After that day, there wasn't any trace of the Greenwood Clan appearing again in history; at least they didn't appear using the Greenwood Clan's name.

After the defeat of the Greenwood Clan, peace didn't last long, and 4 Empires start to fight among themselves. The Holy War Empire attack the Holy Spirit Empire, and the Qing Empire attack the Mystic Empire. It seems 2 Empires with the most legacies decided to attack weaker Empires.

But the Holy Spirit and Mystic Empire weren't that weaker than the Holy War Empire and the Qing Empire. The fight between these 4 Empires got intense with each passing day.

That was the most chaotic time experienced by humans. People with special powers were dying left and right. Weak had no rights of their own; the whole humanity was heading toward destruction.

On one faithful day, the Ancestor of Greenwood Clan decided to make his move; he doesn't want humans to go extinct. Using his power, he divided the world.

Thus the Continents of Mist(Ninjas), Will(Swordsmen), Spirit(Espers), Mystic(Mutants), Blood(Body Refiners), Stars(Cultivators), and Elemental(Mages) come into existence.

After that day, The Great Mage Dark Eyes disappear forever.

After that, all humans with special powers got trapped on their respective continents. No matter what humans tried, they weren't able to leave the continent.

Since they couldn't leave the continent, they start fighting among themselves. Due to these civil wars, humans with powers continue declining. As centuries pass by, the peoples having supernatural power continue to decrease. Only Mages were peaceful this entire time, and their power continues rising with each passing day.

After an unknown time, the barriers around the continents start to weaken and eventually disappear.

Normal humans were excited to explore this brand new world. But the same can't be for people with supernature powers; they were worried about getting attacked by other supernatural beings.

And the enmity between the 4 Empires was still ongoing.

Not long after the disappearance of the barriers, wars started once again. The Continents of Will and Mist join forces and become the Holy War Empire. The Holy War Empire attacked the continent of Spirit.

Although the Holy Spirit Empire has fallen long ago, peoples living on the Spirit Continent were very united. These peoples form the Holy Spirit Empire once again, with the strongest Esper being the Emperor.

Cultivators and Body Refiner allied together and attacked the Mystic Continent. But the technologies of Mystic Continent people were far ahead than other continents. And without much help from the last remaining Mutant family (Scarlett Family), they were able to drive Cultivators and Body Refiner from their homeland.

But when stronger Cultivators and Body Refiners came, the Scarlett family didn't have any other choice but to step in and save the day.

Now the all normal humans know about these supernatural beings living among them.

Due to the constant war between these supernatural beings, normal humans lost all their rights. This meaningless war continued for an unknown time, and 6000 years ago, normal humans become strong enough to stand on equal ground as these supernatural beings.

With the power of Destroyer (aka atom bomb), humans were feared by these supernatural beings. At this time, the number of peoples with legacies was very few. During this time, only the continent of Elemental was the only place with Mages and Humans peacefully coexisting together.

[AN: Mages also had civil wars, but they were still stronger than other legacies]

After a few big and small wars, now the world is divided into 3 Empires and 2 Countries. The Empires are the Holy War Empire (Swordsmen, Ninjas), The Holy Spirit Empire (Espers), and the Empire of Ice (Mages). The 2 Countries are the United States(Mutants) and China(Body Refiners, Cultivators).

Each power controls a Continent; the Empire of Ice rules over Elemental Continent and doesn't interact with the outside world much. The Holy Spirit Empire rules over the continent of spirit, and the Holy War Empire rules the Mist continent: while the Will continent is a warzone of the fight between two empires.

Same for 2 Countries, the US controls the Mystic continent, and China controls the continent of Stars: while the Blood continent is treated as a warzone.

Finally the world history, also do read chapter 5 again. A para there will help in understanding things somewhat.

Undead_Forcecreators' thoughts
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