
A prisoner of love

Love is the most difficult thing to understand. You don't know what someone wants , what is in their minds and heart but it's end can be happy or painful A prisoner of love, is a story about a girl,.Gloria who fell in love with her best friend through alcohol and spending time together. They were never the perfect find. Will their ending be a happy one or not ?

Royal_gloria · Thanh xuân
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2 Chs

1. The beginning of the End

Everything that has a beginning has an end no matter how beautiful it was or we thought it was. So before anything else let me start with the end , where I apologize to myself for the beginning of the end.

Dear self ,

I can't really tell how sorry I am for what I put you through. The pain , the torture , enslavement, all this for love . Somethings were never worth it at times , but I am grateful we learnt our lessons the hard way hoping we will never repeat similar mistakes again. Some apologies will never mean anything when someone did something and intentionally hurt you , because of their narcissistic nature. Even when it's difficult I hope we find closure to somethings even when they are the best thing that ever happened to us . At least it was real to us , even though we got mistreated , hurt and dead on the inside. It is time to get closure and move on , it seems it was never meant to be . So dear self, it is time to do what we are afraid of , Moving on .


Can't really recall the date , but she can clearly recall how it all began. One usual evening, Gloria was winding up her at a law firm where she was an intern. She was supposed to meet up with her best friend Diana who had also began her internship in a law firm within the same area and John ,who was a classmate and friend at that time .

As she walked out of the office she called Diana first . As the phone rang she pressed on the elevator.

Babygirl , where you at? She asked as she stepped into the elevator and admired herself on the mirror as she was the only one in there.

I've been waiting for you at the entrance of your building for the last five minutes , Diana said .

Oops! Here I come . Gloria hanged up and called John who picked up the call immediately. Where you at ? Without hesitations , he asked angrily.

Jesus Christ I'm on my way , where are you at ?

I'm a cross your street, he said and proceeded to tell her she had given her two minutes and if she didn't show up he'd go .

Doing! The elevator sound went once she got to the ground floor and it opened , she hurriedly walked to her friend.

Hello , she hugged her and they walked towards John . All three had been good friends since their first year in college . They were happy to see him since it had been a long holiday of not seeing each other.

Hey, it's been a while you've grown big , Gloria said to him as they walked away .

Don't even pull that card on me, I have been waiting for you like a whole century . You're boring.

I agree , you're very slow, Diana added.

I'm sorry guys , as she laughed I had alot of work in the office. You know when you're an intern this guy's tend to overwork you .

I'd say misuse , overwork is an understatement, Diana interjected. They walked to one of the open liquor stores conversing about their holiday , how they had missed each other and how happy they were to be in their senior year. Soon they were going into the real world , where they had to hustle on their own , get jobs and stop depending on their parents for money .

Even as the walked into the liquor store , Diana never used to drink but she was always there to protect her friend when she was drank. Gloria was difficult and a pain in the ass when once she was drank .

Hi! can we get our poison , he told the bartender. They took it and sat by the counter , the tender handed them glasses and with a smile on his face he asked whether they were sure that's what they really wanted.

Both laughing as Diana smiled , John said as he opened the bottle of liquor 'All we need is deliverance, remember us in your prayers ," looking at Diana who was alcohol intolerant.

Just have fun you're young , whenever they went out drinking she would tell them that . Was she not young as well ?? Then why did she not drink like her friends ?? Anyway that is a story for another day.

They spent that evening drinking and when it was time to go home , they walked together but since Diana wasn't drank , she couldn't keep up with their pace. She was on the phone and these other to were talking and Gloria in her drank state ended up doing one of the biggest mistakes of her life , something that she didn't know she would regret for the rest of her senior year .

' Days ago I went to the law firm where Mike is an Intern , they had a small party , I invited Mary and her friends ,I never wanted to go alone. Basically because for a long time Mike has wanted to smash me. Anyway that's besides the story, after getting drank , I made out with their boss '

' What!' John exclaimed ' you did not '

That's not the major part , the major is that we made out in their officw washrooms , and we went with him to his house. Also Diana told me that they tried to force me to go with them but I insisted to go with the boss because he was handsome

Laughing, he said eish! Glo you're such a bomb!

Don't say that , it's not like I'm even proud of what I did , if only I could time travel. Anyways you can't blame me , it was the Alcohol, she said .

' But you woke up in the morning and did it again ? You were sober .' he said

' Leave me alone ,' she said as John broke into laughter.

They stood to wait for Diana , 'can you hurry up' shouted Gloria .

' You look good with the nose ring, he complemented her. Gloria appreciated smilingly and Diana caught up with them and they walked away