Finding myself as Thor Odinson, was not what I expected to wake up to. Then again, I have been a baby for hundreds of years already, and I still can't walk or talk yet, why do I have consciousness, I don't want this Somewhere else I should have sent him later on, oh well **************************************** Someone sent into the Universe of Marvel as a version of Thor, what they don't realize is that he is their Judge, Jury, and very likely their executioner. As a very powerful being is tired of his creation ruining itself
A woman's cries can be heard as she feels the pain of losing her newborn son to the Ice Giant, Laufey
The Ice Giant lets out a bellowing laugh as the grieving Earth Mother, Gaia banishes him from the skin of Planet Earth
Moments ago the child's cries shook the World Tree
Heralding the birth and promise of a powerful being destined for greatness
But, that tiny life has been snuffed out
Unbeknownst to all but one being, a pillar of reality has been shattered
One of four pillars of reality in this section of creation
Every universe can only exist within the fundamentals of reality
Four distinct universes lie within this section that are the pillars of reality
The fourth universe is where the pillar of reality was shattered as one of its future protectors, one of the greatest was killed in his infancy, causing the future of Universe-0 to darken, and following its darkening so shall the rest of the multiverse suffer the ramifications of that murder
Returning to Earth-0
A being is paying attention as a version of Thor in his infancy is now dead
Quite possibly one of the most important versions of him is gone
The ramifications of this are already being felt throughout reality as the timeline shifts and begins to spin giant cosmic wheels that should never have been spun
For a mere moment, the being contemplates this situation and how it has escalated to this point and decides that it doesn't like it
Even though the infant Thor will be reborn through the power of the Pheonix Force making it Thor's third parent, the action will be too little too late as the infant's divine soul has been destroyed which will leave behind an empty husk
The Earth begins to quake in the Earth Mother's wrath
The host of the Pheonix called Firehair arrives and begins the preparations for the infant to be reborn
The being watching all of this makes a decision that will benefit not only this universe, but it will also fix and improve the Pillar Of Reality
It scans and chooses a soul from outside this section of the Multiverse
Going over the soul's history, it quickly makes the necessary alterations towards the ritual and places the soul and hides any and all interference on its part
Empowering the ritual through its immense and unfathomable power, the soul placed in Thor's infant body is renewed and empowered beyond his wildest imagination
It did not make this decision lightly
The soul chosen was one of a near-infinite number that were available
It could have just created a soul indistinguishable from that of the infant Thor and let the events play out as they may
But, this being is tired of his creation always being on the brink of destruction
Tired of the constant rabble causing trouble just because they can
There must be a balance
Not the constant destruction of this section of reality
The newly reborn soul finishes settling in his new body
The being watches on as the Earth Mother's wrath is quelled as she sees to her newborn child
The beings attention turns towards the host of the Pheonix who once proudly bore her youth is now old and wrinkled despite the immense power of the Pheonix Force
Rebirthing a being such as Thor, especially one as important as one from the 4 pillars will have its consequences
The One Above All smiles as it sees the changes that will happen because of the reborn Thor
Thor in most realities is the son of Odin and Frigga, in some very rare ones, his birth mother is Gaea
In only 2, he is the son of Odin and Gaea, and the Pheonix
Universe-616 and now Universe-0
In one of them, he died
But, now with this rebirth, the soul has gone through
A new Thor will be seen
One that will make his potential known
The One Above All sees as the reborn Thor will reach nigh-unlimited heights of power and smiles at the journey
I garble at an incredibly beautiful woman as I attempt to speak
Instinctively, I know that this is my mother
Which confuses me
This woman is not my mother, but my gut is telling me that she is
I glance around and spot a scantily clad old woman who for some reason also registers to me as my mother
Knowledge seems to be pouring into my mind about what I can do
Which is very small but still useful
"Gaea, was it successful?" Asks the old woman as she visibly appears to age backward as her old and wrinkled body begins to disappear and her white hair begins to gain back some color
"Yes, it was," Says the woman holding me who is now known to me as Gaea
Oh, fuck don't tell me...
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE WOMAN?" Says a rather old man coming from out of nowhere holding a rather familiar hammer and missing an eye
"WERE YOU IN LEAGUE WITH LAUFEY?" He screams out launching the hammer as it makes an incredibly familiar hum
Everything begins to darken as I feel exhausted even though, I have never felt as strong before
Blinking seems to speed up time as I watch who I know is Odin fight the previously old woman as she defends herself from Odin's onslaught
Closing my eyes for a moment, I hear Odin shouting at Gaea about letting the abomination anywhere near his son
Opening my eyes again, they widen as I see Mjolnir covered in lightning heading towards Gaea and by extension me
I look at Odin's expression as his face is set in a cruel sneer and I watch him smirk
Something in his face pisses me the fuck off
I let out an angry scream and I felt something click as Mjolnir stopped inches away from colliding against Gaea and I
Power rushes through my veins like a shock as I can feel my connection with Mjolnir or rather the storm inside it
No, the Tempest inside
I don't know what is happening but I sure as fuck do not want Odin messing with my new mother
A warmth comes from my head and begins to spread around me as I am covered in a fire that I know bends to my very will
I rage out as I let my power go wild and instinct seems to be taking over as everything begins to shake
I look at Mjolnir and with sheer fucking will only available to a child throwing a tantrum in anger
I force it to move against Odin's commands
It slowly begins to turn towards Odin's direction as I can feel the enchantments on Mjolnir fight me every step of the way
I turn to Odin with an anger never known to me previously
Odin abandons this fight as I am winning and begins to run towards me and my mother
As he does several letters begin to appear he then seems to be covered in a blue aura as his power seems to eclipse mine for a moment
My attention is diverted elsewhere as I am turned around and see the calm and loving eyes of my mother before they settle on determination
I let out a gasp as I felt Mjolnir's connection to Odin break
I feel the Tempest's anger against Odin and I let it do what it wants as I imagine myself spinning it around and throwing it at him while I still look at my mother's eyes
"Little one, you do not have to protect me," She says lovingly as she turns to Odin
"ODIN BORSON..." she begins to yell yet for some reason it doesn't bother me as Odin lets out a blast of symbols toward me and smiles cruelly as they hit me and I scream in pain as what feels like chains wrap around me and I instinctively know what he is doing
He is trying to bend me to his will
Nice fucking try asshole
I scream out as I force the power within me to rage at the restraints Odin attempts to place on me
I am EXTREMELY disappointed in myself as I fail and only feel my connection to Mjolnir and what I am guessing is the thunder in my veins as I feel my mind go blank I feel my consciousness disappear as what feels like chains wrap around my head snuffing out the raging fire tornado within me and leaving nothing but the gentle flame of a candle
I look at my mother and then darkness as I close my eyes and go to sleep...