
"M" is for Mistake


The day begins with Fuu crying behind a huge oak tree while Momo collects nuts and converse with the other cute woodland creatures


Mugen is a Jerk, He's a liar, and he's pond scum. If only I looked more like the girls in the red light district, he'd love me


Must kill Mugen! For the love of god what is that smell? Oh yea I have to find Fuu


Jin sits up. He searches the makeshift camp for Fuu but she is nowhere to be found. He quickly stands up and begins wandering; he soon finds the vulnerable Fuu crying behind the oak tree.


Here is your chance big boy; it's your time to shine


Jin walks up to Fuu and places his hand on her shoulder. "It's ok, I'm here if you need me" Fuu turns around looking Jin in his deep dark emotionless eyes. Jin sits beside her gently rubbing her shoulder, wordlessly reassuring her that everything was ok. Fuu grabs Jin by his waist and buries her face in his chest.


She is so warm and soft, like a brand new sword. Wait she isn't anything like a sword, she's more of a trip to the local whorehouse nice, the feeling of someone wanting you to violate them... yummy...


Oh Jin is so genuine. He has not a perverted thought in his mind, I could hold him all day, and he would not even try to touch me in a sexual way


Her breasts are against my abdomen they are like soft kisses from and angel. I want to burry my face in her perfectly shaped breast and become lost in her innocent sensual ness


Fuu looks up at Jin then kisses him. A surprise look appears on Jin's face he is slow to react but he soon catches up


Wow even her kisses are sweet and soft...maybe it's the fact that I haven't been to a whorehouse in 2 weeks but Fuu has become way more than a mere bratty little girl she's now a woman


Fuu slowly retracts herself from Jin. Jin licks his lips and forcefully pulls Fuu close, kisses her neck as he takes off her kimono.


Oh My God, Jin was so rough yet I am not scared, in fact, I want more


Jin and Fuu are about to engage in a HUGE act of sex when Mugen stumbles upon them, "What the hell is going on?" Mugen said drawing his sword. Fuu's face is flustered with awkwardness, "she fainted so I tried to loosen her kimono up but…" Jin's voice trails off "Yeah this isn't what it looks like" Mugen's face forms into the meaning of Hatred. "So you fainted and Jin comes along and undresses you and give you passionate mouth to mouth, while you're hero is saving your life you just happen to wake up and embrace him?" Jin senses where Mugen is going with his rant, he stands up and takes off his shoes.


Mugen isn't getting Fuu back with out a fight. I had her right in my arms begging


Damn Fuu for being so cute, I love the way she blushed as I caught that bastard trying to please my woman. How dare Jin attack her while she's weak? I'll show him what happened to people like him


Oh, I know that look it'll be a duel to the death, how will I stop this one?


Jin and Mugen's eyes are locked on each other. Neither one is backing down. Fuu tries to stand up but her kimono is torn and she can barely hold it together, she searches the ground for her ribbon so she can tie up the shreds of her kimono. While her back is turned the battle ensued, Mugen charged at Jin with his sword trying to pierce his heart with the blade, Jin replies with a back kick to the jaw. Mugen is dazed but he quickly shakes it off, Jin thinks he sees and window of opportunity he tries to cut Mugen's head off, ducking Mugen's hair barely escapes Jin's blade. Smiling Mugen Kicks Jin in the stomach and as Jin falls he Flips onto a nearby tree. Jin spits blood but uses his pain to increase his drive to destroy Mugen.


damn he's strong but that's ok I'll Beat him all the same


he got me good with that kick but He'll pay for that soon enough


That's it!


Fuu stands up and screams "stop it both of you" Mugen and Jin's eyes dart in Fuu's direction, she is barely covered, he peach skin glows in the early morning sun. Please will you just stop Fuu pleads. Mugen and Jin put their swords away. Jin walks over to Fuu trying to hug her and hold her but she pulls away. Mugen smiles and then he jumps from the tree and leans in for a kiss from Fuu she glances in her direction but she just walks toward the camp. "what did you do to her Jin?" Mugen said getting in Jin's face. "It was your Ignorance that pissed her off" Jin said glaring into Mugen's eyes. "No don't pin this on me you turned her into a stuck up prude tease" Mugen said pushing Jin. Jin shoves Mugen back replying "Well maybe you couldn't satisfy her like I could" Mugen Drops his sword and punches Jin in the face, Jin stumbles back holding his jaw. Jin spits out blood then storms towards Mugen. Fuu screams, Jin and Mugen both scramble in the direction of the scream. They reach the camp grounds and find the only thing that is left of Fuu is her torn kimono