
Chapter 3: I Swear I Dont Stare At Jimin

Time Skip (at home)

We got home and started doing homework, but like our high school days, we decided to take a "break" and just talk.

  "So what's up with you y/n I haven't heard a single thing about your class," Jasmen asked laying down with her phone muzzled in her face.

    "Long story beastie, so I get to class turns out I'm with the 7 idiots that ruined my day you know this, but one of them, the little short angry looking one, stole my phone and put his line ID in it so then he decided to claim me as his, brought me chocolates and candy, and the vampire looking boy who's name is Jimin btw for some reason has some kind of attraction toward me, and I got recruited to join their stupid gang" Jasmen overcame by the information dropped her phone on her face then awkwardly collects herself.

    "What the fuck y/n that's a whole k-drama in two days, oh you gave me a headache I don't think I can even look at work anymore" she starts rubbing her temple as she grabs her things and leaves, when she closed the door she yelled something through the house.

    "Thanks for fucking my night up" I just know she's sticking up the middle finger in there. That's how our relationship works, it's not the normal friendship but one of the awkward twists and turns yet, In the end, we have each other back and that's the best part about it. With that happening, I almost got lost in a complete daydream until my phone starts lighting up.

Yoongi: Jordan

Jordan: meow meow

Yoongi: I'll kill you

Jordan: oh please

Yoongi: sure then let's play that way

Jordan: I don't know what you're talking about 🙄

Yoongi: yeah whatever

Yoongi: anyways don't talk to Jimin

Jordan: I don't think that's possible I do have to do a project with him remember😂

Yoongi: outside of my sight don't talk to him, don't touch his body, and stop staring at him


Jordan: whatever forget it

Jordan: and don't give me rules we aren't together 😑

Yoongi: not yet at least

Jordan: pft sure goodnight

Yoongi: see you're already giving me goodnight messages

Jordan: you're now ignored

I click out of his conversation and jimin almost instantly starts texting me.

Jimin: hey Jordan 😏

Jordan: yes Jimin

Jimin: so about this project when do want to make some magic?

Jordan: If by magic you mean project then let's do it Saturday since you're dating into my house anyways.

Jimin: awe don't think of it like that

Jimin: think of it as seeing my sexy body for one more day 🔥😏

Jordan: you got to be Fucking kidding me

Jimin: hey you're beautiful, I'm beautiful, boom we're made for each other.

Jordan: I think it's time for you to go to sleep before I kick you in the ass

Jimin: rough... I like it.

(Jordan sent a meme of Hyungwon from Monsta X making a wtf face.)

I throw my phone to the side on its little charging pad then roll over to my side and also my late night thinking position.

"What have I gotten myself into? It's the second day and all this has happened I wonder what's gonna happen on my third week, or third month but I guess I can be a little happy that I didn't get a boring class. Oh and how dare they think I stare at jimin, I mean sometimes when I look over to his desk the suns perfectly shining on his very light tan skin giving off the most amazing reflection... you know what I don't remember looking away from him though... oh crap I really do be staring at him!" I think to myself.

The thought of me losing myself in that mans good looks actually scares me a little bit because he's flirty and I have to work with him until December, yeah that could be a lot of drama, I mean what if I fall for him? and little meow meow finds out, Wait I don't go out with him so I can do whatever I want. I turn around still contemplating things, then Jasmen pushes my door in.

"Are you contemplating life again?" she squints like a mother would her child who's in trouble. She startled me a little and I kinda jumped up.

"How the hell did you know I was thinking?" I'm otherworldly confused. She walks through the threshold of my door.

"Cause I smell it all the way in my room, it's just *she takes in a long breath* funky" she starts fanning her hand everywhere like there was a fly she's trying to kill.

"What I don't smell any... *sniff* *sniff* GOT DAMN IT JASMEN THAT FUCKING STINKS!" She runs out the room laughing down the hallway back into hers before I could reach my door, I heard the door lock so I quit pursuing her. I swear sometimes I forget that we're friends because we act so much like siblings.

**time skip(back in class)**

Somehow my night flew by faster than I could've ever thought and I'm back in class taking notes and listening to my fine ass teacher talk. I stare at this man more than I stare at Jimin I feel, but while I'm staring at him this blinding light keeps emerging from the side of my eye. When I look over I see Jimin leaning in his chair embracing the sunlight that shines perfectly through his window, I tell my self to turn around but for some reason, my body won't respond to me.

"What kind of witchery is this," I think to myself.

