
A Tale Of Asterious

Awoken at the top of a tower for the damned with a single mission. To reach the bottom and figure out what his place is in the mysterious world of Asterious. A story of a lone man ripped from his world and his struggle for survival. Strings of fate are fickle things after all, will Ace be able to survive? Or will he die like many would expect from a man with no formal training and a number of disadvantages. But he has one advantage, he was a video game nerd. A story inspired by many prominent video games and media. Release schedule will be every weekday. Word Count: 40,000

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42 Chs

Chapter 38- The Minotaur

With a groan of exertion, our muscled companion managed to open the ornate ebony doors, a loud creak soon followed along with a small dust cloud. It was beginning to become increasing obvious that it had been years since another competitor has entered this room. Along with the 'spawn camp' I had found earlier on this floor. Decrepit and barely standing, as if it hadn't been in use in decades.

I doubted we would find any other human in this tower.

A few steps in and I grew intimately familiar with this room. I after all spent a week fighting for my life in an arena almost as similar. The only difference was the color scheme, instead of dirt and stone it was onyx marble and colored brick floors.

As I looked down towards the center of the area I spotted the one thing keeping us on this floor. A chained silhouette was all I could recognize, but after a certain point, we passed a threshold and rows of torches lit with a purple flame.

With the newfound light, I managed to get a good look at this room's shackled occupant. I froze for just a moment causing my companions to stop with me. It was a mythical creature, a bull's head and tail along with a bodybuilder's body. Even from his seated position, I could tell he was massive, most likely over eight feet tall with biceps the size of my head.

It rose to a standing position and reached behind its back. Easily snapping one of his chains and taking hold of a two-handed battle axe I failed to notice. Well for regular people it would've been a two-handed weapon but for this behemoth, he was fully capable of using it with a single hand.

"It's a minotaur, think of fighting a giant human. Fast and powerful given his build and pay special attention in avoiding his horns. One mistake and we could be shish kebabed. Our best bet would be trying to piss it off, they are very susceptible to extreme fits of rage." I whispered to my companions as the Minatuar took a single step forward and a loud creak followed. On his next step, every chain holding him to the wall shattered like glass.

"Heard, I'll go forward and meet him." Ivar voiced as he jumped from the seating area and directly into the arena. 

"I'll take care of the ranged attack from here, do your assassin thing Seline" I said as I raised my gauntlet-clad arm and fired three consecutive fireballs at the monster that hadn't even seen me yet. A hum was my only response, in the next moment the vampire disappeared in a haze.

Ivar yelled to the bipedal bull as he smacked his Warhammer against his tower shield in a taunting manner. The minotaur growled at Ivar's taunt momentarily losing his focus and quickly paying for it. Three large fireballs slammed into the monster's chest, causing it to scream in a mixture of rage and pain.

Showing his skill as a warrior and our excellent teamwork Ivar charged forward, in the moments before the fire dissipated he spun to build up momentum. Finishing his move he slammed the head of his hammer directly into the monster's knee. A loud crack echoed through the arena as the monster fell to a knee, if my eyes were just a little better I would've noticed the distorted air behind the creature. Our vampire assassin appeared with a menace, sinking both of her daggers into the beast's exposed neck, easily sinking hilt deep causing the beast to howl in pain.

Not to be outdone I had two arrows locked and ready and with a smooth exhale I fired. A crackle of thunder followed as one arrow landed in the beast's chest while the other hit the beast in the horn. Splitting it in half leaving the monster with only a single horn

In a matter of thirty seconds, we had disabled and mutilated the minotaur.

Ivar and Seline both retrieved their weapons and the monster fell forward with a resounding bang.

"What?" I said in exasperation. That was the boss? 

Ivar and Seline both seemed to share my sentiments as they back up and few feet and kept their weapons ready.

But it was all for naught as even after a full minute the beast hadn't moved and once the red ball of essence floated near the ceiling we all let out a sigh of relief.

Preparing myself as the smallest of the three balls entered my chest causing me to only stagger. My companions had it worse as they were both forced to a knee followed by grunts of pain and discomfort.

All of that was quickly forgotten as a metallic click resounded in the arena. A square section of the brick floor slid away as an odd statue rose to take its place in the center.

It was a statue of a winged man standing perfect with a ringed staff in his outstretched hand. Long flowing hair and an immaculate face. What took most of my attention was that a look of extreme purpose and intelligence was carved into his eyes. Icarus the God of Life and Change.

I could barely contain my excitement as I knew this was the moment I'd been waiting for. A chance at real abilities and power. A class of my very own.