
Business After A Long Night

Author's Note- Hey readers, sorry for the late chapter things have been hectic. I just want to reiterate that I will not be dropping this story and that even if it takes more time then I'd like I will continue to move forward with this story. Lastly I'd like your opinion of whether or not I should add in the Big Bang theory Universe and the Suits one as well and grab up the ladies that are in those shows. With Suits it would be simple to add them, they could come to me wanting to be my lawyers. With the Big Bang Theory it could be a random meeting or the MC could be a guest lecturer and meet them there. No matter what the MC will not know that those worlds are there, it would be God's surprise, they will not be a focus for the story just a little side fun. So if you want me to add them or not, leave a yes in the yes comment or a no in the no one.




It was about an hour later when Iris finally managed to open her eyes, Isaac's eyes lingered over her body as she stretched and contorted in a yawn.

"Be careful girl, you don't want to start something you can't finish." Iris scurried back when she heard that, her body covered with the bed sheets.

"Don't you come near me with that thing!" Isaac chuckled at that.

"Why you runnin Iris? You seemed to like it a lot last night." Iris rolled her eyes at Isaac as he clutched his chest, feigning hurt.

"Oh, shut it. You put me through it last night, you might have made me cum my brains out but damn, I don't think my body's ever gonna recover." Isaac couldn't help but smirk when he heard that. He really did put her through her paces last night, he still remembered how she begged for more, over and over, and then later for mercy.

"Well then I did my job. I can't have you forgetting me, I'm only in town until tomorrow after all." Isaac left at that and went to order them both some room service. It didn't take long for their food to arrive, Isaac got them both a sausage, egg, and cheese croissant and some pancakes to go with it.

"Iris! The food's here." Iris came out a second later with a hotel robe on, as she headed to the table Isaac couldn't help but grin at the slight hitch in her gait.

"Wipe that grin off your face!" Iris grumbled as she sat down at the table. They both talked and laughed as they ate their breakfast, telling crazy stories about themselves when Isaac's phone rang out. Isaac checked the caller ID but didn't recognize the number, he excused himself from the table and answered the call.


"Is this Dr. Isaac Queen?" The voice asked.

"Yes, this is he, who am I speaking to?"

"My name is Dr. Caitlin Snow; I was just calling to confirm your appointment with Dr. Harrison Wells today at noon."

"Yes put me as confirmed for that time, and please let Dr. Wells know I am looking forward to meeting him today."

"Will do. It'll be a pleasure to have you at Star Labs Dr. Queen, you have a lot of fans here." Isaac chuckled at that.

"Thank you Dr. Snow, you are much too kind and please call me Isaac."

"Only if you call me Caitlin as well and you're quite welcome. We'll see you later today."

"Sounds good, have a wonderful day Caitlin."

"You as well Isaac." At that Isaac hung up and went back to finish his breakfast with Iris. He looked at his 18 karat, blue inlay, Hublot Classic Fusion King Gold Chronograph with a blue leather strap and saw that it was 10:15am. Isaac looked down at his half eaten, still warm breakfast and then at the robe cladded sexy Iris West. He took less than a second before he walked towards Iris, she looked up at him questioningly, before she yelped as he threw her over his shoulder. He carried her into the bathroom, stripping the robe off her as he went, and claimed her lips as they went into the shower. Iris' screams rang out throughout the room as Isaac continued from where they left off. Unfortunately, Isaac was on a tight schedule and had to get out of the shower about an hour later, leaving behind a very wobbly, but thoroughly satisfied Iris West.

"Feel free to stay here, we'll continue this when I get back, count on it." Iris looked up at him from the floor and nodded. Isaac was dressed and out the door in 15 minutes, he got to S.T.A.R. Labs ten minutes before his appointment. Isaac got out of his rental and looked at the building that would be the center of so much in the future. The building was much larger than what Isaac would have guessed, perhaps tv wasn't the most reliable source of information. Seeing the building in its prime was quite a sight, the way the sun bounced off the countless windows on the oval shaped structure gave it an incandescent glow in the daylight. The three prongs atop the building, so reminiscent of a classic claw game he played at arcades growing up, in both lives, seemed to only enhance the beauty of the building.

"Do you have an appointment Sir?" The security guard asked once I walked through the front door of the building. There were two guards stationed at the door and right behind them was a metal detector and an x-ray machine for his belongings. Apparently security was actually a thing in this building, before the explosion at least, luckily it didn't take long to get through the checkpoint. Isaac followed the guard's directions and headed down the well-lit hallway towards Dr, Wells' lab. With five minutes to spare Isaac stopped outside the door with Dr. Wells' name on it and took a breath before he cast a few spells for his protection. Isaac knew who Wells truly was and the resources he had available to him, not to mention his speedster abilities, however diminished they were still incredibly dangerous.

"Speculum Creare Obice! (Create a Mirror Barrier!)" Isaac thought to himself. He kept his mind focused as he willed his power through the silent spell until a shimmer surrounded his body and vanished just as quickly. Isaac took a moment to refocus his magic before he cast his next spell.

"Da Mihi Magnam Perceptionem. (Grant Me Great Perception)" This spell was one of Isaac's own creations, it was inspired by one of the abilities of the mighty sharingan. The visual perception of the sharingan was what Isaac tried, and succeeded, to not just recreate but improve upon. This spell gave the user a much better version of the sharingan's great visual perception, it also added an aspect of time magic to slow any enemy in sight. There was only one more spell Isaac wanted to cast before he faced Harrison Wells' imposter..

"Vehementer Auget Mihi Reactionem Celeritate! (Greatly Increase My Reaction Speed.)" Isaac chanted. His eyes flashed white as he finished casting his spell. This spell was one of the few that could be turned on and off, specifically so he wasn't overwhelmed by everything he saw. Isaac took a breath and then walked into the lab, the first thing he saw was a desk next to a medical bed with monitoring equipment all around.

