
A Student by Day, Soul Hunter by Night

Ray is a Soul Hunter , Hunting soul by night as he tries to live his normal life , but just for how long can he do that as the darkness continuously grows. Authors comment: There are elements of slice of life and horror mix in as I try to convey it in my story. Do leave a review and comments if you like my story.

Just_Rakin · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Soul Hunter

Every night, while most people are fast asleep, I go out and fight Soul creatures that threaten the safety of our world. It's something that I stumbled upon by accident when I was just a kid, and ever since then, I've been doing everything in my power to protect the innocent and keep our world safe.

But during the day, I try to live a normal life. I go to work or school, hang out with friends, and try to blend in with the rest of society. It's not easy, especially since I'm constantly worried about being discovered and the dangers that come with my secret life.

I don't tell anyone about it, not even my closest friends. Interestingly enough I am not the only hunter out there as there are others like me,there's a secret forum where people like me come together and share information about the Souls we've encountered and the best ways to defeat them. It's a tight-knit community of warriors, all fighting for the same cause. We also get pictures and videos from the public that have elements of this soul causing horror and terror uploaded into the forum , which is like the people running this forum know how to retrieve this information.

Sometimes, I wonder what my life would be like if I didn't have this burden on my shoulders. Would I be able to relax and enjoy my life like everyone else? But then I remember the Souls don't rest and the people can't defend themselves from them.

So I'll continue to keep my secret, even as the years go by and I'm no longer a student or a young adult. It's a lonely path, but it's one that I've chosen, and I know that I'm making a difference in the world, even if no one else knows about it.

I was just about to head out for my usual patrol when I saw my best friend Don jogging towards me. He waved and called out my name as he approached.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked as he came to a stop in front of me.

"Just going for a jog," he replied, panting slightly. "I heard about the wild animal attacks downtown, shit is getting wild lately."

I cursed under my breath. The attacks meant more danger for the city and more work for me. But at the same time, I couldn't let innocent people get hurt.

"Damn looks like I have to avoid that area while im walking around," I told Don, trying to keep my voice as normal as possible.

He nodded and gave me a concerned look. "Just be careful, okay? I know you like to go for walks at night, but it might not be safe right now."

I nodded, grateful for his concern. "I will, don't worry. I'll be careful."

He hesitated for a moment, as if he wanted to say something more, but then just nodded and jogged off down the street. I watched him go, feeling a mix of guilt and gratitude. Guilt for not being able to include him in my life as a monster hunter and gratitude for having such a loyal and understanding friend.

I pulled out my phone and opened the secret forum, a mysterious online community that seemed to appear out of nowhere on the phones of super human hunters like myself. No one knew who had created the forum or how it worked, but it was a lifesaver for those of us who were constantly on the lookout for monsters and other threats.

"Looks like we've got another Pontia attack on our hands," I muttered to myself as I scanned the recent posts.

Sure enough, there were several threads about attacks near Bedok Reservoir. I quickly read through the posts, trying to piece together what was happening.

"From what I can see, the attacks are becoming more frequent and more aggressive," I said, scrolling through the eyewitness reports. "And the bite marks on the drain corpses and the eyewitness reports all point to a Pontia."

I made a quick post on the forum, requesting any information on the location and behavior of Pontia. Almost immediately, I received a notification from the admin. I opened the message and read it to myself.

"We've received reports of a Pontia sighting in the Bedok Reservoir area. Be careful and keep an eye out for any suspicious activity."

I nodded to myself, determined to bring an end to these attacks and protect the innocent people of the city. I set off towards Bedok Reservoir, my senses on high alert.

I made my way through the city, leaping from building to building as I headed towards Bedok Reservoir. I had to be careful, as the Pontia was a cunning and dangerous opponent. I couldn't let my guard down for a moment.

As I landed on the roof of a tall building, two shadowy figures watched from the shadows. "Look at him go," one of them, a female voice, whispered to the other. "He's got a high review rating on the secret forum. Everyone says he's one of the best hunters out there."

"Yeah, he's good," the other replied, his eyes fixed on me. "But let's see how he deals with Pontia before we decide. Mr. Lee will want to be sure he's up to the task."

The female figure nodded in agreement. "You're right. It's one thing to take down small fry, but a Pontia is a different beast altogether. We'll see how he handles it."

"Let's hope he's willing to join us," the male figure said, a hint of concern in his voice. "Not everyone is eager to work with us, especially when they don't know who we are or what we do."

"I mean, he's a hunter like us," the female figure pointed out. "I'm sure he'll want to join. We could use someone with his skills and powers on our side."

I continued on my way, unaware of the shadowy figures or their plans for me. I had a job to do, and I couldn't let anything get in my way.