
A Messed Up Tale

“I want to be with you.” “But I don’t.” Being chased by someone who’s behind their lives for a reason they’re not blameworthy; Amelia and Evelyn, who have been hiding for years, decide to put a stop to it themselves. Little did they know, crossing paths with these Six men would make unexpected changes to their lives. Opening up the numbed wounds, returning to the mysterious yet tragic past. Both the women have got to find their way out of this mess of a 'Life or Death' situation, solving a mystery together. It all starts with a coincidence, passes by love, followed by mysteries... How will be the ending?

Jwrites_ · Thành thị
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18 Chs


"Stop!!" James yelled, "What is going on?!" He made his way to Amelia and grabbed her arm from the other side, but lighter than Lucas, "I believe this isn't what you're here for. I apologize if any of us have offended you in any way." He spoke, which somehow helped improve the situation.

He then convinced Lucas to let go of her arm and made sure he was alright.

Liam dashed towards Ian, "Put that down! Look, you've hurt your hand."

Vincent and James went to check on Patrick. "You alright?" Vincent asked.

Patrick nodded as a response.

"Here, lemme see if your neck is hurt." James held either side of the younger's nape and took a close look. "It did leave a mark. Did she press it that hard at your-"

"It was me, I walked towards it and caught it between my throat and chin." The younger among the three looked away.

James turned the latter to face him. "You shouldn't have done that-" His words were interrupted by Vincent pulling him away from Patrick.

"Yeah, who knows what dangers it could bring?" Vincent said as he led him towards the couch where Liam helped Ian with the wound in his palm while nagging him about his actions.

Lucas and James followed the two towards the couch.

Evelyn hissed in pain as she touched the scar on her neck, gaining her friend's attention.

"What's wrong?" Amelia asked as she removed the younger's hand away to take a look.

She narrowed her eyes at the wound, "Why that little-" She turned her gaze towards the couch when she was met with a tall figure standing in front of her.

He held out a small medkit, mumbling an apology with his eyes fixed to the floor. Amelia took the kit, quietly thanking him, and walked the younger to the couch.

"This is gonna sting, alright?" Amelia said before applying the medicine to the wound.

The two looked up to face the men who stood in front of them.

"I didn't mean to hurt you.." Said the shorter of the two.

"Whatever," Evelyn said, irritated by the sting, "not like I've never been hurt before."

"I'm sorry too. About your gun." Said the other.

"Just don't do it again," Amelia said before she was done helping Evelyn.

She stood up and walked towards the couch followed by the other three.

"I know this might be hard to believe but it's the truth." She started, but one of the blond-haired among the men spoke up before she could continue.

"What proof have you got for us to believe you?" Patrick questioned.

"You say what you've heard now isn't enough?" Evelyn asked before she eyed Vincent, "You, haven't you told your friends about what happened at the airport the other day?" And that got the rest of the men to have their eyes widened in confusion.

Vincent, not knowing what to do, looked at James who seemed to be just as shocked as himself and the rest.

"What are you talking about?" quizzed Ian.

"Looks like you haven't told them about it yet," Amelia added.

Lucas turned to face Vincent, "Vince, please tell me what's going on." He asked, frustration written all over his face.

Left with no choice, the brunet decided to break the case to his members. Not only were they shocked more, but were furious too.

"All that and you said nothing when I asked you about it?!" Ian exclaimed, disappointed at the elder.

"You can't blame him.." James joined the conversation.

After knowing about what's happened before the others did and kept it a secret along with Vincent, he would let the latter take the blame on himself.

"I knew it too." He admitted, leaving the rest of the men to stare at the two in disbelief.

"Seriously, James, why would you--" Patrick started.

"None of the two are to blame," Amelia interrupted him. "I'm the one who asked him not to tell anyone about this, and I guess the blond dude knew it because he walked into the place right after me."

"So this too was your doing?" Lucas inquired, rubbing his temple as he looked at the women. "Why didn't you want us to know it?"

"You think bringing up an issue as such wouldn't affect the concert you guys had to perform the other day?" Evelyn stated, "Why don't any of you get why we've done all this?"

Silence filled the air, the two women waiting for any of them to speak up.

"I'm sorry, but I still don't find any solid reason to believe the two of you," Ian spoke.

"Well then, we'll be on our way back." Evelyn clapped her hands together and looked at her friend, "Told you they're not gonna believe us. At the end of the day, all your guilt and worry about them is thrown into the trash." She grabbed her jacket from the couch and held Amelia by the arm, "We've got way more important things to be taken care of. And you all," She turned her gaze towards the men, "you had a choice but still chose not to believe so we've got no reason to persuade you to."

