
Chapter 576: Qyburn

The sudden onslaught of the Bloody Mummers came quickly, and it ended just as swiftly.

A girl with short black hair stood wide-eyed, her curved blade held high, as she watched these brutal thugs, faces contorted in fury as if driven by some deep-seated vendetta, battle each other to the death until every last one of them lay defeated.

All but one maester in grey robes, who, due to his inherent caution and a limp, found himself at the rear, managed to escape the massacre. The rest of the Bloody Mummers had inexplicably turned on each other, with none spared.

This fortunate grey-robed maester, having never witnessed such a scene, was paralyzed with fear, collapsing to the ground. Blood from the carnage splattered across his face. Trembling, he leaned against the wall, looking at the silver-haired youth by the campfire with terror, as if beholding a demon.

Asha Greyjoy looked on similarly, her gaze upon Viserys tinged with fear.


Everyone present was astute enough to realize that while the Bloody Mummers might be mad, they were not foolish. There was no reason for them to suddenly turn on each other.

Thus, the only plausible explanation was the influence of this enigmatic young dragon lord.

Rumors had spoken of the king's mastery over magic, and it now seemed those tales were more than mere whispers.

At that moment, a roar echoed from the sky beyond the Twin River City. Balerion had just bathed in the Green Fork and had feasted on fish and game.

With a thunderous impact, Balerion descended, the gust from his wings stirring the air. Noting the carnage around, steam billowed from his nostrils. Tilting his head in confusion, he turned to Viserys, wondering what had transpired during his brief absence.

The sight of the dragon's descent further petrified the grey-robed maester, who scurried to a corner, his face dusted with debris from the dragon's landing.

The silver-haired youth, Viserys, remained calm throughout. Dealing with such riffraff hardly warranted his direct intervention.

Stirring the campfire with a stick, he then discarded it and approached the trembling maester, intending to interrogate him.

In truth, Qyburn's survival was no accident. Viserys had deliberately spared him.

Not yet knowing the identity of these attackers, Viserys had simply eliminated them as they presented themselves. He hadn't initially intended to chase these bandits down, considering it a local noble's concern, but they had unwittingly courted their own doom.

As Viserys approached, Qyburn's face drained of all color. Falling to the ground, he begged, "Mercy, Your Grace! Mercy!"

"What is your name?" Viserys inquired.

"Qyburn! Your Grace, I am Qyburn!" The maester's head repeatedly met the ground in a fervent plea, blood smearing his forehead.

Effortlessly dispatching the Bloody Mummers was an unexpected move for Viserys. This renowned mercenary band seemed to crumble easily, their chapter ending silently within the Twin River City. Yet, the gains from this encounter were substantial.

Asha Greyjoy and some of the Ironborn had taken refuge in the Western Hills. They had considered returning to the Iron Islands after the White Walkers' retreat but found their ships damaged. With the onset of civil war and the Riverlands becoming a war zone, all major routes in the Westerlands were strictly sealed. The Ironborn dared not make a move, resorting to occasional raids.

Eventually, when an opportunity to return to the Iron Islands arose, they learned of Euron Greyjoy's takeover. Knowing her uncle, Asha decided against returning and continued to hide, waiting for a chance.

Meeting Viserys was that opportunity. Similarly, her presence was a significant boon for Viserys. Euron had made several requests to retrieve his nephew, Theon, but was consistently denied by Viserys, who recognized Theon as Euron's weakness. Asha held similar value.

Another significant acquisition was Qyburn, one of the most gifted healers in the realm of Ice and Fire. While his methods were unorthodox, their effectiveness was undeniable. Moreover, he had a diverse skill set, dabbling in magic and displaying a knack for innovation.

By dawn the next day, after a night's rest, Viserys embarked on his journey away from Twin River City, not heading to the Westerlands but directly to King's Landing.

Asha Greyjoy, granted permission to join the kingdom separate from her uncle, promptly returned to the mountains to gather the Ironborn loyal to her father. They then headed to King's Landing to assume their new roles.

As for Maester Qyburn, he followed Asha back to the mountains and then returned to King's Landing with the Ironborn, for Viserys had significant plans for him.

Viserys returned to King's Landing atop his mighty dragon.

King's Landing buzzed with activity. The Vale's submission was first relayed through the rivers, followed by the official raven messages. Rhaenys, riding her dragon, reached King's Landing before the Targaryen army, earning the moniker 'Dragon Queen' among the populace.

Daenerys, who had been left in charge of Pentos by Viserys, also made her way to King's Landing on dragonback. Alongside her was the Prime Minister, Jon Connington, and the Minister of Finance, Illyrio Mopatis, arriving by ship.

"Three dragons over King's Landing. When was the last time we witnessed such a spectacle?"

A middle-aged man with auburn hair, wearing the Hand of the King's pin, stood on the walls of the Red Keep, gazing over the city and the dragons overhead, lost in nostalgia.

"Actually, it's eight dragons, Lord Connington," remarked a bald eunuch, his hands tucked into his sleeves. "It feels like a return to our nation's zenith."

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