"Hello, can I help you?" A voice called out from nearby. Isaac turned before answering, though he had an idea of who it was from her voice. His guess was right, it was Caitlin Snow and damn did she look good.

"Yes, I have an appointment with Dr. Wells, my name is Isaac Queen, and you are?" He asked, already knowing the answer. Isaac saw the bright-eyed beauty's eyes widen at his name.

"O-o-oh yes D-Dr. Wells has been looking forward to this meeting, your reputation precedes you, I must say the things you have accomplished already, and at such a young age, is mind boggling. Your paper on Thermodynamics and its use in creating an entirely new, completely clean source of energy, was breathtaking and your solution for the Yang-Mills theory was incredibly elegant." Isaac smiled at Caitlin's fangirling; he hadn't realized she had kept up with his work.

"You are too kind Caitlin," Isaac said as he brought the back of her hand up and laid a light kiss on it before adding, "It has been a true pleasure, can you direct me to Dr. Wells?" Isaac watched as Caitlin's face caught fire, her blush even reached her ears, 'how cute', Isaac thought to himself. If she wasn't already engaged Isaac would have definitely made a move but he had patience, he knew Ronnie would be out of the picture within a year.

"Right this way Dr. Queen." Caitlin replied.

"I thought we agreed you'd call me Isaac?" Isaac quipped.

"My apologizes Isaac." At that, she walked him over to meet Dr. Wells. They walked down a well-lit winding hallway until they reached an open doorway.

"Dr. Wells, I have Dr. Queen here to see you." Caitlin introduced me to the man pretending to be Dr. Harrison Wells.

"Oh, hello Dr. Queen, I've been looking forward to meeting you for quite some time." Isaac looked at the evil villain in hiding, his worry and suspicion towards the speedster hidden behind a calm veneer. Isaac knew he couldn't afford to make any mistakes here; the consequences were too wide reaching to allow. He could not allow Thawne to suspect that Isaac knew his true identity or that he might be a threat to his future plans for Barry.

"Dr. Wells I must say it is a true pleasure to meet you, your work on particle energy is groundbreaking and I personally can't wait for you to finish construction on the Accelerator. The moment you turn it on what we know about Physics, and science as a whole will, never be the same." Isaac spoke honestly, for the most part. Dr. Wells looked a little surprised at Isaac's open praise, but it was gone from his face a second later.

"You are too kind Dr. Queen. You yourself have made a great many contributions to our field and at such a young age, it will be interesting to see what you do next. Now flattery aside, I assume you asked for this meeting to talk about something more pressing, considering how insistent you were to meet. So, what is it you wished to discuss?" Wells looked Isaac dead in the eyes and while his expression was that of curiosity his eyes told a different story. The cold indifference in the speedster's eyes told Isaac everything he needed to know. Wells had no inkling of who Isaac really was, what that meant Isaac could only guess, not only that but Wells wasn't the least bit interested in Isaac's appointment. Which made a bit of sense when he considered that Thawne came from a distant future, so he probably thought of people in this time as ignorant or uneducated. Isaac took a breath before he told the undercover villain his cover story.

"You are right of course Dr. Wells; I wanted this appointment to talk about a project Queen consolidated is working on and to see if our two companies could work together on it. For quite some time I have been working on a renewable source of energy that would stop greenhouse gas emissions permanently. With this source of energy, we would never have to rely on any other risky energy sources ever again and best of all there is no risk in its use." Dr. Wells looked interested, but his eyes never changed, they were still coldly detached and uninterested, which was perfectly ok with Isaac.

The entire trip to S.T.A.R. Labs had been a rouse, Isaac had never wanted to partner with Wells, he didn't need him. What Isaac did want however, was to see if Wells had known who he truly was and what he was capable of. Isaac knew that Wells used the A.I. Gideon to keep track of any changes to his timeline and that he had no problems killing to protect his plans. Isaac had gone there fully prepared to kill Thawne if he had shown any inkling of knowing who Isaac was and what he could do. It seemed like Isaac had been worried for nothing, but he'd be leaving some hidden gifts on his way out to ensure there would be no surprises. The two men spent the next 20 minutes discussing Isaac's plans for the rollout of his new energy source as well as what S.T.A.R. Labs partnership would look like.

"That does sound fascinating Dr. Queen and it is something that this world is in desperate need of but, unfortunately our hands are full here. The work that we are doing with the Particle Accelerator and Particle Energy is too important to risk any delays, perhaps when we have finished our currently pressing projects we can revisit this idea. Thank you for your interest." At that casual dismissal Isaac thanked the speedster for his time while simultaneously casting a few spells silently. 'Nullum Spatium Parcendum, Videam Et Audiam In Hoc Spatio (Let No Space Be Spared, Let Me See and Hear In This Space)'

Those two spells in conjunction gave Isaac eyes and ears in every part of this building, including the hidden space where Wells kept Gideon. It was the perfect tool for surveillance, especially against those who knew nothing about magic. After Isaac said his goodbyes to Caitlin, exchanging numbers along with a promise to keep in touch, he headed out to his car and headed back to his hotel. Along the way he texted Iris that he was on his way back and picked them both up some food as well.

Isaac got to his room about 30 minutes later, food in hand, as he walked in he was greeted by a lingerie clad Iris West, suffice to say their food was quickly forgotten. Isaac spent his last few days in Central City in bed with Iris and enjoying the beach, he and Caitlin also connected his last day in town and promised to stay in touch. Isaac boarded his private jet and headed to National City, he had several meetings that he was looking forward to too, he hoped things would go smoothly.

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