
A menina órfã

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What is A menina órfã

Đọc tiểu thuyết A menina órfã của tác giả Gabriel_Mattos_1479 được xuất bản trên WebNovel.Elizabeth é uma criança órfã que perdeu seus pais, antes uma criança alegre e animada se passou ser uma adolescente que sempre carrega expressão neutra no seu rosto....

Tóm tắt

Elizabeth é uma criança órfã que perdeu seus pais, antes uma criança alegre e animada se passou ser uma adolescente que sempre carrega expressão neutra no seu rosto.

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Coward's Cultivation Method

This is the world of [ Duran ] named after conqueror Heid Duran, some say he wields the strongest weapon known to mankind, a pair of daggers named [Ednour's tears]. But in the lost library of «Mesteria» it has been recorded that his highness emperor Heid was a V̵̤̄̒y̶͔̣̭̒s̸̢̮̒͒̒ĩ̷̢̓̚d̴̺͖̪͊̓͠, an anomaly in outer dimension. He or rather 'It' is not even an entity. There's three dimensions ( Hell / Universe / Heaven ), [ Duran ] is in [ Universe ] one of the three dimensions and is geocentric. And there's a dimension beyond the three dimensions, it's named as [ Outer ] dimension. This dimension is indecipherable and it's inhabitants are inexplicable, their knowledge and technology are beyond advanced. Crossing from or to [ Outer ] is fundamentally impossible due to the 'Great Filter' which instantly exterminates [ Outer ] entities while inhabitants from the three dimensions are simply relatively primitive and are unconsciously being influenced by the 'Great Filter', erasing any thoughts of [ Outer ] dimension from surfacing in their minds. However an anomaly suddenly emerged from [ Outer ] and was able to reign supreme but it got bored and challenged the 'Great Filter' in which for the first time in its existence felt the sense of dread, an impending doom, it finally experienced the will to survive. It could no longer turn back as the 'Great Filter''s mechanism for extermination is instantaneous. It fought with all it got and is forcibly passing through this impenetrable barrier, its invincible body is vaporizing, the pain it felt must be unimaginable as it screamed in agonizing pain yet its eyes are tranquil. This scene happened instantly and at that moment, the anomaly knew it succeeded. It was the first and last one who passed through the 'Great Filter' albeit on death's door. It made history and all the [ Outer ] entities observing praised the anomaly's triumph. Numerous war cries and cheers can be heard in this boundless dimension. A festive atmosphere in dimensional scale is inevitable when something that transcended miracle transpired. It lost almost all of its strength and it can never be regained back to its prime as a price for crossing the line, it preserved its existence through suspended animation and eventually floated into a planet, copied bipedal organisms' body structures and the rest is history. This anomaly is One Of A Kind and doesn't wield any weaponry, but instead uses its body for combat. But this information is null as «Mesteria» doesn't exist in either of the three dimensions, but instead it's «Akashic Record» whose the one and only true record library that contains all the information. However, this library is a myth, even among the scarce [Absolutes] only a few knew it's name but even them is doubtful of it's existence. [ Duran ] is exponentially expanding, constantly generating new areas, unique life forms inhabitants and materials used for crafting the best equipment. In this world nothing can be called the 'strongest' as someone stronger will always emerge. In one of the many established continents [ Gaia ], 3 empires govern, they are [ Starfall ], [ Ashen ] and [ Avalon ]. We will start our journey in the kingdom of [ Sun ] governed by [ Avalon ]. In the city [ Exalted Clouds ] it borders between [ Avalon ] and [ Starfall ] empire. Located at the top of a collosal mountain range nicknamed 'Heaven's Peak' as this mountain is so high it goes beyond the clouds. it's maximum height is 80 km above sea level but the city is located 40 km below the highest point. Arin a boy with average looks but well proportioned, short black hair with a hint of brown, medium skin tone and black eyes that are like starless night. His adventure starts!

