
Chapter 190: Dinner

As dusk passed, night swiftly arrived.

The evening meal was still a Targaryen family feast.

Daenerys, whose hair and eyebrows had once been burned away by fire, had regrown her hair and thus removed the hat she had always worn on her head.

Now the girl had a head of soft silver-gold hair, giving her a dashing appearance.

She sat at the right side of the long table in the banquet hall, and across from her was her niece, Rhaenys Targaryen, four years older than her, although the girl was always forced to call Rhaenys "sister" under some kind of lewd threat.

Seated in the main spot at the dining table was Viserys, but his seat was empty at the moment, indicating that Viserys was late today. The brown-haired girl, resting one hand on her cheek, seemed somewhat sullen.

Soon, the sound of commotion came from outside the door, followed by a steady footstep.

"Your Grace."

The maid curtsied respectfully and then pushed open the door to the banquet hall. The young king strode in from outside.

Viserys had been busy with his official duties today.

He had stayed up late last night to finalize a plan that had been in the works for some time, producing a detailed proposal.

In the morning, he had dealt with the intelligence brought by Ramsay.

In the afternoon, he had convened a council meeting in his capacity as king. He had barely eaten any lunch, and his stomach had been growling all day.

"Hey, Rhaenys, Dany, I'm sorry I'm late."

Viserys hurriedly entered from the door and apologized to the two girls first.

He then draped his coat, which was hanging on his elbow, over the back of the chair, and a maid who was serving nearby quickly took it and helped the king arrange the garment on the coat rack.

"I'm starving, starving, let's eat quickly!"

The silver-haired little girl, who had been lying on the table, saw her brother finally arrive and quickly got up. Her eyebrows danced with joy, and she raised her knife and fork like cheering.

She had been hungry for a while.

However, they always had a small rule: the family must be complete before they could eat, except when someone was away.


For some reason, the brown-haired girl on the other side of the table snorted coldly, seemingly expressing some dissatisfaction.

The girl's black eyes swept over Daenerys, who was holding her knife and fork, and she spoke with a stiff tone.

"Dany, haven't I told you that knives and forks are not toys?"

"They shouldn't be touched except during meals."

Although Rhaenys was usually carefree and lighthearted, her serious reprimands still had some deterrent effect, especially for Daenerys, who had been raised by her since childhood.

The silver-haired girl immediately shrank her neck, and her eyebrows ceased to dance. She quickly put down her knife and fork.

However, her mouth still mumbled unwillingly.

"But... but we're eating now, aren't we?"

Daenerys then saw the brown-haired girl's face darken, and the glint in her eyes grew increasingly dangerous.

She decisively raised her hand to cover her mouth and gestured with her finger, promising that she would not speak again.

Only then did Rhaenys withdraw her gaze.


Viserys, who had just taken off his coat and stood by his chair, watched the scene with a slight daze, apparently not understanding what had happened.

The silver-haired young man then pulled out his chair, and sat down, pulling the chair closer to the table.

"What's going on?"

"Who has angered our respected Princess Rhaenys?"

Viserys was somewhat puzzled.

Usually, Rhaenys was an extremely optimistic girl, even carefree, living a worry-free life since childhood, especially within this castle...

Who would dare to bully her besides himself?


However, as he thought about it, the silver-haired young man paused abruptly.

"Hmph, no one!"

Rhaenys responded to Viserys' question with a soft huff, firmly denying it. Then, with a gloomy face, she stared into Viserys' eyes and emphasized again, word by word.

"No! One! Did! Any! Thing!"


Viserys felt a little uneasy under the girl's gaze, but he didn't know what had happened specifically or when he had offended the little demon in his family.

Subsequently, the young king, who had been commanding outside, took a deep breath and was about to say something.


But he was rudely interrupted by the brown-haired girl.

"Let's eat first."

Having said that, Rhaenys began eating her dinner by herself.

Viserys glanced at Daenerys on the other side, who also seemed clueless about what had happened.

Rhaenys' mood today...seemed a bit irritable?

Then, the silver-haired little girl felt a scorching gaze fiercely slashing across her cheek, making her shiver involuntarily. She quickly picked up her knife and fork to taste today's dinner.

Today's Targaryen family dinner was relatively sumptuous.

A honey-roasted chicken, a plate of grilled sausages, bread, lettuce leaves, meat soup, and boiled eggs.

Since they still needed to grow, Viserys encouraged the girls to eat more milk and eggs to supplement their protein intake.

Today's dinner atmosphere was eerily silent.

Viserys signaled to the servants nearby, allowing them to leave first. Soon, only the Targaryen-blooded family remained in the room.

Viserys carefully used a fork to stab a piece of chicken and was about to move it to his plate when it was intercepted by another fork.

The sound of metal clashing echoed as the chicken piece on Viserys' fork was knocked off. The other fork quickly snatched the chicken Viserys had his eye on and stuffed it into its owner's mouth.

Viserys stared at his empty fork, dumbfounded for a few seconds.

He then turned to look at the gloomy-faced girl, chewing the chicken forcefully. Her cheeks bulging from the chicken made it seem like she was chewing Viserys' flesh...

With force.

Viserys took a deep breath, didn't speak, and continued to search for his next 'prey' on his plate.

However, at that moment...


The silent room echoed with the sound of a knife and fork striking the plate.

Daenerys was eating her dinner with her head down, almost burying her face in the plate, not daring to look up for fear of accidentally angering the furious tigress.

Viserys finally realized that the girl was trying to create a presence by making noise, hoping he would speak first.

However, before Viserys could speak, the girl chewing on the roast chicken while frowning locked her gaze on him.

She then took the initiative to speak.

"Viserys, I heard... a Dornish princess is coming?"

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