
Gonna Cry?

>>>>>MC POV<<<<<

"Mister Phage, can you come with us to the principal's office." Said the P.E. teacher.

I don't know why but he looked pissed.

"Is there a problem Mr. Jacoby?" I asked while cocking my head.

Did I do something? If they call my parents, mom will surely kill me.

"Just follow me Phage, you doing some nasty stuff here in school huh?" He said with a scowl.

'Nasty stuff?? What nasty stuff? First of all I'm not mast-'

My thoughts was interrupted when I saw someones punchable mug.

"So it's you, huh Flash?" I said while smirking. I now know where this is going.

We entered the principal's office, Flash followed in still with his smug face.

"Principal Davis, what 'nasty stuff' am I guilty of" I said, without any hint of fear and worries.

"Mister Phage, I'm kinda disappointed about you, I didn't know that you are that kind of student. Throwing your weight to your classmates, bullying, and now hurting them physically" the principal said while looking at me in the eyes with his stern and cold face.

"First of all, Sir, did you first investigate what happened before reaching that conclusion, that I am the bully? That I'm throwing my weight to anyone, and why did I resort to a physical confrontation?" I said, emphasizing the sir and asking them back if they did collect some information.


Hays, this is getting annoying.

"Ok, you want to believe him then?" I said, my lips forming a small smile.

Unperturbed, the principal amswered me. "So what is more compelling evidence against a bruised face?" He said.

I almost wanted to laugh about their reasoning.

"So that's the game that you guys want to play? Ok then, let's play. See you in court for this defamation, just wait for the lawsuit. Goodbye then, Principal Davis, Sir Jacoby, and especially you Flash" I said to them while smirking.

What? Think that I'm going too far? So what, I want to kick Flash out of his pedestal, or even the school if it can be done.

I just really hate him in general. Even if I know that Peter can clean him up when he got his Spidey Shtick, I'm still his friend, and I don't want him to be byllied everyday.

As I am walking closer to the door, the principal yelled to stop me.

"Mister Phage, I think a lawsuit isn't needed in this kind of things right? Isn't that going too far?" He said, and I see that his sterm face facade is gone.

Even the P.E. teacher is wearing a face full of worry, while Flash is standing by the side, scared and dumbfounded

"Huh? Aren't you guys so sure that I'm the bully? So why act like that now?" I said in a confused tone, but inside, I'm laughing maniacally as my madr up plans are working.

"No! No we didn't mean that, we are just- just asking why did you hurt Mister Thompson" The principal said, stuttering.

Huh, so scaring them with a lawsuit works so well? I didn't think this will be their reaction, but it's more than enough for me.

"Oh? If I said that my boy here, Flash, was bullying Peter Parker everyday, would you believe me then? I said while having a contemplative facial expression.

"That-" the P.E. teacher said but he was cut off before he can say anything after the first word.

"We will investigate. Yes, we will investigate if that really is happening, and if it is, we will punish him accordingly" The principal said rapidly, and I'm surprised that he is kinda faster than my sister who is a speedster.

"Well, ok then. I'll wait for the 'investigation' of yours" I said nonchalantly, putting heavy emphasis on the word investigation.

After all that, I just turned around and walked out of the office.

'Damn! I feel so badass, sadly no one saw me doing that except those three, and I guess they won't let any of that comes out to save their reputation. Oh well.'

I walked to the direction of the cafeteria to eat, I'm starving at this point because of them holding me up.


The whole day just passed without any more big things happening that is worth mentioning, well, except that Flash didn't attend the rest of the day.

I got home and rest a few minutes, washed myself up and did my home f****ng work.

Yes, I did not forget about the capsule and chest, I am so excited for what is to come, but also nervous for the same reason.

There are a lot of what ifs, what if it is some useless champions that are no use even if I borrowed their skills abd stats, what if it is some world conquering bastards was summoned like Mordekaiser, what if a being of destruction were to be summoned? Like a darkin.

There are too much possibilities, either good or bad.

And about the chest, the system said that I can get skins in there, I just don't know what will be the effects.

'System, are you sure that no one, not a single one can escape from the summoner's control when I summoned them?'

[Yes, Summoner. No one can escape the control the system, unless the summoner gives them their freedom. And at that point the someone champion can have their own decisions if they want to follow the orders of the summoner or not. But even then the summoner have the power to forcibly make them returned to runeterra.]

'That is nice to hear, so what will happen if, and I say IF, they escaped?'

[That is not possible, but if that were to happen the system's creator put up a fail-safe so that when a summoned champion goes out of control they will be dealt with.]

'And what is this failsafe?'

[Your level of authority doesn't allow the system to give you information about that]

'Oook that's new, so what is this level of authority what does that mean?'

[It is the level or rank of the summoner's authority over the system. It is used to view more secretive informations. Ans it also gives the summoner an increase effects for the borrowed stats and skills from a champion. It also increase the effects of items and summoner spells]

'Ok, that's another large info dump. Now let's move to the main event. Ok system, open the Champion Capsule'

[Affirmative, Summoner]

[Opening Random Champion Capsule]

[Opening Successful]

"T-t-that's, t-that's her, oh shit! Oh shit! oh shit! Oh shit!" I said incoherently.

If someone looked to my face , they will be confused of my expression. Is it Excitement? Worry? Joy? Sadness? Or something else?. I don't know, only the past me knows.


{Alt. titles: Cliif-chan strikes again}

Author's Additional Word Count!!

Yeeeep, a new champion, and a female at that.

Have a guess??

Ok, I will address a few things here. I will reduce the update frequency to 3 to 4 chapters a week, but if I have time I will release a few more.

Reason is that I am working on my requirements for my job, and I'm having less and less time for myself, but I promise that I will not drop this.

I'm also setting up my new computer set-up, as I'm having a hard time typing in my phone, I have a big fingers, and that caused more than few spelling mistakes and a lot more errors, and I will be having a very easy time to check for errors in the computer.

So have a nice day or a very good night to all of you.

Happy Reading(or not)

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