DelusionRain · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Shades of Art

From theater nerds to egocentric singers and mathletes to jocks, this school has it all. For a performing arts school in the city of Portland, Oregon, there are many different kids with many different backgrounds. All of which are dealing with the stress society puts on teenagers in this generation. Follow each of the main characters as they go through drama, relationships, horrible home lives, and outside threats and issues that affect them in high school. Follow all of the characters through their sophomore year all the way until they graduate and head their separate ways to college. This will most likely become a 4 part series going through each year of high school including sophomore-senior and the summer following senior year. All songs used in this book are from the t.v. show Riverdale. So all music/lyric creds go to them. If you want to listen to the season one soundtrack then I strongly recommend you do so, so you’ll get to hear the songs. If you want more visuals, this book is also uploaded on Wattpad, which has the music and videos of the dancers on there so if you need visuals. My username on Wattpad is “angelraindrops”. (This book is labeled as a male lead, but the point of views jump around a lot. There are multiple main characters) Overall Trigger Warning: This book has some serious issues that are talked about all throughout the series. Things like abuse, sexual assault, abortion, police brutality, drug use, suicide, abortions, and hate crimes. Things along those lines are openly talked about.

rosieraindrop · Hiện thực
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5 Chs


Diselamatkan seorang pengemis Sakti, hidup sebagai seorang bocah tak bernama dan dipanggil Koay Ji (Anak Aneh), tumbuh bersama anak-anak seusianya dalam kegelapan tentang identitas dan namanya. Tetapi, penemuan-penemuan aneh dan bantuan orang yang tak memperlihatkan dirinya dan belakangan di ambil murid tokoh tersembunyi membuat anak ini bertumbuh secara hebat dan menjadi tokoh pilih tanding. Anak yang kemudian kelak berjuluk Pendekar Aneh Naga Langit ini belajar dari pengalaman pahitnya dan sangat ulet berlatih - penemuan-penemuannya, latihan dan keuletannya membawanya ke konflik panjang Rimba Persilatan, tercebur didalamnya dan menemukan dirinya terbentuk semakin matang. Bersama Sam Suhengnya Tek Ui Sinkay Pangcu Kaypang sekaligus Bengcu (Pemimpin Rimba Persilatan) Tionggoan yang menyelamatkannya semenjak kecil dan bersama teman-temannya pendekar muda Tionggoan (Tiongkok). Sie Lan In, Khong Yan dan Tio Lian Cu Ciangbudjin (ketua) Hoasanpay termuda sepanjang sejarah partai HOASANPAY. Koay Ji tampil dalam berbagai identitas penyamaran dalam pengembaraannya yakni THIAN LIONG KOAY HIAP, TANG HOK, dan BUSAN di rimba persilatan semenjak dilepas oleh suhunya BU IN SIN LIONG (NAGA SAKTI). Seorang tokoh yang di sebut-sebut sebagai tokoh sakti nomor satu di rimba persilatan Tionggoan. Seorang tokoh yang gemar menyembunyikan diri, hanya segelintir orang yang mengenalnya dan kesaktiannya. Khususnya dalam prahara berdarah puluhan tahun silam yang disebabkan oleh tokoh yang bernama Pek Kut Lodjin. Dan setelah mengalahkan gembong iblis PEK KUT LODJIN tokoh ini (BU IN SIN LIONG) tidak pernah terdengar lagi kabar beritanya. Setelah beberapa puluh tahun berlalu dengan di basminya Pek Kut Lodjin. Dewasa ini muncul perkumpulan BU TEK SENG PAY (Perkumpulan Malaikat Tanpa Tanding) yang bermarkas di lereng gunung PEK IN SAN yang kepalai oleh BU TEK SENG ONG (Raja Malaikat Tanpa Tanding). Yang disebut-sebut atau paling tidak ada keterkaitannya dengan Pek Kut Lodjin atau setidaknya dengan perguruan Pek Kut Lodjin. Pertarungan tidak bisa dielakkan yang melibatkan hampir seluruh perguruan silat di tionggoan yang di pimpin oleh Tek Ui Sinkay selaku BENGCU Persilatan. Thian Cong Pay yang merupakan asal perguruan Koay Ji di lereng gunung THIAN CONG SAN menjadi pusat perlawanan para pendekar untuk menggempur Bu Tek Seng Pay. Karena merupakan juga asal perguruan BENGCU TIONGGOAN. Diantara perguruan yang melibatkan diri dalam perlawanan membasmi kawanan Bu Tek Seng Pay adalah. Kuil Siaw Lim sie yang merupakan penopang utama dunia persilatan selama berabad-abad. ada KAYPANG (PARTAI PENGEMIS) yang adalah TEK UI SINKAY sendiri sebagai PANGCUnya. Ada HOA SAN PAY yang diketuai gadis cantik sahabat Koay Ji semasa kecilnya di Thian Cong San yakni TIO LIAN CU Ciangbudjin termuda HOASANPAY. Selain itu ada pula BUTONGPAY, HONG LUI BUN dan bahkan LIGA PAHLAWAN BANGSA PERSIA juga secara tak sengaja ikut berjuang dengan para pendekar, walaupun dengan kepentingan yang berbeda, dan masih banyak lagi perguruan silat yang menggabungkan diri bersatu padu menghadapi keganasan BU TEK SENG PAY di gunung PEK IN SAN. Dan berakhirnya dengan pertempuran di gunung Pek In San dengan kemenangan di pihak para pendekar. Muncul nama-nama tokoh muda yang amat cemerlang. Ya sudah bisa di tebak yakni THIAN LIONG KOAY HIAP atau KOAY JI yang berhasil mengalahkan atau menewaskan tokoh di balik layar selama puluhan tahun yaitu YAP JENG CIE (CENDIKIAWAN SERBA BISA) yang kemudian di ketahui kalau tokoh inilah suhu Pek Kut Lodjin dan Bu Tek Seng Ong CIOK SENG. Tokoh inilah yang sebenarnya biang kerok semua kekacacauan rimba persilatan selama ini dengan memperalat murid-muridnya dalam ambisi dendamnya terhadap BU IN SIN LIONG dan sekaligus ambisinya menguasai dunia persilatan Tionggoan. Muncul juga nama2 yang cemerlang selain Koayji yakni SIE LAN IN yang akhirnya menjadi kekasihnya walaupun dengan lika liku yang panjang. Khong Yan dan Tio Lian Cu pun pada akhirnya menjadi pasangan kekasih.

