
People Behind This

Maverick knew that Sarah's death was not an accident.

The police had officially announced that Sarah had not committed suicide. Someone killed her.

Since it was a homicide, all the people she had contacted before death were suspicious.

Names on the contact list included the Kahls, Jayden, and ... Everly.

The timing for Sarah's death indicated that Everly was the most suspicious if it was indeed a homicide.

She was the one with the motive to kill.

Fortunately, after the forensic examination, the time of Sarah's death was confirmed, of which Everly had evidence of her absence.

Recently, her eyes had been injured. In addition, Parrish had received an operation. The Farleys had frequently gone to the hospital, where they were all monitored and shot by the surveillance camera. At the time Sarah was killed, Everly was in the hospital.

After the police confirmed that Everly's alibi was valid, they soon stopped targeting her.