

Katherine's POV

I yearned to return to my duties after meeting with Dean. In my mind, our encounter was meant to revolve solely around professional matters and the blossoming of a new friendship. Little did I know, it would transform into the most heart-wrenching confession I had ever experienced with another soul.

The anguish that engulfed my heart after our conversation was so overpowering that I opted to retreat to the solace of my home and unleash a torrent of tears. It was ironic how I had sought to insert myself into his life, only to find myself nursing a wounded heart.

Is this the extent to which love inflicts pain?

Finally arriving home, I trudged straight into my bedroom, disregarding the greetings and bewildered expressions etched upon the faces of those around me. They had not anticipated my swift return, and truthfully, neither had I.

With my gaze cast downward, I was on the verge of retreating to my bedroom when a voice called out my name.


I turned, startled by the sight that stood before me.


"Sweetheart," she uttered, extending her arms.

Joyously, I sprinted into her embrace, enveloping her in a tight hug. She reciprocated, encircling me with her loving arms.

"How are you, my dear?" she inquired.

"I'm alright, mom. When did you arrive?" I inquired.

"Just a while ago. Sweetheart, are you alright?" Her concern was palpable.

"I'm fine, Mama. It's just that I've been under immense stress, you know. With work, the upcoming photoshoot, and everything else..."

"I understand. Perhaps it's time for you to take a well-deserved break, my dear. You should grant yourself a few days of rest. It's not healthy to exhaust yourself like this, only to end up looking as if the world is crumbling around you," my mother advised, her words met with laughter from me.

"Oh, Mama."

"Yes, my love. By the way, do we have anything to eat at home? I'm famished," my mother inquired, a smile spreading across my face.

Perhaps this was the distraction I needed, a temporary reprieve from my thoughts of Dean and my overwhelming love for him.

Taking her hand in mine, I guided her towards the kitchen, where we decided to prepare a meal together. It had been far too long since I had tasted the flavors of her cooking, and I had missed her dearly.

Dean's POV

Seated on my bed, I replayed the events of earlier in my mind. I couldn't fathom the reality of what had transpired. It all felt like an ethereal vision, a dream beyond belief. Katherine had confessed her love for me, and I, too, had fallen deeply for her.

I never anticipated this level of affection for her. Why didn't I stay with her a little while longer? Or accompany her to her home?

These relentless questions tormented my thoughts, causing me to collapse onto the bed.

Oh, Katherine, what should I do?

But then, my mind drifted back to Julia. Memories of our past happiness flooded my thoughts, along with the reasons why she had allowed me to spend the night with Katherine in the first place.

Lately, I've observed that her every word was dedicated to the pursuit of a better life. But I wasn't one to grumble. I may not have had much, but I was content with what I possessed. And I believed that her attainment of her dream job would be enough for her too. So what altered the course of events?

I wearily rubbed my hands over my eyes and sat upright once more. There was no rationale for me to be pondering over such matters. Retrieving my phone from my pocket, I dialed Katherine's number.

I made two attempts to call her, only to be greeted by her voicemail each time. I surmised that she must have been fatigued and decided to sleep it off, so I opted to send her a message instead.

Just arrived home and thoughts of you filled my mind. Hope you made it home safely as well? Please give me a call.

I dispatched the message and placed the phone beside me on the bed. Deciding to alleviate the ache in my heart and clear my mind, I resolved to take a refreshing shower.

Later that evening, Julia returned from work, appearing utterly drained. I approached her and embraced her, to which she reciprocated with a smile.

"Dean, are you alright?" she inquired after we released from the embrace.

I mustered a faint smile and nodded.

"I simply missed you," I confessed.

"And I missed you too," she replied.

"I'm utterly exhausted."

"Perhaps you should go upstairs and take a shower while I warm up your meal for you," I suggested, preparing to turn away from her when she grasped my hand.

"I thought you would be at the office today. What happened?" she questioned, causing my heart to skip a beat.

"Um, the location was changed. I had to meet her outside the office," I responded simply.


"Yes. I'm glad it happened that way because at least I wouldn't have your colleagues staring at me like crazy. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea," I added.

"You're right. So, how did it go? Did you accept her offer?"

"I told her I would think about it," I said and walked away to the kitchen before she could react.

I heard her drop her bag on the couch and follow me to the kitchen.

"What do you mean you told her you would think about it? I thought we discussed this," Julia said.

"Come on, Julia. This is the same woman you work for. Don't you think people might think you're being favored over them because your husband also works at the same company? You know how much I hate it when people spread rumors about me. Those same rumors are what caused me to lose my job," I said as I placed her food on the stove.

"I know. But that doesn't mean you should give up on your dream because of what they have to say. Who cares about their opinions? This is what you're going to do right now. You're going to call her and tell her that you've accepted the offer," she said firmly.

"Just like that?"

"Just like that. You're an amazing photographer and you know how to capture moments at the right time. You need to use your talents for great things. Don't waste them like you have been doing recently," she said with a serious expression.

I sighed and shook my head.

"Understood. I will contact her and inform her of my decision," I responded, eliciting another smile from her.

"Thank you."

I turned off the stove and served her meal. She gave me a peck on the cheek and proceeded to the dining table to eat, while I remained in the kitchen, contemplating her words.

Katherine's POV

My mother had departed for her residence, leaving me alone with my thoughts once again. I resolved to utilize this time to continue working on the designs I had commenced earlier when I heard my phone ring. It was Dean.

Swiftly, I put away my laptop and answered the call.

"I apologize for interrupting you. I hope I did not disturb your sleep?" he inquired, prompting a slight chuckle from me.

"No, I was merely engrossed in a task. What can I assist you with?"

"I called to inform you that I have deliberated on your proposition and would be interested in collaborating with you, if that is agreeable," he conveyed.

My heart leapt with joy upon hearing those words.

"Absolutely. I would be delighted to have you as part of my team."


We both lapsed into silence for a brief period before he spoke again.



"I have missed you."

"I miss you too, Dean. You have no idea how much I yearn to hold you in my arms again," I confessed.

"Me too Katherine. I wish to hold you in my arms once again. I really can't wait to start working with you. It will make me happy to see you everyday," he responded.

"I look forward to it," i replied.

"Alright then. I don't want to keep you up for so long. So, I will see you later, okay?" He said.

"Yeah. I will see you later, Dean," I replied.

"Alright. Please take care of yourself. Sweet dreams," he said.

"You too, Dean," I replied.

Instead of hunging up, I could hear him still on the phone. We both could not hung up, even though we didn't know what else to say to each other. After a while of not talking, he said a final good bye to me before he hang up.

After the call, I realised I had missed a text from him. I decided to check it out and felt a smile crept on my face after reading what he wrote. I contemplated on what to write to him when I decided to leave it be.

There woild be enough time for us to talk about our feelings soon.

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