

After a few more increasingly intimate questions, they finally arrived at the watch station. Alex was on the verge to punch them all flat in the face just to shut them up and get rid of them, but he knew all too well what the consequences were of such an action. He'd have to keep his cool until the time was right, and this wasn't it. He had to reach a bit further before he could lash out on people. Wait for the other marines to get out, knock out his squad, take a few more turns, then the door to the right. It would probably be heavily guarded through the entire facility, so the choices were to act like the soldier he was disguised as, or knock them all out. Once he had found the girl, he'd be totally fine with blowing this entire place to bits. It was loud, crowded and literally in the way of every plan he made. Whose idea was it to place a base in the middle of the island anyway?

That thought made the decision for him. As soon as the other team had left the site, Alex shoved the butt of his rifle into the face of the marine to his right with such force he was sure he heard bone cracking. The soldier bent forward, gripping his nose and cried in pain. Alex took this opportunity to jab his elbow into the back of his head, effectively knocking him out. The other man had froze with shock at first, but now had his gun pointed at Alex. For a brief second, the soldier stared at him, apparently hesitant on what to do and what the consequences would be to his eventual actions. The ice blue eyes hadn't looked away from the hallway ahead, but when they did, the man froze again. Horrible mistake. A fist punched him straight in the face, breaking his nose and knocking him out flat. "Amateurs" Alex grumbled and turned away from the scene.

Only to be met with two more marines who had their rifles pointed at him. He looked at each one of them, contemplating his choices. He decided to go for the most entertaining result and opened his mouth to speak. They opened fire before he had a chance to explain though. Bullets peppered into his abdomen, dark blood splattering over the floor and walls. He staggered backwards a step and gritted his teeth to withstand the pain. They kept their fingers pressed on the trigger for a few long seconds, and when they finally stopped, he fell to his knees. Panting and wheezing he looked up at them with a glare that could kill. Quick as a snake jabbing at its prey, Alex was on his feet and gripped their throats, lifting them both from the ground. The rifles dropped with a clang as they reached for the hands that were restraining their airways. They didn't struggle for much more than a second before they were knocked unconscious by their assaulter as he jabbed their heads together. He dropped them unceremoniously and walked away without as much as a look over his shoulder. It was time to get what he had come for.

- - - - - LINE BREAK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[Rebecca's P.O.V.]

As her conscience slowly resurfaced, Rebecca was prepared for what she expected to come. The stinging of a needle in her arm and the throbbing silence in her head. But it never came. She waited - patiently as she could be - for it to come. But it never did. Surprise slowly overwhelmed her, and she dared crack an eye open to check her surroundings. The first thing she saw was light. Not the blinding light from earlier, but a warm, natural light, as from the cowering sun hanging just above the horizon. She dared open the other eye as well and became aware that she wasn't anymore strapped down to a cold, hard bench. As her senses were slowly coming back, she felt something hold the back of her knees firmly, as if she would fall if the support wasn't there. Her vision and sense of positioning flowed through her with the speed of light, and she became aware that the world was rocking her. The sun blinded where it studied her between two buildings. Wait, buildings? She didn't remember ever getting out of the darkness. Had it all just been a dream?

Her gut suddenly turned outside in, and she gagged. The grip at the back of her knees disappeared and something hit her side when the world shifted. Awareness flowed her back to reality when her stomach wrenched and throbbed as it emptied its contents the same way it had once entered. She coughed and panted when she was finished and lifted her head to see where the hell she was. Her eyes registered concrete, metal - a rooftop. What was she doing on a rooftop? How did she get here? A creeping feeling in her neck told her someone was looking at her, and she whirled around to sit on her bum, leaning back on her hands. Before her stood a man. He was dressed in a black jacket made from a material that looked very much like leather - two horizontal white lines around each of his upper arms. Under the jacket was a gray hoodie, and she could hint a white button-up inunder it. Accompanied with this was gray jeans and black sneakers. It was lazily worn, hood over his head to shade most of his face. From where she was sitting however, she could see his icy blue eyes staring her down from top to toe. Who was he? He was ... handsome...

She was about to open her mouth to ask him, but he was quicker. "Get up" he said sharply. His voice was dark, almost ragged, and it sent a shiver down her spine. If she was ever frightened before seeing him - before hearing him speak - she was now terrified out of her guts. Yet, something deep within sparked to life. Something warm and playful was skittering about in her stomach. Then it reached up to her chest. Every muscle in her body that could've been tense were suddenly relaxed. He didn't have to ask twice. She rose to her feet on unsteady legs... Too fast. Her head went for a spin, knocking out her vision. Instinctively, her hands reached out for whatever she could grab to keep herself from falling. She pulled herself in before she could stagger, and her chin was pressed against the cold surface of a leather jacket. It smelled of gunpowder, sweat, blood and leather - of course. She stayed like that for a good moment, inhaling the scent like it was sugary candy.

