
The Second Champion

"T-t-that's, t-that's her, oh shit! Oh shit! oh shit! Oh shit!" I said with a mixture of a lot of emotions, but the main emotions that I'm experiencing right now are excitement and dread.

Excitement because she's one of my je- err, one of my best pick. Yes one of my best pick. Nothing more.

And dread because she's a goddamn killer, and she's stealing essence from humans.

From all the lore that I've read about her is that all of her victims are dead, no one survived.

She's beautiful, yes. Well, almost all of the females in league is beautiful for Tyrus' sake.

But f***, I don't know how I'm going to explain this to my parents. She's too hot for any normal men to control themselves from their urges, she needs essence to live, and I can't just let her roam around and kill innocent people.

Or can I? Yes, if I command her that only those that are depraved of their morality are the ones that she can kill or whatever she may do.

"B-but, she's mine, no no no, not in that way. I can't let her do that. Damnit! How am I going to do this?" I muttered, and my head is aching.

'Ok system, open the chest first before I decide what to do with her.'

[Affirmative Summoner. Opening Hextexh Chest]

[You Acquired]

[10x EXP Card(1 Hour Duration) x1]

[Health Potion 5x]

[Sweeping Lense]

[Stopwatch 1x]

"Wow, now that's impressive. And stopwatch too? That's a life-saver if ever need it." I said getting really excited this time.

'System, what is the effects of the sweeping lense?'

[As like in the game, it shows any invisible non-living objects around you and a silhouette of any invisible living beings. It's area of efrect is 10 meters around the summoner]

'That's very useful against invisible enemies'

Now, what am I going to do with the champion that I just got. She's dangerous, yes, but she's also super hot, I mean useful. Yes she is so useful.

"Damnit!!" I scowled, annoyed that I don't know what to do next.

"Ahhhh! Fuck it! I'll summon her on a later date." I said while scratching my head.


A few days passed after I acquired my second champion. And now I'm sitting at my chair in the school while listening to the teacher's lesson.

'It's getting boring heere hays.'

Oh yeah, Flash, he got 1 month banishment, a record for his bullying, and got kicked out of the school team.

Everything feels normal, which is abnormal if you think about the universe that I'm in.

Oh yeah, Tony Stark is back, and he did just blew up a ton of his suits, and I think that's awesome and cool. But after this, the whole world will face an old threat, HYDRA.

Too many things are going to happen, and I need to be ready, so that's why after school, I'll summon her and I will try my best to make her follow me fully. Because Garen will only be useful blocking a corridor or a room.

"Hey! Ivan! Are you free tomorrow? Can you accompany me?" Someone behind me said after tapping my shoulder.

I turned around and saw who is it. Its Gwen.

"So you're asking me for a date now, huh?" I said with a smirk. Yep, no shame, I want to deflect her using my shamelessness.

"Yep! Why? You don't want to?" She said, her face turning a bit red.

'Did she just say that she's inviting me to a date? Damn!'

Wow, I never thought it would turn out to be like this.

"Oook? So what's the plan?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"That's what you will know tomorrow, see you. Oh! And pick me up at my house." She said smilingly then winked at me.

'Damn, did I just got asked out? Oh my! This is kinda embarassing' I said to myself while cleaning my books and pen off of my table.

"Hey, Pete! Anything new?" I yelled at my friend, starting a conversation.

"Oh, Ivan. Nothing interesting, well, if you don't consider Flash getting a 1 month interesting, then nothing yet" he said, he did not even turn away from his book that he's reading.

"What book is that? Why are you so invested in reading that?" I asked him with curiosity.

"It's about the latest research that the osborn corporation released, it's about some tensile material that is light but has a huge amount of carrying power." Peter said.

"So, a spider silk?" I said, confused.

He looked at me with sudden understanding and surprise painted on his face.

"What? Surprised that I know something?" I said with a small smug smile.

"No, nothing. I just find your description a little too precise. This really looks like the description of a spider silk." He murmured to himself.

"Oh well, just don't over work yourself. I'll go home, got a date tomorrow" I said with a smirk. But I don't know if he heard it as he is still focused on the book.

"Welp, I'll go home then. Hey Pete! See ya next week." I said then walked out of the classroom.


I'm in my room, thinking if this is really a wise decision.

'You know what? f*** it.'

I really timed it when no one is around. My mom is in our grandma's house right now, dad is at work, and Ivy's at school. So I'm alone here right now in our house, and that means if all hell broke loose, no one will be hurt, and that also means that if I'm in danger, no one can help me. But I have my heal and 10 health potions ready for any emergency, and Garen's passive too, will be very helpful.

'Ok system. Are sure that she won't kill me or go on a rampage?'

[Affirmative, Summoner]

'Ok, Let's do this'

"Summon Evelynn"


Author's Additional Words

I did not update yesterday, because I can't.

And the reason? The shitty internet is more shitty than usual. So yeah.

I beg your mercy for wrong grammars and spellings.

Happy Reading(or not)

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