
chapter 1:waking up

"yes...Yes..HELL YEA!!!"yelled a large muscular body as he watched the computer screen the words"CERBERUS WINS"in bright bolded print as on the screen were mechs,spaceships,turrets clearly a sci fi game.

this hulk of a man was david Winchester,david was a man of science despite his large and bulky build.he is a genius of biochemistry,robotics,chemistry,metallurgy,Ect.

but while being a genius in the field of science he hated the fame and attention that came with it since there would always be a greedy or selfish individual who wanted to butter up to David for his fame or money.

David despised of it so he just stopped working and used his millions of Dollars to just live out the rest of his life.

he was confused at first since he was always working but he soon found a new passion and it was a sci fi game named*BLACKLIGHT*where it was like a massive rpg with the grinding exp points and pk'ing noobs but instead of a fantasy setting,it was in the far future...and also your main character is a class of mech.

and while there are plenty of mech classes to choose David choose one that he found to be quite similar to what he wanted as its class was called"The Berserker"A complete monster of a mech.

it had a low pick rating...why?because while it did have the best physical capabilities from armor too strength AND the easiest time dealing with up close enemy's due to its sharpened anti-matter claws in its hands and feet,it has no ranged attacks at all!!

but David fell in love with the CQC(close quarters combat)beast and quickly in the span 1 year he was known as"The Ghost" in city maps since you couldn't see or hear him until it was too late and your hard worked for guns and mech was turned into your enemy's scrap metal and supplies.

now it's been a 5 years since David had started and he has fully maxed out his mech's skills and was rewarded by the creators of the game 1 shoulder mounted gun.

while this would make other players pissed as there character could already do that,to a Berserker main it was like the fountain of youth had just been offered to them by a goddess.

Well while david was celebrating he suddenly slipped on a red bull can and fell out of his window and everything went black.



*S-system reboot*

*Weapon systems cleared*

"who is talking?"i mumbled to myself

*physical abilities...clear"

*Starting up systems*



*good luck host you will need it*said the robotic feminine voice before i could see and feel again but i definitely felt different before i stood up and looked at myself before freezing"i-im Berserker f-from my game...WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!"