4 Memories

I found it under a pile of my old school textbooks and exam papers. The cover was light purple, with a cuddly unicorn standing in a ring of roses.

"Daddy asked me to write a diary. This is a diary of Raine Tay. DO NOT READ. This is a secret book" was written on the first page in neat, round handwriting.

Interspersed between childish entries about school, playing with Sherry and Yunxin, and complaints about my elder brother Keyne, were recollections about Missandre and the dream world.

"I have a secret. At night I am Mis. I have black hair and Mis has yellow hair. My eyes are black and Mis eyes are purple. Missanda is strong and pretty"

"Today I close my eyes and I can see yellow light. This is what Mi's mama tells her to do everyday. It is pretty but 1 hour is boring. I give up. Mis is a very good girl"

"Mis is grown up and going to school. She likes school. I like school too because Sherry and Yunxin are in school."

"Mis is in a jungle. The trees are very tall. She killed a very big King Kong. It was very fun and exciting. The King Kong can shoot fire from his mouth and throw trees."

"Daddy says Mis sounds like a superhero. She can use fire and lightning and kill monsters. But everyone can do that in the dream."

"Mis also has a best friend. She is Rossalin and is very pretty and nice. She remind me of Sherry. They have fun studying"

"Mis thinks the teacher is stupid. She says magic is not God but small parks? I do not understand but it is the yellow lights Mis mama says to see. I think Mis is right but mummy always says to listen to the teacher. "

"Mis is small again. Today Mis is learning 3 magic. Fire and Hippo and Zzzpa. It is fun and Mama is happy. But she will die. It makes me sad."

Missandre's mother will die? Reading the diary was like reliving someone else's memories, I had almost no recollection of it. I can't remember at what point her mother passed or the cause of her death, but the Missandre I recently dreamt of definitely felt like she had no family.

And Rosalind looks to be a best friend from school, but now they are mortal enemies. I can still remember how lovely she looked suspended in the air, glowing like an angel, and the sight of the army with her, clad in dusty cloaks and armours. I hoped to find out what happened between them, but I'm almost afraid to know.

I am a little frustrated with the short and simple entries. To be fair though, even if I were to pen my most recent dream, I can only remember the rough sketch of it. "Rosalind appeared like a hologram to talk. There is an army of people who wants to kill Missandre. Missandre knows she will win."

As I thought it, I quickly grabbed a pen and paper to jot it down.

More importantly, the 3 types of magics learned as a child and the yellow lights which were part of the daily childhood exercise. "Feera," I was a little apprehensive as I mouthed the words, afraid of another mini explosion happening inside my room. But again, nothing happened.

Magic was invoked by understanding its structure, and saying the words as formula, I thought distractedly to myself. Concentrate on the particles of magic between the dust, find the spark...

These words came to mind like a mantra.

I closed my eyes.

Slowly, in the darkness, small golden specks of light grew. They reminded me of the faint glimmers I saw yesterday morning. Of course. It is useless to just say the words. No wonder I failed yesterday!

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