khgdd · Võ hiệp
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Cursed (The Broken Immortals Book 2)

Imara Parker is running from a curse that is supposed to kill her before she's 25. When she moves to a new safehouse, a young farmer (werewolf) named Ben delivers food to her, and they realize they are mates. Her brother tries to keep them apart but eventually gives in, and they get married. Things go well for a while, but Nightmares of Imara's death plague ben. One day he comes home to find a strange man at his kitchen table, realizes his family is dead, and the stranger curses him to relive his torment over and over for eternity, then kills Ben. Fifty years later, Ben wakes up in a house that doesn't belong to him, recovering from the stab wound that killed him. As he's leaving, he comes face to face with Imara and her brother again. Ben and Imara have blocked out their traumatic memories and don't realize they are mates. But her brother remembers and hires Ben to be Imara's bodyguard. Ben eventually remembers and vows to never allow Imara to remember or to let her love him, thinking he's the curse. Imara eventually remembers as well and is so heartbroken over what happens that she is inconsolable. They both die again, but while Imara is in the spirit world, she is given magic knives but the Darke King, who happens to be Ben's ancestor. With her new tool against their enemy, Imara returns fifty years later and is reunited with Ben; they train to defeat the man that cursed them. Ben is able to defeat the warlock, then goes in search of Imara in the magical world; they live happily ever after.

Jessica White · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

The Black Canary in Orario

When Dinah Laurel Lance; a.k.a. the Black Canary, thought she was about to succumb to her injuries; after she and her allies fought the rising regime of Superman, Dr. Fate stepped in and took her away. Dr. Fate dropped her off in an unknown world with the words, "Live a better and happier life. You're only 24 and you've already got a precious son to take care of. You've helped save our world countless times from threats too great and terrible as the Black Canary. I think it's time for you to be Dinah Laurel Lance and raise your son right." Dinah; with her adorable son in her arms, finds herself in the continent of Eden and she travels north to reach the City of Orario. What Familia will she join? Will she survive the perils of the dungeon? Will she attain her happiness? How will the Gods and Goddesses of the land react to her changing presence in this world? You'll have to read to find out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If any of you like what I do and want to support me even more, then that would be amazing. This story will keep on going because I'm having such a great time writing it. Additional Tags for this story are: Thinking Outside The Box, and others to be mentioned. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - This is a work of fiction that draws on several source materials which I don't own. Danmachi, The Injustice DC Universe, and others I've yet to name are some of where I draw the materials from. Some of the things, places, and ideas that are mentioned in this story are owned by their respective authors/writers/creators. - The cover art is not mine. But it looks pretty cool. I'll be trying to make my own. - I own my Original Characters. The alternate changes I made to certain things, and others. Certain plot devices, ideas, etc.

KnightWriterRLK · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
28 Chs

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Olhando para todo o escopo da estória, eu diria que tem futuro, só que a escrita é confusa demais, isso tem que melhorar, todavia essa estória tem mais futuro que a outra, abraços.


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