
Elder Black

Young Owen enters the temple carrying a heap of cloth. Muddy boots dangle from the heap of cloth. "Young Master, you know the laws against beggars." I pinch the bridge of my nose and shake my head gently. This isn't the first time Owen has tried to help a beggar. "She swore she wasn't a beggar, before she passed out. She's banged up pretty bad. Narsh sent Flem ahead of us, the healers should know we are coming." He responds with an apologetic voice.

"Yes he ran through here in hurry, without a word to me." I motion in the direction of the healers corridor of the temple. Owen doesn't hesitate to rush past me. I decide to follow to see who he deems important enough for the healers. This boy has a big heart. It will get him in trouble one day.

We round the corner into the healers main sanctuary. I hear Flem talking to the head healer Reace. "She claims to be the princess Reace. Could she really be her?!" I stop suddenly in shock. Even though I knew she'd be here soon, I didn't expect her here yet. She was supposed to be escorted by her guardians and this girl was alone as well. After years of waiting it still is shocking. I rush forward as Owen gently lays the girl on the medical slab. The healers unwrap the cloak from her. Her hair is a horrible mess of dirt and twigs and leaves. Her skin is also caked in dirt. Her dress is the same color as the dirt on her skin and is torn to shreds, revealing her legs to the knees. There is also a few small tears revealing her stomach and small tears revealing a small portion of her hip. A very embarrassing situation for a young woman. I clear my throat and look at Owen who is staring down at her injured hands and legs. His face shows no sign of anything but concern. "Young Master it is not proper for you to view this young women in these circumstances, especially if she turns out to be the princess." Owen's head shoots up as his cheeks turn red and realizes the extent of the damage to her dress. He turns and stares at me. "Flem, Narsh and I saved her from some bandits, they were uhh..." he scratches his head uncomfortable with what he's trying to say. " from.."

"From being taken advantage of. There were four of them. She was screaming and trying to fight them off Elder Black." Flem came to Owen's rescue. Poor girl, princess or not she doesn't deserve to be treated like that. Owen looks relieved then asks "She didnt seem to be injured bad enough to have passed out. We thought she was fine. I suppose the bandits did more damage then we knew." Owen admits as his face turns to a look of guilt. "Do you think she could be the princess Elder Black?" I look him in the eyes without faltering. "I will find out who she is, now go." Owen accepts my answer then turns and leaves. "Flem, you shouldn't be here either." He takes one more look at her and leaves. The concern on his face evident. They both feel guilty. They must have been giving her a hard time when she passed out. There is only two ways to know if she is who she claims she is. There is tomorrow at the ceremony, then we will see if and when she receives the gifts. I can't wait that long though. So moving on to the second choice.

The Healers start to undress her. Her body is covered in bruises and cuts. Her hands are in a painful condition. They examine her then place her in the healing spirit waters. Her face automatically starts to relax as the waters start glowing. The healers start bathing her. One is brushing her hair clean while the rest have the glowing spirit water floating around their hands as they focus on her more serious wounds. She really is in bad shape.

It will take a while for the healing to finish. I'll return to my study and send scouts to investigate the bodies of the so called bandits, to see if that helps shed light on who she could be sooner than tomorrow. I must also send a message to Owen to bring his father here.


The scouts have returned and are announced. I sit as they walk in. "Elder Black," they bow respectfully. Their leader Leon steps forward. "We found the scene of the attack against the girl. One was still alive and we were able to get information from him before he parted from this world. They were men of the Mountain Clan, trained from childhood to hunt and kill the princess. apparently they had been trailing the princess from her farm to the moment the fight happened. They found her 5 days ago and because of the guardians she escaped when they had planned on attacking. He said that one guardian they killed at the farm when the girl escaped and the other they killed two days ago."

So the chances of her actually being the princess is high. Thank goodness Owen found her when he did, before she was tainted. "Thank you general. Speak to no one of what you and your men found. She must be kept hidden and safe until after the ceremony if she is the princess. You are dismissed". General Leon bows and leaves.

The Healers had moved her to a room now, I will go check on her improvement. As I walk into the room I'm taken aback at her stunning beauty. Even with a few small bruises on her face and arms she is beautiful. Her hair is the same color as the Queens and Princes. She is modestly covered by a white sheet. Reace is standing with his back to me tending to her arm. "She should be waking up soon. She was severely dehydrated and hungry. She had a couple cracked ribs along with a sprained wrist." Reace says without looking up from his work.

"If she was so injured why did she act fine!?" Owen's voice booms from behind me. I turn to look at him, the guilt written all over his face. Reace without looking responds. "It was probably the adrenaline keeping her going. once she reached the palace town she must have felt like she reached her destination and so she began to relax which caused her to succumb to her wounds." Owen looks thoughtfully at her, if I'd known I'd have escorted her here sooner."

"Oh Master Owen, it wouldn't have mattered. you did good bringing here here when you did." Reace comforts Owen.

"Owen, why are you here?" He finally looks away from the girl and to me. "My father, I brought him for you as you asked." He then stepped aside and in stepped Chava, A big burly man, with long grey hair. Chava bowed and then entered the room. making it look small compared to his size. He glanced at the girl then turned his attention to me. "Elder Black."

"Chava, it's been awhile since we last met. Thank you for coming." He nods to me " It has been awhile Elder black. What can I do for you? " I look to the girl then to him."When the girl wakes I need you to find out if she is the princess. you were close to her father and escorted her to her guardians, so you will be able to ask her things only the princess would know."

He stares at me for a second then nods and sits in the chair by her bed. "I will do my best. Owen you may leave and return to your duties." Owen leaves without hesitation. After Owen is long gone Chava speaks. "Why is it so important for you to find out who she is now, when tomorrow morning you'll know. Patience is all you need." Reace suddenly speaks up. "She will wake up soon, we shall leave to prepare her a meal she's bound to be starving." I give Reace a smile of gratitude as he bows. He knows I cant answer honestly in front of his assistant healers. They all file out of the room. "It has to do with the Queen doesn't it?" He says it more as a statement then question.

I look at him and sigh. He always sees through me. "Oh Black! Why are you doing this. If the other Elders find out-"

"They won't find out. Rena loves her daughter. She deserves to say a proper goodbye and get the chance to see her grown, and to give the advice a mother can before her daughters wedding. If she is the princess than Rena will secretly come here in disguise and secretly meet with her. Nobody will know." I look at Chava with a pleading look. He looks at the girl then to me. "Fine, I will help, and I won't tell anyone."

"Thank you old friend." I nod my head at him. I look at the girl and sigh. Her hands begin to twitch. The Room starts glowing brightly. This isn't can't be right! What is happening!? She sits up suddenly in her bed. "Everything burns! Why!? Help me?! Please?!" she pleads as tears fall from her face and her skin begins to Glow.