
A Sparking Relationship

Hassan_Salem_1181 · Hiện thực
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14 Chs

chapter 9

Chapter 9

The school cafeteria is where Lincoln is, sitting amongst his friends as they notice him just looking at his left over lasagna "Hey Lincoln you wanna trade for my Chicken sandwich" asks rusty "Huh?! What?! Oh sure thing rusty" he says as they trade they're lunches and then goes back to doing nothing "You seem quiet there buddy" says Clyde "Oh sorry about that guys, just got some stuff on my mind" he says "When you meant some stuff did you mean Girl Jordan?" Stella asks slyly making him blush "What?! No! I mean- uh…. Anyone wanna trade?!" he says nervously with his friends only looking at him with smug looks making him blush even more 'oh boy!' in his thoughts.

"Man you really have it good for that gal huh?" says Liam

"I bet you'd like to be her boyfriend?" says Zach

"You got my support there buddy" says Clyde

"If you want some dating tips, then I'm the guy for the job" says Rusty making everyone else groan

"Okay guys! You got me! I guess I do like her, a lot! And I don't need any dating advice rusty, I'm pretty sure I can handle that part" he says "Suit yourself man" says rusty "Oh don't listen to him Linc, you just gotta be you" says Stella "Wow you're suddenly sounding a lot like one of my sisters" he says jokingly as Stella giggles "I actually knew you liked her during gym, and I'm pretty sure she like you too" she explains making him a little confused "Are you sure?" he asks "it's pretty obvious, you two were hanging all weekend, you both were at the library earlier and both of you enjoyed playing dodge ball 'together!'" she explains again shocking the other guys "Wow nice comeback there Stella" says Zach "Guess girls know more about emotions than guys do" says Liam "Do you wanna trade advice?" asks Rusty as they all talk Lincoln just looks across the cafeteria and sees Jordan sitting with her friends 'time for operation ask girl Jordan out and not make a fool of myself and think of a shorter name for this operation into action… later' he says in his thoughts then notices her looking at his direction and is shocked as both lock view of each other 'she's looking at me' he says 'OMG he's actually looking at me' in her thoughts

She stays in that look until "Girl Jordan?" she turns to see Mollie was the one who called out to her "Wha-"she says "You still got your mind on this so called guy you haven't told us about" she asks jokingly along with Kat, Joy and Cookie, she gets nervous "Wait what?! How did you know?!" she asks shocked making the others confused "Wait you actually do have some guy on your mind?!" she says shocked as well "I was just messing with you, you actually have a crush on someone?!" she asks again with the other girls, nervous Jordan decides to give up "Well, yeah pretty much" she says while blushing making the others squeal in excitement "Girl you have tell us about him?!" asks Kat "How long have you had your eye on this guy?" Mollie says teasingly "I wanna know if he's not some jerk" says Joy making Jordan upset "He's not a jerk!" she says annoyed "He's a nice, caring, adorkable, passionate and selfless guy who does whatever it takes to see others happy… even if it means he has to get through his sisters" she says in a love struck tone, then realizes what she just said "OMG, Lincoln Loud!" Mollie says shocked "You like him?" asks Joy and Cookie, making her blush "Umm… Well… I…. Oh forget it yes I do like him, a lot!" she admits making the others shocked "Wow, that was unexpected!" says Nikki "The guy who made the whole Girl Guru Situation?" asks Mollie "Yeah that same Lincoln" she says expecting her friends to get upset but instead "When did you first get a crush on him?" "Does he know you like him?" "Have you ever thought of what your first date might be?" with so many questions coming at her "I sthis what Lincolns sisters are like" in her thoughts then decides "Okay Stop!" she yells (sort of not getting any attention from the other students) and then clears her throat "Okay let me explain to you girls when it all first started" she says as her friends are smiling with excitement and tells them everything that happened the past weekend making sure no detail was left unheard.

(Time skip after several hours after school)

Lincoln waits near his locker nervous and is joined by his friends "You got this buddy" says Clyde reassuring him "Don't freak out dude" says Zach "You're the man with the plan" says Liam then rusty tries to speak "If you still want advi-"and is cut off by Stella nudging him and then walks towards Lincoln "Just be brave, be yourself and no matter what happens, we got you're back" she says "Gee thanks Stella! You kind of remind me of my sister Luna!" he says shyly "She's the Rock n' Roll Guardian right?" she asks "Yup that the one" he answers "Look there she is" says Clyde as he points out to Girl Jordan who is walking towards them with her friends in tow 'this is it, the moment of truth' he says to himself As Jordan approaches "Hi Lincoln!" she says while blushing "Hey Gi- I mean Jordan" he says also blushing, making things awkward, to their friends they know what this means "Well we better get going, see you around buddy" says Clyde as he and the rest of the crew leave "Yeah were gonna bounce too, see you later Girl" says Mollie as she leaves with the others leaving the two young lovers alone in awkward silence as they both look down 'Okay come on you got this' they both speak in their own minds.

Then with deep breaths "I was wondering-"they both says in unison then stop "If you were-"repeating again this time with a slight chuckle "You should-""I mean" then silence as neither of them can speak without the other also speaking then Lincoln speaks up "Jordan" "Yeah" she says "I was wondering if you didn't have any plans this Friday?" he asks "I don't" she replies "Well I was wondering if you wanna hang out somewhere? You know together? Alone like a..." "Date!" she finishes she then covers her mouth and blushes even redder and so does Lincoln "Yeah like a date" he says "Sure! I'd love to" she says as the area around them is once again filled in awkward silence "So I'll see on Friday?" he asks as she giggles "We have three more days of school, so we'll be seeing each other a lot" she says in a nervous and yet joyful tone "Oh right" he says shyly "Well I should probably get going" he says "Yeah me too" she also says "Well see you later!" they say in unison and both just stare at each other blushing then walk down the hallway together and out the door as she goes in her mother's car and he walks home, they look back at each other and give one final wave as they are both looking forward for Friday, but to Lincoln he realizes 'Oh dang it, now how am I gonna keep this from my sisters' he says in his thoughts knowing this isn't gonna end well.

I hope this one turned out well, I know some of you didn't like how I made the last chapter so leave a review and tell me what you think.