
A while away: two sides to a coin

A While Away: Two Sides to a Coin shows the story of three merging with the three, Yemi, Yomi, Kunle, Ayooni, Anike and Asake, six people who tell the story of the dead and find themselves in a fix when they stumbled upon a corpse from the 18th century that hasn't decayed, The King of Utaka and a portal to a mirror world from theirs. Stuck in an unknown yet familiar world. they must find the truth as to why the corpse had a bitter memory and unravel the mystery of the land that was plagued before they can go back to their world. But with love, envy, jealousy, greed, and murder circling them, will they give in to what they are subjected to or will they scale through their ordeal and fight for what is right? thank you.

Aabimisha · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Chapter one Ayooni

Having mixed feelings, Ayooni sat in her usual spot under the school stairwell. Today she graduated and today she turned twenty-three, she felt melancholy and happy as she thought of what next after school. She's a person who believes in taking a step at a time but everything happening right now feels surreal to her so she chooses her escape stairs to be, a place where she finds solace as she feels at ease with just blending in the midst of people swarming in and out of the place.

She likes observing people, their reactions, body language and thoughts has always been plain to her, she could feel the old cleaner cursing over the debris on the floor before he showed it on his face, she could tell that the two young timid students over the platform likes each other but are afraid of making a move, she could feel how the ground vibrates and how the wind carries each word spoken from people's heart to her ears, and she could feel her best bud Emman coming from the other side of the building to her, hear him mutter her name in his mind before he said it.

Emmanuel King, seatmate and best of her class. Her first encounter with him isn't really pleasant but she now thinks it's laughable, Emmanuel is the King of pranks with extremely annoying behaviour. First day in school, she was feeling anxious and excited, she gained admission into the university with her two childhood friends, and she had been thinking how cool that was when a gecko perched on her shoulder and used its slimy tongue to caress her cheek, she was almost peeing her pant when she saw a tall handsome brown eye chiselled cheekbones and thin jaws staring at her with mischief in his eyes, that's when she realised she was set up by him and since then they have been friends.

As Emman walked to her with his face all smiles and his tan body, she couldn't help but feel how much time flies in a blink with the right people.

Hello little kitten, Emman called her the name he gave her on their first meeting, hi she replied.

this stairwell is going to miss you, he said to her, you've been here for hours and my dream girl and Asani have been looking for you. Dream girl, a tag name for Anike her outgoing and extra best friend. it never hurts to say one last hello before going, she said to him, when is the program commencing, in thirty minutes, he answered, dream girl, 's been fussing about her speech, and I have been telling her she's a total badass but I guess she needs her cool-headed friend who is practically out of reach for now and is currently spying on people in her world, I wish I could tell her you have ditched her for this and finally elope with her, Ayooni smiled at him, her blue eyes twinkling, he was the only one who knows of her being able to feel people and things around her, even though she tried convincing him it's just that she took her time leaning about things like this and not so weirdo ability as he often puts it.

well, she said her totally cool-headed best friend is going going to her now, so keep your cock in check, she stood up and matched her pace with his ignoring his petty comment about what she's been up to.

So what do you get, kitten, I can tell you got loads of gist from your observations, fill me in on who has all the juices, she was about to reply to him when she felt it, his heartbeat was calm, his breathing stable and at ease, she looked up and saw him there, stand and starring deep at her with his black eyes, his face looks like that of Egyptian god, his perfectly outlined carbs makes her heart skip, his smouldering eyes hot and sexy, thin lips and broad shoulders, she starred at him like he was her home, she feels she could drown in those hot eyes as they skimmed over her and when he spoke to her, she could swear she hears melodies, hello daughter of the light, he said to her and poof he was gone. Ayooni stood there staring into space when she heard Emman's voice, hey kitten where were you lost and when do you start speaking Gaeli? Gaelic? She was stunned, she started to speak but thought back and fell in step with him giving him a reassuring smile.