Her mind then caught up with her actions and she released her grip and staggered backwards. Her cheeks heated and she looked away in a try to avoid the awkward stare she knew she would get. With her arms crossed over her chest she stammered up a silent apology, and an awkward silence followed. A second felt like hours, and when he finally spoke, his voice was harsh and cold, as if he'd lost all means of emotion. "Come on" he said. Her gut clenched uncomfortably when she looked up to see his backside. He was walking away, and after a brief inspection of her surroundings, she realized there was no other choice but to follow him - awkward.

- - - - - LINE BREAK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Shaun and Lucy had been lashing out at each other for quite some time when they heard the door open. They both turned, ready to face whatever templar that had found their hideout. Though, the tension quickly shifted to relief when they saw it was Rebecca who stood in the opening. Lucy froze for about half a second before both of the girls sprinted toward each other. The embrace was tight and full of love, concern and other emotions. They pulled away from each other, and Lucy immediately started questioning the other. Rebecca interrupted with a laugh.

"I'm okay Luce, promise" she reassured her friend with a bright smile. She was about to start rambling about whatever came to mind, when her eyes came to rest on a figure on one of the mattresses on the floor. Her smile vanished when she recognized the man as Desmond. She gave a short gasp and hurried over to him. The bloodied bandage around his waist was the first thing she noticed and she instinctively checked his pulse. It was weak, but steady. "What happened to him?" she mumbled, almost inaudibly. The three Assassins were surprised to hear a fourth voice answer her question.


They turned to the door, again ready to take on the templar. The man standing in the shadow of the doorframe didn't strike them as a typical threat, but Lucy felt a shiver trail down her spine upon seeing those icy blue eyes. They looked at something - or someone - behind her, but she couldn't deny the uneasiness that whelmed over her. They were cold, almost empty of any emotion, and seemed ... hungry. It made the blood curl in her veins, her heart pumping adrenaline through every inch of her body. Being scared was nothing new to her, but this- This was something else. Something new. Something foreign...

She flinched when his eyes flickered and narrowed, as if he was concerned over what he saw. Concerned or not, he wasn't welcome here. Her hands clenched into fists at her sides and she was about to march up and confront him, but he turned his back to them and closed the door. Shit, what if he was a templar? Now everyone would know where they were. They had to get away, and quickly so. She turned and opened her mouth to speak, but her words vaporized when she saw the look on Rebecca's face. Her cheeks were flushed with a faint red and her chin rested in her palm. The light gray eyes intensely focused on Desmond's bandages, as if she was trying to heal the wound with just her gaze. She was apparently flustered and in deep thought. When Lucy laid a hand on her upper arm, she flinched and her eyes darted up to meet Lucy's.

"He saved me.." she whispered almost inaudibly. Lucy slowly shook her head in confusion. "That man. He rescued me from the ones that had me captured, I-". Before Rebecca could say anything more they noticed Desmond squirm beside them. Brown eyes blinked open and he sat up with a grunt of pain. Shaun was suddenly at his side, a hand on his shoulder and told him he wasn't fit to run about yet. Lucy furrowed her brows with concern, but was distracted from whatever she was about to say when Rebecca pulled her by the arm.

"I have to talk to him" she said when they were out of earshot from the guys. Lucy was confused at first, but quickly realized what her friend was talking about.

"That freak?! You can't be serious?" she retorted, voice low, but harsh enough that the raven head would hopefully reconsider.

"But I am Luce! That man got me out of whatever place I was being held in. I never thanked him-"

"Are you listening to yourself Bec? That guy gives me the creeps, and you want to- To find him?"

"You weren't out there Lucy. You weren't captured by the Templars. Or... Black-whatever. I was, and I am so glad that I'm not pumped with needles anymore" she half chuckled, half weeped. To this, Lucy didn't have an answer. She just stared at her friend with jaw dropped open and a hand covering her mouth.

"N-needles-..? The fuck are you-"

"You heard right Lucy. Needles- And I will not go about my day pretending that it didn't happen. It did, and I'm terrified of it happening again. I need to thank him". Rebecca was hellbent on finding this guy, Lucy could see that. But no matter what anyone said, she had a bad feeling about him. Her gut clenched almost painfully at the thought of seeing - or worse; meeting - him again. She shuddered at the memory of those cold eyes. But Rebecca was her friend, and she knew there was no talking her out of something once she had put her mind to it.

"Okay" she said hesitantly. The raven head shone up visibly, eyes sparkling and a smile that went from ear to ear. "But I'm coming with you. I have a bad feeling about this guy..."

"You get bad feelings about everything, Luce. Chill out girl. Besides, I think he knows something"

"You don't say..." Lucy mumbled, glancing at the door pointedly. He knew where their hideout were, and they hadn't even met before. Either he had contacts in high places, or Desmond had called them out when he had been out to 'explore'. It never occurred to her that it could also have been Rebecca that told him in order to bring her back safely. She had already decided that the guy was dangerous, and the sooner they got rid of him, the better.

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