Jimin pulls his head down and his hair falls in place perfectly yet he still finds the need to run his fingers through it, he looks directly at me smirks then winks, my face almost fell off my hand from the shock, I could hear Jin's scuffled laugh in my right ear. With that major embarrassment I kept my eyes glued to the desk until the lunch bell rang, I left the room first this time trying my best to not be teased by Jin, as I leave the threshold of the door warm fingers slid through my own holding it tightly, then he passed me. Yoongi, with the most flustered angry face I've ever seen, he pulls me down the stairs and to the truck that they keep parking next to my car, pushing me against the side of the truck lightly I could tell there was some anger behind it.

"You know the only reason I let you stare at Mr. A and Jimin all day, its because it's the only time I get to see you looking so beautiful. When you stare into space you don't worry about how you look or how you sit your completely free. Your not trying to appear Korean like everyone else, you're not trying to hide the mannerisms that Koreans might find weird from the states, But this admiration has its faults Jordan, I hate it, the idea of you staring at someone other than me, it's starts this passionate flame that keeps me attracted to you, Jordan it pulls me to you every time I see you, this burning rage of jealousy keeps my skin craving the touch of yours" Yoongi runs his fingers up my shirt ending at my chin. This can't be right, I have feelings for Yoongi but I deny it, I don't have feelings for Jimin but he gets the attention I just don't know what to do here.

"Yoongi stop, you can't be with me, you don't know a single thing about me" I try my best to reject him.

"Really I don't know anything about you" a smirk crosses his face. I pull myself off the truck and fiddle in his head noticing I'm a little taller than him.

"Nope nothing" I start walking away. The sound of the truck bed lowering sounded behind me, the smell of kimchi, spicy rice cake, and Bulgogi passed by my nose. It was an irresistible smell and it smelled fresh like it was just bought, I turn around to see the steam coming from the bag, he definitely had this delivered right before lunch.

    "Wait how does he know all three of my favorite Korean dishes" I ignore the suspicious thought then walk back to the truck.

"I know you Kim Jordan I just need you to give me the chance to show you" he pulls a pitcher of organic green tea from inside the truck and hands it to me. At that very moment, I knew exactly what happened and I wasn't mad about it but I was very betrayed toward it.

"Even my favorite drink" I play off my anger and sit on the truck bed.

"Just for you and me" he pulls the rest of the food toward us. We actually talked and enjoyed lunch, I felt like I was talking to a friend that I've known for years, he listens, gives advice but also controls the conversation so it didn't seem as if I was talking the whole time. I swear we were only outside for like 10 minutes until the bell rang. Yoongi packed up all the dishes and threw them in the trash outside the entrance door, when we passed the trash I noticed Jasmen staring in the window like she saw a movie star or something. I give her the "I'm about to murder you" hand movement and walked inside the building, we went to class and I didn't notice that the whole time Yoongi was holding my hand until I walk in and all eyes were on us. He smirked in accomplishment, but my face was more of an embarrassing one. He lets my hand go and I sit down next to jin in my normal seat, Jin turns around and this time an actually notice his beauty, he wore these glasses that made his eyes seem bigger, more innocent then they actually were, and his lips seemed fuller almost like he just got done making out with someone but everything else about him screamed innocence even the plain turtleneck he decided to wear.

"Looks like Jordan is cuffed up" he whispered over to me.

"Looks like professor Jin is about to get slapped" I angrily whisper back.

"Hey I would say that Yoongis' attitude is rubbing off on you already but you've always been this mean" Jin laughs.

"Yeah and we've only known him for 3 days now" Namjoon butts in.

"Really feels like we've known him for years" Jungkook looks directly at me with an unhappy face as he whispered it sarcastically.

"Lighten up Jungkook" Namjoon whispered already noticed his uneasy mood.

" I'm fine Namjoon, Jordan just needs to be careful how he acts now" Jungkook turns away from me.

"What is that supposed to mean," I asked with a slight attitude.

"It means that if you fuck with Yoongi's feelings you've officially fucked with me" Jungkook whispered back without even turning around.

Jin looks at me and smiles embarrassedly.

"Don't mind him he's a little sick"

"I'm not sick I'm dead serious," Jungkook said. Namjoon smacked the back of his head drawing attention from the rest of the six.

"SHUT...UP" Namjoon loudly whispered to him. Jungkook stopped and everyone else looked at us in confusion. The rest of class went by fairly awkwardly, when the bell rang Jungkook was the first one to leave the room, everyone else followed behind them except Yoongi, he insisted on walking me to my car. So I let him do just that and when we finally had to call it a day I noticed him give Jasmen a slick good to go hand signal and she gives him one in return yet I choose to ignore it and play it cool the whole ride home.

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