
A Soldiers Life

For all the glory and recognition I wanted, for all the training I did to make it happen, and for the war it took for it to be achieved. It did not help me prepare for what is to happen. "Where the hell am I?" PS. English is not my main language. Hopefully you wont have stroke reading the fic.

Zaylent · Tranh châm biếm
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27 Chs

Chapter 22: Is It Spring For Jim?

We were walking down the hallway, occasionally meeting this walking dead that I cleave effectively putting them to rest. But to call them dead in that state is somewhat false and true, I still get the euphoric feeling I feel when I kill someone living but they're also dead because I can't tell if theirs a cure or not.

I doubt theirs a cure at the moment or this things will not cause and outbreak if so, I hope this is only happening here in Japan and not the whole world if not, my family is in trouble. I need to go the nearest airport and go back home and check on Mack and the others.

For now, lets focus on getting out here alive.

"If I may ask Jimmy san, are you a soldier?" Saeko asked as she pushed the undead using the other end of her wooden sword.

'Heeeh, she resorted to just pushing them than bashing their heads to not slow us down. Smart.' I thought as I cleave another undead using the machete. I can just cut this bastards up instead of pushing them because I am a whole lot stronger than an ordinary human thanks to the last slaughter I did, so its just a walk in the park for me to cut them up.

"Jimmy or Jim is fine and yeah, I am a U.S. soldier." I replied as I cleave another one.

Saeko widen her eyes for a little bit but returned to the neutral expression she's wearing. "U.S.? Then what are you doing at the other side of the world here in Japan?"

"We were helping another country because of a local group of communist wants to take over, we were then sent to Ia Drang to neutralize the people who attacked one of our camps but one wrong move led us to an ambush, killing most of my friends." I said with gritted teeth, I was still pretty angry at that Lieutenant but my anger and fury will not bring them back. "Mack and Tom were heavily injured when the last time I saw them, I don't even know if they're alive or not. After that whole shit fare, I woke up here."

'I'll probably keep the real reason how I arrived here because no one will ever believe me.' I thought.

"Ah, sorry about that." Saeko said trying to comfort of my loss. But I need no comfort, I already accepted it that my buddies are dead. Then I turned to the blonde girl and ask. "Shizuka right? I take it your the one who saved me, I thank you for that."

I bowed a little show how much thankful I am, always be thankful to those who help you, that's what my mother teach when I was a child.

'Ma, Pops and Emi, I miss them'

"Ah, don't worry about that cutie-kun. Cutie-kun was bleeding so I help Cutie-kun~." She said in a rather alluring voice.

I shook my head and give her a wry smile. "Jimmy is fine and for helping me I'll get you out of here in return."


What a carefree woman. I thought while smiling a little. 

I think for a bit and said. "If were getting out of here, we need some kind of transportation. Do you have a car Shizuka?"

"Hmm~, in the staffroom, that's where our car keys are."

I nodded. "Lets go." I was about to lead the way when something struck my mind.

Seeing me stopped on track, Shizuka couldn't help but ask. "What's the matter, Jimmy-chan?"

I slowly turned towards them and voiced out my trouble. "I don't know where the staffroom are."

"Hmmm? We thought you know where are we going, Jimmy san." Saeko said with a little, almost nonexistent grin.

I couldn't help but be embarrassed a little. "Sh-Shut up, I was just walking to where my instinct will guide me, I don't even know the layout of the school, so don't judg-" 


A scream interrupted me as I turned to where the direction of the scream were. Judging by the intensity of the scream, it was pretty close.

"And I must say Jimmy san, your instinct are really spot on. That's where the staffroom is." Saeko said as she rushed on ahead. While I and Shizuka decided to just take a leisure walk, primarily because I still wasn't in an optimal condition where I can run because of my still fresh wounds. While I was musing, a startled scream caught me off guard as I glanced to where Shizuka was.

She was about to fall because she was tripped by a mat but with my quick reflexes I caught her before she fall.

I pulled her in my embrace as I hold her firmly in her waist, unintentionally shortening the distance between our face. She let out a bright red hue blush that I found really cute so I couldn't help but tease her a little. 

