
A rupture across the world

Humans are fragile creatures. All of humanity is. All that exists is. To be trapped within a mortal body is inadequate for existence. They die with time, with hunger, with pain. Yet, they persist. Through situations not meant for existence, against entities that surpass mortal boundaries.


It appeared arbitrarily across the world. No one realised it at first, but the implications of its existence would soon become impossible to ignore.

It polluted the open spaces, the hills and mountains, the oceans and through the roads and streets. It seeped in through the open doors, the shattered windows and the cracks in the walls.

You needn't inhale it, yet it was impossible to see.

The moment you are within their reach, they strike where you are weak.

One moment the roads are busy with the horns of cars and the chattering of busy workers. One moment, the children ran playfully across the open fields.

Next, all the vehicles are suddenly still. Everyone swings around nauseously. The cars ram into the poles and slide over the bodies. Amidst the confusion, the sky turns darker. The tall glass buildings seem to stretch out into the sky and become the pillars that hold up the heavens.

And blood.

Bloodshed changed into bloodbath.

It killed indiscriminately. Not your age, gender or species. A light feeling of popping - a faint rupture within your soul. Your mouth would pour out crimson. Slowly, you fade into the darkness. You lose your ability to sense.

Slowly, the entire world will die.

Slowly, the green fields are dyed red.

Slowly, the turbulence fades,

and only quiet is left.

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