9 Routine.

It's hard being an infant. Every day it's always the same. No matter what happens there's always a routine. I wake up, Kate nourishes me, I go to sleep. I wake up, Kate nourishes me, I go to sleep. On and on and on. It's extremely boring and long. However, I actually don't know how long I've gone at this now. Maybe it's only been a few days, maybe it's been a lot of days. I only know one thing to do though, wake up, nourishment, sleep. I'm not exactly sure what it is that is keeping me in this loop. Perhaps it's the fact that I remind myself that I'm currently in a better situation. Or perhaps it's the idea that eventually after some time I'll become stronger and I will improve myself. Maybe it's simply the idea that I know I'll wake up next to Kate. Either way, I'm still in the loop and I refuse to give up no matter how boring this routine is. I realize that no matter how boring my routine might be I definitely have a purpose. Even as a helpless infant every time I look at Kate and see her smile at me that makes me feel so much happier again and my mind is at peace.

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