
A withering flower at devil's mercy

"These bedchambers have missed your scent." He whispered in a raspy voice which made her heart thump louder. Her fears arose knowing no bounds to them. She feared to be trapped her whole life with him once again. He shut the stained glass doors behind him. "Please let me go. I beg you." she begged trembling as he slowly embraced her with every touch that felt too hot for her to become unbearable. "You took the chance to escape this place while you carried my child in your womb. Why did you come back?" He kissed her neck like he always did. "I...don't know..." she nearly choked on her words. Being a princess of the Holy Empire that rules the skies, Luciana Mircea de Amanécer had everything she could ever wish for. A caring father, riches, cheerful sisters, and a loving fiance. Her life was perfect in its own way. Until one day her father personally visited her chambers to deliver her news of marriage. The news delivered to her was not of the happy marriage she dreamt of with the man she always wanted to be with. She could not believe how she was being sold just because of the political conflicts with the enemy Empire. The husband-to-be she was informed of was the ruthless crown prince of the demon's lair; the empire that ruled over darkness, where she was supposed to be wedded to. "Father! Please don't do this to me." Luciana cried helplessly. "My child, it is your duty as the firstborn princess. This marriage is your responsibility." He agonized for not being able to protect every one of them. "Please, Luci. For the sake of your little sisters." He bowed down for the first time in his life. Seeing her father so desperately asking her she gave in to his request and accepted the proposal. Her life had turned upside down where she became a wife and a mother overnight. But who could've thought that the white wedding dress was soon to be dyed red? And how could she succeed in escaping the hellish life she was about to face so soon? Will she be able to accept a demon who finds kindness alienating or will the fiance she wanted to be with will stand up for her? The cover belongs to the rightful owner. The owner may reclaim the cover page anytime.

Akira_Kanesada · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
96 Chs

CHAPTER#6:Antidote at stake.

The servants rushed to her aid under his command while the same elderly man pulled by Jafar tried to keep up with his steps and hastily entered the room.

"You're as energetic as ever boy...!"He tried to catch his breath.

"This ain't the time to reminisce."

"Lord Stygian!" Jafar looked at the same tall figure grabbed the old man by his collar and pointed toward the bed where the maids surrounded Luciana.

The old physician paved his way through the crowd to the bed.

"Her condition..." He started to sweat as he diagnosed her.

"...her body is not accustomed to the treatment methods in our land." He wiped off the sweat from his forehead with his handkerchief.


"My lord... You used incense that is far stronger than what may have healed her. Her body reacted negatively to the medicine that has had an adverse effect instead."

"What should be done, my lord?"Jafar looked concerned.

"It can be healed using a herb as an ingredient. It's called the 'fiend's dawn'.It is an effective antidote for every disease except death."

"Old man, where do we get this antidote?" Jafar inquired.

He now began to worry about the princess who needlessly suffered the consequences because of his master's ignorance.

"It's not an easy task to acquire the antidote, my lord. How about requesting help from the imperial family first?"

"I said tell me where it is. Or do you want your head under my axe?" Erebus glared at the poor old man who trembled nearly to death.

Jafar shrugged and sighed. He knew the odds between Stygian and the Wahrheit imperial family.

"I-its past the veil of the night on the horizon of seven hills m-my lord."

Jafar frowned and interrupted the old man.

"You mean it's at the borders adjoining the human territory?"

"It looks somewhat like this my lord."He took out a small crystal ball that showed a vague picture of a lavender flower that partially looked like a tulip with stamens that gave off a blue light.

"Is there no other way?" his aide knew it was no easy task. Not just anyone could acquire a rare plant like that. It was near the fiends' cliffs.

He shook his head out of remorse.

"I can only do what I can with all my might. She won't be able to pass through the morning if not treated."

"Let's go, Jafar. We got another problematic errand to run." he scratched his head irritably.

"What! Do you want me to come?" His eyes widened with shock.

"Who else?" He put on his mask again and grabbed the poor aide by the collar.

They rushed out of the old fort into the barren mountains of the northwest that connected to the other side where he abducted Luciana.

"If not treated immediately will have to face consequences. Would you be answerable to the crowned prince?" He asked him sarcastically.

"Shut your crap!" he was dumbfounded when Jafar stated the obvious.

He flew over the forbidden forest of thorns. A faint moonlight shone over the frozen lake of the dead where the mist covered the mountains. It was a stronghold of the demonic species that dwelled in this land far from the human world and Amanécer.

"Surely you thought the whole thing was hidden from me? The fake princess. "

"So you know who she is."

"Ah~A poor soul." He sighed as his gaze fixated on the mist that vaguely cleared in front of them.

"She must've suffered plenty. Judging by her appearance at that. She looks like one who unwillingly sacrificed everything for the honor of her family." he narrowed his eyes.

-"Just like the two of us." He bit his lower lip as his mouth was engulfed with a vile taste.

"Enough about her. We're going to reach the borderline shortly."

"Tsk! A fiend's layer," he mumbled under his breath.

"The old man said that it is surrounded by poisonous thorns on the edge of the cliff above the cave." Jafar raised his voice as they landed at the foot of the mountain.

"This is getting troublesome."

He took off his gloves and unsheathed his axe.

"Master! here they come." Jafar licked his lips as if he were about to devour them at once.

They saw several monsters flying in toward them.

"Get ready." He signaled him to shoot the arrows that were lit with black fire that came from the depths of hell.

"You owe me a vacation of three months for making me use the forbidden magic master." He scowled letting go of the arrows at once.

"Did you think I'd grant that measly request?" he smirked and hit the fiend with a force that could erase the existence of nearby hills.

"It's your power that I'm making use of. At least make some use of it."

He continued to slay the monsters one after the other.

He could see him run wild with excitement further killing his heart's content.

He flew near the huge cave that was supposed to be their nest.

"Hohh~"He grinned while licking off the blood that stained his axe.

"There's more of them in there." He took a step forward but was stopped by his aide.

"Though I hate to interfere with your interests my lord, we came here with a different purpose."He reminded him of the princess that desperately required their help waiting in pain at death's door.

"If I don't end them here they'll come for us in greater numbers."

He raised his brow to state the obvious.

"Then I'll stay here as you grab that antidote." He took out three arrows and lit them with his magic that turned them into black flames of hell.

"Save some fun for me." He retracted from the cave as his wings faintly reappeared.

"Master, your wings..." he blurted out as he stared at the pair of black wings vanish.

"They must've been wounded amidst the fight."

"Not at a time like this." he frowned.

"I'd better hurry before I lose the will to fly."

He took off in a flash of lightning leaving his aide to watch him in wonder.

For a demon to lose its wings is like a human without life.

"Master, how wonderful it would be if you stopped wasting time and settle down with a family of your own."