
Chapter 8: Standing Together 

That evening, Erica sat curled in Oscar's comforting embrace, hearts still pounding from the unwelcome encounter. Her dear love etched soothing patterns along her back, pressing gentle kisses to tangled hair until tension eased. 

You've been so strong facing poisonous ghosts alone for so long. But I'm here now, and that witch will trouble you no more, Oscar vowed earnestly. His resolute protection filled the void of self-doubt seared into Erica since girlhood. 

In the morning light, a new determination gripped Erica — to cut ties enabling toxicity's grasp once and for all. With Oscar standing firm beside her, she returned to face the stern matriarch waiting outside. 

"You are no longer welcome here. Your cruel judgment served only to tear down, unlike this good man who lifts me up each day. We owe you nothing," Erica said levelly. Oscar embraced her proudly, steadying her shaking frame. 

For the first time, Erica saw not a domineering matriarch but a small, bitter woman. Pity flickered in seeing someone so twisted by spreading misery. The matriarch cursed and sputtered before storming off, venom's power broken at last.

Weeks passed smoother without her poisonous interference hanging over family life. Oscar proved the devoted partner Erica always deserved — doting on her daughters, cooking her favorites with carefree smiles. 

On their wedding eve, Erica gazed at her reflection aglow, heart swelling with joy and gratitude. This man truly accepted her history and presented self without demand, healing wounds so long left to fester. His love would see her flourish in a future finally hers to shape, away from toxic shadows of the past.

At last, Erica embraced her blossoming happiness fully without reservation. Oscar had proven the partner standing by her side, shoulder to shoulder against all trials. Now nothing could stop their journey ahead shining ever brighter with each new season.,,,,