
A while away: two sides to a coin

A While Away: Two Sides to a Coin shows the story of three merging with the three, Yemi, Yomi, Kunle, Ayooni, Anike and Asake, six people who tell the story of the dead and find themselves in a fix when they stumbled upon a corpse from the 18th century that hasn't decayed, The King of Utaka and a portal to a mirror world from theirs. Stuck in an unknown yet familiar world. they must find the truth as to why the corpse had a bitter memory and unravel the mystery of the land that was plagued before they can go back to their world. But with love, envy, jealousy, greed, and murder circling them, will they give in to what they are subjected to or will they scale through their ordeal and fight for what is right? thank you.

Aabimisha · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Chapter Twenty one: The lies told 2

Wura stayed in Ayu's embrace crying. I don't want you to go she sniffed. But I need to it's the king's order. But you know the meaning of your going he will kill you. And I said I will be fine I will watch my back I promise. I am going on a journey and you are seeing me off with tears he pouted.

They sat in his room, his room was located far from the palace. More like a stand-alone house attached to a manor. Ayu doesn't like flashy things like the castle. He doesn't feel life in them, even though he has plants and flowers like his brother Ari, he decorated them to give them a homey and friendly feeling.

Sorry, she sniffed. What do I do then? Kiss me he said seriously. She kissed him testingly, testing the power she had over him. He grunted making her smile. You are tormenting me he said and took her lips in his.

How is my baby girl doing in there, he asked. How do you know it's a girl she said cocking her head. Of course, it is a girl. I can see her, she has your skin and your eyes. I saw her standing at the foot of a mountain. The mountain of colours they will call it, it is the place we had her first. I think that's where the colours came from. I saw her standing with a boy. He frowned now, the boy looked like me, exactly like me. They have four people on their backs. She looks healthy and wealthy I love that. A radiant smile on her lips when she looks at him. He makes her happy and I wish for her a beautiful life together.

What was that about Wura asked him confused. He opened his eyes looking at her, I don't know either, they look strange yet so familiar. If I didn't know she is our daughter I would have said she is you. This is a vision Wura said. A premonition of the future. We aren't there are we she asked him. No, we are not he said.

Understanding the situation, Wura hugged him as he buried himself in her. We will be fine I promise.

Ayu and Aayan made their way to the north on the second day to resolve the conflict. I am not good at negotiating I wish you would talk to them Ayu said to him. And why should I do that, you are the crown prince, Aayan retorted. Ayu wanted to give his brother a chance to broaden his view. He never wanted to be the King, he wished his brother was named next in line and not him. He just wanted a peaceful home with Wura and their baby. He couldn't bring himself to tell her the reason for his vision was because yesterday would be the last they would see each other. He prayed to the gods to keep her safe and the baby.

He wondered who amongst his siblings gave birth to the boy in his vision. Getting to the north was not an easy fit. After a month he managed to subdue the threats and fight. He tried negotiation in the morning and curled up missing Wura at night. He sends her many letters conveying his thoughts, and a name for their unborn child. By now her sisters have found out about the pregnancy and helped her keep it a secret especially when Annie found out about his vision.

Annie wrote to him telling him to tell her the truth behind the vision he had but he had no courage to do so. Today they head back home and he could feel the ominous air around him.

He wished he could see her just one last time, so he wrote her a message telling her to meet him at the mountain they had their first.

Ayu waited for Wura in the cave of the mountain with flowers in his hand. Welcome, back he heard her voice, my love he breathed but stopped in his tracks when he saw who it was. You are not her he said. What do you mean my love, she said to him.

You are not Wura he repeated, who are you? Anger flashed across her face but she masked it. I don't look or smell like her, she asked. You do Ayu said but you are not her. Wura has a calm atmosphere surrounding her but this one doesn't and even if a thousand replicas of hers stood before him smelling like her he could tell them apart. He merged his heart with hers the first night they made love. if his heart stopped, Wura's too would, that is what she wanted.

That's what made him sad, they won't be there for their baby. Fine, she said to him. What's so good about her anyway, I am so much better. We have the same face, the same powers, and the same parents why do you choose her over me? I love you Ayu please choose me. Ayu sauntered towards an altar, I am sorry, I pray the gods to give you a better man. No, she screamed I want you and if you won't have me she will die together with your child. I will make a good queen by your side than her. You won't even know the difference she rushed towards him and hugged him at the same time Wura entered seeing them together.

Stay away from my husband Wura screamed, her heart breaking at the scene. I didn't know you had a visitor she said coldly. I don't Ayu replied. What is she doing here then? she asked, I came to see my husband she replied. Wura looks at Ayu with a smirk, I have no idea you are married. Ayu noticing she believed him, played along. I had no idea either.

Stop it both of you, I am sick and tired of being on the sidelines. Eighteen years I waited for this day and you chose someone else, she screamed at Ayu. You don't remember me do you, she asked him. You made a promise to me when we were kids you would always be there and you took in someone who only looks like me.

Ayu stared dumfounded at her for a second then said Winnie? You are Winnie. Wura looked at him confused. I told you I met a girl crying by the stream when I was ten. Oh! She is the one. I don't think he meant he would marry you, sister. Wura said to her. He didn't but I fell for him. I met him first but you took him. If I can't have him no one else can Winnie charged towards her.

Wura dodged her attacks shielding the baby in her womb. while the fight was going on an arrow was shot. Ayu felt the Arrow pierce his heart and he fell on the altar. Ayu, Wura screamed his name. She felt a pain in her heart too, but with the strength left in her, she cradled him on her lap. Please don't leave me she said.

I am sorry, he murmured. He placed his hand on her stomach. I am sorry, he said again. Feeling his heart stopped Wura dragged him to the altar with tears. Winnie had long gone when she saw the scene she wanted to kill Wura but she could feel her life slipping away and the baby was no longer in her womb. It seems Ayu has placed her soul in someone else's womb.

Wura felt the baby was no longer in her womb, so she wept again. Thank you for protecting her, she whispered bitterly. Till we meet again. She died sleeping on his dead body.