

Her eyes never broke the gaze and I couldn't look away as I noticed a trickle of blood making it's way into the pool bellow. The little light that there had been made it shimmer In an almost enchanting way. Here nightgown-front shone with the red liquid and protruding out of her was a glistening blade it may smooth and rusted be but it didn't cause any less damage. As I became transfixed on this knife I became aware of the girls gaze that had turned from a questioning look to a look of rage and the glint in her eye gave me the impression that I would not be leaving this room without the inconvenience of finishing the job I had began, murdering Eliza Moore. Although my last attempt had been unsuccessful, I managed to grab her while I was coming back from work. As she screamed and fought against me I laughed, the first laugh in a long time yet I did not feel right as I came back to my current surroundings, looking into the eyes of the monster before me. As my mind began to grind back into action I saw a single tear fall from the girls face. I knew she did not mean to do what she did yet I still held her accountable for all those nights I woke up in a cold sweat with tears streaming down my face, the screams still echoeing around my mind. And as the realization of safety arose, my fear subsidised, "well..." I thought "for now".

As I continued to gaze, her expression softened and the words she said will forever haut me and would lead to my demise. All she said was "take me home, so I may die with the ones I love.". Silence followed these words, she had accepted death? Being meerly 12 and isolated for 2 years, I thought she would want to fight, she would want to live. Week kneed and utterly shocked, I grabbed the girl and throw her into the passengers seat. The drive was quite but was punctuated by small whispers of the Lords prayer. And as we came to a hult Eliza opened the car door and bolted for the wooden doors before us. The girl was a bazaar sight, for she was covered in blood, the blade still piercing her skin. As if I was being pulled, I ran with the girl and as we stepped over the threshold of her dismal room, she collapsed, dead, onto the floor. This all happened 200 years ago now, it's 2021 and Amilia has just finished signing adoption papers at that very orphanage, for a girl, one whose name is Eliza Moore.

A/N: hope y'all enjoyed. If you follow me on wattpad you will recognise the name Eliza Moore.

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