
A Whirlwind Of Cherry Blossoms (Sarada's Twin Brother)

Itsuki Uchiha is a 16 year old boy with black hair and pink steaks. Uchiha? Yes he's the long lost son of Sasuke and Sakura Uchiha. What will happen when Sarada finds out? How would Konoha look at the unknown Uchiha? How would Itsuki react to his new family? Read to find out. Most of the pictures don't belong to me but some of them does. Also I only own my OCs and Story line in this book. And this is after the fifth great ninja war.

Lylee_Salym · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Legendary Team of Four

Itsuki's POV

I was woken up by someone knocking on my door, it was rather early so I stumbled out of bed to see who it was at the door. "Morning Itsuki, I'm heading out in a couple of minutes, so you better hurry up." Sarada said gleefully and I closed the door sighing. "How can someone be cheerful in the morning." I said to myself entering the Bathroom to take a shower. I walked down stairs dressed in my usual black shirt with the Uchiha crest on the back. I took out my katana and headed down stairs, where I found Sarada standing next to Mother.

"Great, lets head out." Sarada said as soon as she saw me. "Yeah, lets go." I said in my usual voice and we headed out. I saw a field coming up the road and two people were there to be seen, but I felt another chakra nearby too. "Hey guys." Sarada said waving her hand at them. "Hey Sarada, and your Itsuki right." A blond haired teen said loudly. "Right Itsuki, this is Boruto, and this is Mitsuki." Sarada said introducing me. "Nice to meet you." Mitsuki said smiling. "So lets train, team 7." Boruto yelled loudly and I can see birds flying away from us at this peaceful hour.

"Do you guys have to be so cheerful this early in the morning?" I heard a voice behind me and both me and Sarada turned around to meet a the white haired ANBU I met yesterday. ""Glad you could make it Yuki." Sarada said and she nodded silently. "We're known as the legendary team of four." Boruto exclaimed and Sarada smirked. "Well I guess no more introductions are needed, so lets get started." Sarada said and the three of them agreed. "How do you want to go today, Boruto?" Yuki asked and Sarada smirked. "Well we usually go on two teams, but with Itsuki, I guess we can finally beat you." Boruto said and Yuki rolled her eyes.

"Fine, two of us against you three, you're fine with that, right Itsuki." Sarada said and turned to me. "I'm fine." I said taking out my Katana as the others moved into stance. "Shadow clone Jutsu." Boruto said and he made two clones that went at the girls. "Not so fast." Yuki said as she jumped into the air, smashing her foot down on the ground making it split into many parts. "Scatter." Mitsuki shouted and we scattered meeting up at a point. "We need a plan this time." Mitsuki said and I agreed with him.

"Itsuki, can you take Yuki, she's pretty strong, but with your sharingan you can probably match her moves." Boruto said to me. "Sounds like a plan, but what about Sarada." I asked them. "We can take her, as long as Yuki is distracted." Mitsuki replied and I felt their chakra coming near us.

I unsheathed my Katana and moved fast to get to Yuki and she stepped back in defense. They split us and I decided activate my sharingan facing Yuki. I tried to lock her in a genjutsu, which didn't work as she never met my eyes. "It's not going to work that way, I trained with Sarada, I know almost any genjutsu trick." She said blocking my Katana. "Mangekyou sharingan." I said and my eyes swirled into an eternal mangekyou. I managed to get a blow on Yuki and her eyes glowed blue making me move back in surprise.

"Ice style: Ice chains." She said and chains came from the ground wrapping around my legs. I activated a small version of susanoo and the chains broke off. I launched at her and Yuki did something unexpected. She flickered next to me and smirked at my confused face. We engaged in taijutsu and I finally caught her eyes. Yuki was captured in a genjutsu successfully, making my plan complete. "Release." I heard Yuki's voice and it surprised me. Before I could move I heard lightning come to life behind me and I saw bright blue colour.

"Ice lightning." I heard before I went flying into a couple of trees. "Oh no." I heard Yuki's voice as I tried to move. "Sorry Itsuki, are you alright?" She asked sitting near me. "What was that?" I asked unable to move at all. "A sort of defense I have, when I can't get out of genjutsus easily." Yuki said helping me up. I saw a green ball of chakra and warmth flowing through my wound. "Thank you." I said and she hummed and removed her hands from my back. "It was my fault anyways." She said and I smirked as she let down her guard. I tried to pin her down and use a Kunai as a way for her to give up, but the uneven hill sent us tumbling down.

We fell into a field and I was over Yuki but I lost the kunai somewhere out in the woods. "We didn't lose." I heard Boruto yell and I saw Yuki open her eyes slowly. "You guys okay." Sarada asked and I looked up to see Boruto grin. I looked down at Yuki and I saw her cheeks tint red, and I realized the position we were in. I quickly got up moving a couple inches away from Yuki. "Sorry, I didn't expect this to happen." I mumbled to her and offered her a hand to get up. She accepted my hand getting up and dusting herself afterwards.

"Welcome to the team Itsuki." Boruto said flinging his hand over my shoulder. "What do you mean." I asked surprised and three people came into the training grounds. "It was merely a test to see your skills, to see if we can accept you into Konoha as a ninja." The Hokage said and a blond haired man nodded grinning. "Welcome to Konoha Itsuki, Sasuke told me that you wanted to be a ninja, so this is your headband, and your jonin jacket." The brunette man said handing me a jacket and a headband which I accepted happily.

"Thank you." I said to him and the Hokage. "You'll be on missions with team 7 mostly not the whole team, the rest will be informed." Hokage sama said. "Lets celebrate." Mother yelled out in joy and practically dragged all of us to the streets of Konoha.