
A Serpent's Rise

After passing away I found myself reborn as a snake in a mystical world without any system or cheat abilities. This world is filled with monsters and to survive and make a place for myself in this monstrous foodchain I must become a monster myself.

Drakonos_Drake · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs


Darkness and dampness, these were the only things that came to mind, a few moments ago I was hit by a truck and now im stuck in this confined dark and damp place without being able to feel any of my limbs.

I tried to move and could feel the cage that was surrounding me was being pushed back so I increased my struggle and with one final push I broke out.

Again I was met with darkness but this time I could see better. I looked around and saw the place I was in was littered with egg shells and then a strong smell of egg yolk hit my nose.

I was taken aback for a good 10-15 mins before coming to my senses. Its clear that I have been reborn, I started to look around again as all the egg shells seem already hatched and eventually found a baby snake sticking out of an egg sac. It was dead as it seems it was to weak and while trying to break free from the egg shell it exhausted itself and died.

It clear that im no longer a human but a newly hatched snake and I have reached a conclusion that i'm a king cobra by looking at the skin patterns of the dead snake.

Fro another 15 minutes I stood still and called out in my mind for a system or some sort of ability like all the othe isekaid protagonist do but alas all I was met with was silence.

I was angry for a while but soon calmed down as there was no point of complaining as this is not a game but real life and all I have is my human intelligence. There is probably no way of going back to my previous life as my body would have already been cremated so I must learn to live like this but atleast I won't have to pay taxes anymore. [ :D ]

I struggled to climb out of my shell after after fully leaving my shell I analyzed myself. King cobras have one of the best eyesight among all the snakes so I didn't have much trouble with vision, I have Darkness brownish scales and my body is almost 34 cm long.

For the next two hours I started experimenting with my body to get used to the new way of movement after that I headed towards the dead snake and open my mouth and began swallowing the dead snake along with its shell. My lower jaw detached and my fangs helped me swallow my sibling whole by pushing it down my throat and after 30 mins I was done.

I am no longer a human so why should I even bother with human morals, its common sense that in nature its always the survival of the fittest and in modern times human basically domesticated themselves. If morals won't help me survive then I don't need them.

Baby snake are born with energy reserves that can help them last for a few weeks and by eating my already dead sibling I can probably go without eating for almost a month and a half. There is no point of staying in this nest as the smell of yolk will attract predator and im basically a noodle for larger animals.

I started moving but soon found it difficult as it seems to have skipped my mind that I has just eaten and its difficult to move around with a swollen belly. First day of being reborn and I already made a stupid mistake, I can throw up my sibling but it would waste more time.

I finally decided to went deeper in the nest and in the deepest part of the nest I wiggled my body to cover myself with dirt to cover my scent. After fully submerging myself in dirt I was basically invisible so if any predator stumbled on the nest it'll probably miss me.

Snake don't have eyelids so this iris shrinks while they are sleeping so even while sleeping they look like they're awake. There is nothing left for me to do except wait for the meal to digest so I went to sleep.

[ A month later ]

I woke up from my slumber and finally exited my dirt hideout my meal has been fully digested. I checked the nest throughly and found there was no breakin, the smell of egg yolk has also gone so I think I can use this readymade nest as my home. Then I soon found my vision getting blurry it confused me for a while then I cam to a realization that I was shedding. Young snakes don't have much problem with shedding so after rolling around the floor a bit I finally shed my old skin and after shedding the transparent scales on my eyes my vision returned back to normal.

I have grown to a length of 0.5 meters, I exited the nest to get a look at my surrounding environment and it seems it was night time and a blurry sight of 2 moons greeted me. I can't look more then 100 meters away but the moons were so bright that i could still catch a glimpse. Its clear im not on earth but alas all I can do is accept my new circumstances and keep moving forward. My nest is surrounded by lush vegetation I flicked my forked tongue to taste the air and caught a scent of an animal close to my nest. This surprised me and I tried to look around but found nothing.

Suddenly I picked my vibrations very close to my nest since snake can't heat very well and rely on vibrations and smell to asses their surroundings. My head immediately pointed towards the direction of a flowery bush which I had never seen before and flared my tiny hood. Then I could slight trace some heat signatures of a small animal as my thermal vision kicked in.

My gut was telling me that this creature is prey, Although I can probably go on without eating for another 15 days but I don't know when i'll find next prey, so I slowing crawled towards the small creature.

I finally saw the creature properly, it was a rat with pure white hair and red eyes. It didn't noticed me yet so I kept crawling closer towards it. The rat was muching on some yewlloish flowers without a care in the world until its world went dark. My fangs injected a little dose of my highly potent venom and the rat quickly succomed.

After finishing swallowing I crawled towards my nest to digest my meal. It dangerous for a small snake like me to hang out in plane sight so I have decided i'll only leave to hunt and rest of the time I can spend sleeping and growing.

My nest is humid and warm so I don't need to sun bathe to maintain body temperature. Although I haven't encountered any dangerous threat but its clear to me that im just a snack for any larger predator just like that small rat was for me.

I finally relaxed and went to sleep once more inside the safety of my nest.

I was bored so I started this novel, english isn't my first language so forgive me for some errors.

Some points to remember: -

Mc will be cold and will do whatever he wants to survived.

No op things, mc will grow slowly.

A lot of time skips will be there.

I only write for fun and if you like this little work of mine that was born out of sheer boredom feel free to support it.

Drakonos_Drakecreators' thoughts