In the Marvel MCU (Movies only, should I include the x-men?) with powers from different movies and manga, I guess? Might be overpowered, No harem. I own nothing. Irregular updates. I need to sleep.
You know It's weird when you can suddenly see yourself in a void from a bystander perspective, and at the same time not see yourself typing away at your computer while laying on your bed writing about the things you are experiencing. yet be perfectly aware that you are not the person across the void or the person writing this.
Was that confusing? well me too, I have no idea what I just explained.
Now how long do I have to wait before... never mind they are here...or not? can they...she...not see me?
Yeah, I should probably describe her she has short shoulder-length purple hair, she is wearing a white vest with a white short skirt she has a HUGE bosom a G-cup at least, and not to mention that ass and thighs. she would make a great girlfriend material not to mention an NTR target... and considering that I am in the void I don't think she is mortal or she considers me worth her time.
Why is she undressing? GOD, SHE IS MASTURBATING. This is awkward. Don't get me wrong I would have joined her but currently, I don't have a body and hence don't have a dick. Yes, I am a whisp, I don't when the change happened but it happened.
I fake coughed getting her attention she paused for a moment looked at me and started masturbating furiously. If I wasn't a whisp I think that would have scared me considering I was/am a virgin and this is my first time seeing a woman naked and masturbating in front of me not to mention such a beautiful one.
why did her pace increase? and why can't I turn away?...let's just enjoy this I am pretty sure she is going to whip my memories of this event after she is done.
she finally stopped after cumming 15 times I counted and did you know you can shove an entire iron mace someone's ass? I am really really glad I am a whisp and don't have a body to remember the scarring/trauma.
"Welcome to Cross Dimension Soul Transfer Center, Mr.(#Q&^%(Q#&(^," said the women like the previous session didn't happen. Let's play along.
"Hi, Ms...?"
"You can call me K"
"Okay, Ms.K can you tell me why I am here? I think I know what's going to happen but I would like to know the details and the reason why I have been granted such an opportunity"
"Sure, As you know the universe is ever-expanding in all axis and dimensions. That also applies to universes of other dimensions. So when two such universes become aware of each other, an exchange is necessary between them so that they can either combine to become one or devour each other, this exchange can be anything, laws, matter, energy, time, concepts, life, etc. Normally this isn't a big deal considering it happens all the time but lately a lot of the exchanges in this section of the Multiverse the exchanges have been living beings with a certain amount of intellect which has resulted in one if not both universes of the exchange to be hostile which is not a good sign, as that could trigger a chain reaction causing other universes to simply resort devouring each other without even considering the peaceful option. Which is..."
"very very BAD got it. so what am I doing here again? I am no diplomat and this is way beyond anything I can wrap my head around that I have half the mind to deny everything"
She kept silent as she let me get my bearings.
"So what am I supposed to do after I go there exactly?"
"Be the best version of yourself that you can be. Be it good or bad that doesn't matter, just be what you think is the 'Best' version of yourself. Show them what you are. What you truly are"
"And not worry about the potentially countless lives that are going to be lost if I don't satisfy the 'Universe'? Sorry, but once I know what's in the balance I can't just ignore it" She smiled as if she just confirmed something.
"Don't worry about that. Once you leave this space except for a few things you are going to forget about everything related to this space now shall we continue?"
'Called it.'
"Before that can I ask you to erase everything related to my personal life everything related to the current 'Me' from my memories once I get there?"
"Oh? that's unusual. Can I ask why? Usually, everyone askes to keep their memories."
"Once I go there I will no longer be the current 'me' I will be someone else with a new identity and purpose. If I have my memories I think that's going to hinder the growth of the new 'me' I can't have that. I can't have the new 'me' detached or feeling alien in his new home."
She clapped with admiration.
"Well said, that will be arranged"
"Thank you"
"Now as you have speculated you will be going to a different universe or dimension and as such you need to be aware of a few things.
Since a universe is welcoming you, it will grant you special energy/perks/blessings whatever you call them to ensure that you live a LONG life.
This energy reads your deepest desires and gives you the power to make them real"
"That's a very bad idea" I interrupted her. What? it is a bad idea. What will you do if you get powers? be a hero? no, you will try to find 'freedom' you will do things without caring about the consequences until it comes and bites you in the ass and even then you won't learn your lesson. You will go into detail, blame the world, and since you have powers you are going to wreak havoc and once you start realizing what you have done it will be too late to do anything, or worse you will have the power to do anything which in turn causes a whole slew of other problems.
"Aptly so Mr.(#Q&^%(Q#&(^. which is where we come in, we take in that energy and grant them 'wishes' within a certain limit of course. while they can cause damage it is astronomically lesser than what it would have been had we let them go free. As such it is time for your wishes Mr.(#Q&^%(Q#&(^."
"Before we continue there are a few questions I would like answers for. If you don't mind, K"
"Ask away"
"Am I familiar with the universe I am going to?"
"Yes you are, I believe it's called 'Marvel' in your home universe? specifically the 'MCU'".
"Thank you, And what is your role exactly?"
She smiled.
"I am an Observer" She didn't elaborate further.
"Got it."
"Anything else?"
"Nothing for the moment."
"Well, then shall we begin with the wishes?"
I nodded.
"I would like my to have the powers and physique of 'Krish' specifically after he got revived by his father in 'Krish 3'".
"Who?" asked K genuinely confused
"He is an Indian super-hero with his own franchise"
"Explain his powers to me"
"Do you have internet here? I would rather you see the movie in order for you to understand it better"
She nodded and a plasma screen TV appeared and I found myself in between her boobs. I am still a whisp by the way.
One movie later.
"That is actually quite a good movie and the powers are versatile and low enough not to warrant additional restrictions...if anything for the amount of energy he is scheduled to receive..." She suddenly stopped and took a look at her tablet and then brought me in front of her.
"Do you have any other wishes?"
"I don't want a harem, so can you make it that no one gets in between me and my soul mate?"
"That's easy. I will make it so you can share your powers with your soul mate once you both have married of course"
"Thanks! Um, I don't have anything more I could ask for honestly"
"What am going to do with the excess?" she muttered to herself.
"How about you choose them for me?"
She raised an eyebrow.
"I mean not at the start obviously like one power every 5 years? I mean you have to keep watch over me right? so you can tell what I am lacking and give me the power I need without me worrying about breaking the universe in the process"
"You do realize you are going to marvel right? Even if it's the movies being able to break the universe is nothing in the grand scheme of things"
"I know but that doesn't mean I should be able to do it. Honestly, I think you are underestimating 'Krish' too much and I am afraid of power, especially power I don't know what to do with."
She shook her head and smiled.
"you are unique. Fine, I shall accept your deal Reincarnator. and as a curtsy, you will have a status plate that shall list all your abilities and stats in grades. May the Faiths bless your journey with happiness and safety" she prayed and I disappeared before I could say anything.
Well, let's cheer for my baby years.
word count 1559.