"No," Amelia who stared at the men spoke up, "we're not lying alright? You really are in danger."

"Amy, what are you doing?"

"You've got to believe us, I know it sounds too dramatic to be true but that's exactly the situation you are in right now."

"They're not gonna believe you no matter what you say!" Evelyn yelled out in frustration, "You think we're jobless?! If their fate is to die this way then so be it. We've got a bunch of stuff to be taken care of. We have our own lives at stake and you try so much for them even when they're not gonna believe a word they've been told."

The dark-haired woman continued to stare at the men with an indefinable expression behind her deep brown eyes, the one that showed guilt, worry, and sadness. She turned towards the brunette, brushing away a few strands of hair away from her tanned skin, and walked towards the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Evelyn stopped the elder right before she turned the doorknob, "This place is guarded with security, let me take care of that first." She guided her back towards the couch and sat her down.

Amelia stared right down at the floor, not bothered to say a word while the latter worked on her laptop. A while later,

"What the- this can't be.." Evelyn spoke, which caught the older's attention.

"What's wrong?"

"It's all cleared up before I even start working on it." She looked up from her screen, eyes widened, "Not only is it the dorm, but the whole area's security is no more."

Just then, the doorbell was heard.

"Don't answer it." Amelia remarked, "Does this place have a backdoor or something? Any other way to enter or exit the place?"

"What are you saying? Why is it that we shouldn't answer the door?" Lucas inquired as the doorbell rang multiple times.

"How could they possibly get here?" Evelyn asked Amelia.

"I have no idea. But we've got to get them out of here."

"Get us out?" Liam spoke.

A few knocks were heard before it turned into loud bangings on the door. The Six men stood there, clueless about what's going on, whereas both the women were in a serious state of panic and confusion.

Noticing the change of expression in Amelia and Evelyn, Vincent walked towards them. He hesitated at first but placed a hand on Amelia's shoulder which made her look at him,

"We do have a backdoor, why?"

"Y'all need to get out, quick. Show me the way there." Amelia held both Lucas and Liam by their arm when the bangs got louder every second.

"Why are you telling them about the backdoor now?" Ian scolded Vincent.

"When will you stop complaining?" Evelyn huffed at him, "Just show us the way out or we're all in great trouble." The banging on the door continued.

Vincent ignored them and guided Amelia towards the backdoor while she dragged the two men along with her. The door was kicked open and an object was thrown inside, smoke erupting from it. The rest of them followed Vincent and Amelia, the whole place in turmoil. Once the backdoor was open, several armed men entered the place.

Amelia cursed under her breath '𝘍𝘶𝘤𝘬..'

She pushed both the men she held out the door.

"Get going." She said, and Vincent nodded in approval and took James out of the place.

"What are you gonna do standing here?" Evelyn said before she dragged Ian outside.

Amelia looked back at the place, now full of smoke and blurry before she stepped out the door.

"If everyone's here then let's get moving."

"Patrick's in there!" Shrieked James.

"Evie, get them outta here. I'll go back in." Amelia said and turned back.

Evelyn grabbed her by the arm, "Be careful."

Amelia nodded and headed back in.

"Patrick! Where are you?!" She yelled, trying to clear the smoke in front of her.

She heard nothing but coughs.

The place was now not just blurry with all the smoke but not a thing was visible. She walked towards the noise and saw the man near the dining area holding onto the walls for support while he coughed uncontrollably. Amelia's eyes widened when she found another man approaching him.

Outside the dorm, Evelyn was having a hard time stopping the five men from going back inside.

"I said you can't go back in there!" She yelled while she held back Lucas and Ian from going to the door.

"The place is filled with smoke, he can't take it!" Lucas argued.

"He'll be alright, trust me." Evelyn wearily said.

Ian broke free from her grasp and dashed towards the door. Just when he reached there, it was slammed open revealing Amelia with Patrick's arm around her shoulder. Ian quickly helped Patrick and the others joined him in the process. Amelia wasted no time and blocked the door behind her and looked at the rest of them.

"To the car. Now."

Hey guys~

This is to inform y'all that there wouldn't be any updates on Saturdays and Sundays.

I've been really busy nowadays and couldn't find time to work as per my schedule. I thought I could manage it but things got too far when I had to type down this chapter at the last moment.

I'm really sorry there won't be updates every day of the week but I need time to get my personal issues sorted out.

Hope you understand, and I love you all <3

Jwrites_creators' thoughts