
Chapter 488: Desperate Turnaround


The internal strife within House Bylashin was exceptionally bloody, with nearly all the guards, nobles, and servants at Whispering Keep taking part.

Some even seized the chaos to steal gold and jewels, fleeing hastily, while the defenseless children, maids, and old women met a terrible fate. The sounds of fighting and cries were everywhere.

Thud, thud, thud—

The heir to Stonehelm, Donald Swen, was pierced by arrows, holding his bloodstained sword with a face full of disbelief.

He was the eldest son of Gulian Swen and the next Earl of Stonehelm, but he never expected to die in the internal conflict of House Bylashin.

Soon, Sir Donald's body lay in a pool of blood, trampled by both sides in the melee.

Elsewhere, the Onion Knight, Davos, with only one hand, struggled to kill a guard loyal to Lannice, only to be knocked down by a knight.



This knight was Sir Jon Wilder from Rain House of the Wilder family, now loyal to the Stormlands' liege, Lannice Bylashin.

He killed two of Stannis's guards, then targeted Davos Seaworth. Everyone who knew Stannis understood that the Onion Knight was his right-hand man.

Jon Wilder's armor was smeared with blood. He kicked Davos from behind and raised his sword to end the Onion Knight's life.

But Davos, tasting dirt and seeing this, scrambled in panic to pick up his fallen sword and block Jon Wilder's strike.


The swords collided with a ringing sound.

Davos rolled awkwardly on the ground, dodging Jon Wilder's attack once again.

Though an experienced smuggler, the Onion Knight was not a skilled swordsman.

From childhood, he had never been good at fighting, often beaten black and blue by others in Flea Bottom. But Davos had a way with words and loyalty, persuading a bunch of lads to help him, quickly striking back.

Many of the thieves, robbers, and grey forces in King's Landing were Davos's former partners.


The knight from the Wilder family continued to chase Davos, wanting to kill him. But in his frantic flight, Davos suddenly grabbed a handful of dirt and threw it in Jon Wilder's face.


The knight cursed in annoyance, his eyes blinded by the dust.

Davos seized the opportunity, thrusting his sword through Jon Wilder's chest.


The Onion Knight, holding his sword with one hand, killed the Wilder family's knight. He kicked the body to the ground, pulled out the sword, gasping for breath, and surveyed the battle around him.



The sounds of fighting were everywhere, but Stannis's side had no advantage.

Although Stannis had shaken some of Lannice's nobles with his words, there were still more loyal to the latter. After all, Lannice was the rightful Duke of Whispering Keep.

In the heart of the battlefield, the Bylashin brothers, Stannis and Lannice, engaged in a one-on-one duel.


Their swords collided without flourish, creating a piercing metallic sound that stood out in the chaotic battle.

"You are no match for me, Lannice," Stannis said, holding his sword steady and blocking Lannice's attack. Their swords locked, and his eyes fixed on his younger brother. "Surrender now, and I will spare your life."

But Lannice only scoffed, his training with Whispering Keep's master-at-arms making his swordsmanship decent, and his pride was at its peak.

"That's what I wanted to say to you, brother."

The younger Bylashin, wearing a golden stag helm, pushed forward, surprisingly forcing Stannis back several steps.

"Is that all you have, dear brother?" Lannice taunted, standing his ground.

Stannis's face darkened, his grip on the hilt tightening, his voice raspy.

He realized for the first time how formidable his once insignificant younger brother had become.

"If this were a real battlefield, you'd already be headless, Lannice," Stannis warned. "I'll tell you one last time: drop your weapon, kneel and surrender. I won't hold back again."

Lannice, of course, would not kneel. The talented young knight snorted and attacked his brother again.

"Words are useless!"

Clang, clang, clang—

The brothers engaged in an intense duel.

Lannice, systematically trained by Whispering Keep's master-at-arms and naturally talented, was indeed more flashy and sharp than Stannis.

He even pressured the veteran Stannis, who fought with straightforward and practical strikes.


Lannice's sword found an opportunity to cut Stannis's thigh, leaving a long wound.

Stannis's knee was already injured, and though it had healed, it still hindered him. The wound to his thigh exacerbated his disadvantage, and he staggered.

"Tired, dear brother?" Lannice teased.

He then kicked Stannis's sword away and struck the back of his injured knee, forcing Stannis to kneel with a painful grunt.

Lannice had the chance to kill Stannis but hesitated when the blade was at his brother's neck.

He realized that killing his brother would brand him a kinslayer, perhaps even more infamous than the Kingslayer, Jaime Lannister.

"Surrender, my brother," Lannice said, his voice softened by doubt, momentarily distracted by family ties over hatred.

But Stannis suddenly drew a dagger from an inconspicuous place at his waist and stabbed it into Lannice's chest.


Blood splattered.

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