I teased her playfully with a little smirk playing in my lips. "I must say for having a mature body, your really clumsy Shizuka~."

"Puehh~? Cu-cutie kun? T-too close~" She muttered and closed her eyes. I smiled a little, this woman is really cute.

I fixed her up a little making her stand up as I slowly rip the side of her skirt making her stammered as she nervously hold my hands. "Wh-what are you doing Cutie kun??"

"Such skirt isn't suitable for running, we can't have you tripping while scaping right?" I said as I gently rip her skirt up to her waist, revealing more and more of her beautiful legs.

'Violet lace. Neat.'

"Now that's all done, lets keep moving." I said as we follow the direction were Saeko run off to.


After a few minutes of leisurely walking, we came across Saeko and another group of students. They seemed to have just finished exterminating the undead as they where introducing each other. 

Saeko step up and introduce herself. "We are all acquainted with Shizuka sensei right? I am Busujima Saeko of 3-A."

"I am Komuro Takashi from 2-B." A black haired teen holding a bat replied.

An orange haired girl who was comforting another girl with pinked hair chimed in. "Your the same Busujima-sempai who won the national championship last year? I am in the Sojutsu Club. My name is Miyamoto Rei."

"I'm Hirano Kouta from B." Said a fatso, lightly scratching his head.

Now that they're all done introducing each other, I think its time to introduce myself as well.

"Heeeh Saeko, you sure do run fast." I said as me and Shizuka approach the group, the others were alarmed by my sudden appearance but seeing Shizuka with me they calm down a little bit, the fatso though is looking at me with shining eyes that it almost creep me out a bit.

Saeko seeing us, lightly smiled as she replied. "With the nature of your job, I expected you to be faster than this Jimmy san." 

"Well sorry about that, I cant have my wounds opening up y'know." I retorted, does she not know how its still painful?

"Wounds? I thought you only have superficial wound on your arms? Is there more?" She asked, so she doesn't know after all.

"Well Saeko chan, Jimmy chan is in a world of hurt you know~. He looks like a mummy when I bandaged him up earlier. I am still surprised his still alive and able to walk at this point~." Shizuka said with a hint of worried in her tone.

Saeko looked shocked as she looked at me. "Then you need to rest Jimmy san. And your still carrying that bag and that radio, I'm sure they're heavy and straining you, give it to me I'll carry it." She said with a stern voice.

"I appreciate your concern but I am fine, a good night sleep will heal this wounds." I denied her help while turning to the rest of the people who have been watching us. "Nice to meet ya, I'm Jimmy James Jackson by the way." 



"What the.... your all too soft!" The pink haired girl who was crying earlier interrupted us. "Sempai? Seriously? Your all the same age. You must not know how to count since you got held back a year!"

"Hey now, Takagi..."

Takashi, the one with the bat, tried to chastise the girl but she just lash out even more. "Don't treat me like I'm stupid! I'm a genius! I can do anything once I put my mind into it!"

This isn't good, the girls having a breakdown. I need to stop it. 

I approached her as I lightly flick a finger at his forehead. "Shut up brat, don't let the fear get trough you, panicking wont do us any good and you cannot do everything by yourself, no man is an island, remember that."

But this did not put a stop to this and she is still panicking. "Shut up!! Who are you to told me that! You are not my mom or dad!"

This put a tick mark to my forehead as I flick again her forehead but this time I put more power. 

"Ouchh! Y-you-"

"Your right I am nothing to you but here I am, lending a helping hand. You should be thankful some people wants to help, others are not so don't push them away. I interrupted her, she widened her eyes a little and was about to talk but I continued. "If you really are afraid and not certain for what you'll do with fear crawling up on you, just recite this.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: because I am the biggest, baddest, meanest motherfucker in the valley."

"Now, say it." 

"Who would say such a stup-"

"Say it." I pressed on.

"HEY Y-"

"Say it."

"Y-yea, though I w-walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: because I am the biggest, baddest, meanest motherfucker in the valley! There! Happy??"

I nodded. "Good, every time you feel afraid just say those lines and you'll be fine. Now, lets go to the staffroom."

'I'm too old for this shit!'