
Chapter 1

In the year 1990, there was an organization that was feared throughout the world. They posses supernatural abilities that no normal people can posses or even beat. They were known as "The Devil's Messengers".

The people of the world believed they acquire their power by worshipping a deity and by prayer or sacrifices, the deity they worship would grant them supernatural powers to spread the deities name around the world to gain more worshippers. So, they linked the group to the very known evil entity, Satan.

But, this was more further than the truth. In reality, this people were experimented on to produce humanoid weapons for military purposes. They were a group of people who united and vowed to help the people that are like them, who are lost around the world.

They were not seen as Human anymore, they were now seen and called to Mutants. A former human who was turned into a monster, hence giving away their humanity ans becoming a mutant.

After a few years of protecting the mutants around the world, the two leader candidates started fighting each other for the title of Leader. Both of their wishes for the conflicted with each other. The 1st leader wanted to make peace with humans and to live peacfully together, but the other leader, wanted to kill every human on the face off the earth and the people behind him were willing to kill, even Mutants like them to achieve that dream.

Today, we take a look at boy who has no name, he only goes by his nickname "Machio" our MC.


In the Country of the Philippines, specifically the City of Oroquieta. Machio can be seen walking around the sidewalk which was overseeing the ocean. Machio had black hair with a blue colored eye on his left and a red colored eye on his right. He was wearing a black trenchcoat under it was a white dress shirt with a black tie and to finish his attire, he wored a black dress pants with black business shoes.

He was walking around the sidewalk, on the hot sun while drinking a bottle of water he bought from a nearby sari-sari store from the hotel he was staying. He was just out for a walk as he tries to fan his face with his hand.

"It's sooo hot! Now I wished I just left my trenchcoat back at the hotel!" Machio complained as he continues to walk. While walking on the sidewalk. People there were giving him a bit of look's though it's quite rude to stare at him, he knew it was just that they were curious if he was a foreigner from overseas. So, he ignored them and continued walking.

After a while of walking, he arrived at the basketball court that was part of the Oroquieta City Plaza, it was actually just to the right of the Plaza. This was actually quite the good place, some food stalls or food carts would gather here and put up some tables and chairs for their cutomer to sit and enjoy their food.

He then went to a stall, where they sold his favorite food which was shawarma, specifically all meat, with a spicy sauce. "The usual, pleace!" He said to the vendor as the vendor nods. He then started making preparing to make the shawarma as Machio sit's on a chair with a table that had 3 seats available as he waits for his shawarma.

After a while of waiting, the vendor served him his shawarma aswell as the extra shawarma rice, which was also all meat with an egg and extra spice sauce. He then grabs his spoon and get's ready to eat his rice, until he saw a little girl wearing a pink dress, looking lost as she was looking for someone.

Machio then stopped himself from eating and stood up, then approached the girl. "Hey, you lost little girl?" Machio asked her. "Ye-yes, Mister, I can't find my Mom and Dad." She answered as I see some tears on her eyes. "Aww, now, now, don't cry, I'm sure you'll see you're Mom and Dad again." Machio reassured the girl while patting her head as she look's at him. "Yo-you promise?" She asked him. "I promise." He answered as the girl stopped crying. "How about you stay with me for awhile, until you're parents come and get you." Machio suggested as th girl nodded happily.

Machio then went back to his table with the girl as they both sat next to each other. As Machio was about to eat his rice, he notices the girl was watching his rice with a hungry expression. "Want some?" Machio askd her she look's at him with excitement. "REALLY!?" She yelled at Machio. "Ofcourse! You can have them all!" He said as he give the rice and the spoon to her.

She then grabbed the spoon and started eating it. Machio realized she's about probably 7 years old, which means, she's probably on grade school. Machio then started eating his shawarma enjoying their meal.

As the two finished their meal, Machio leave some cash on the table to pay, as they both got up and started walking around the park, which was filled with people. "So, kid, where was the last time you've seen you're parents?" Machio asked her to help her. "Well, I was with them when we were crossing the road, and when I dropped my ball, it bounced back to the park as I went back here to grab." She answered. "Well, this could be harder than I thought. I wonder how long the parents have notice their daughter is gone?" I said to myself as I think of something.

"I know!" I yelled as I slam my fist to my palm. "Hey, kid, how about we play a game?" I suggested as the girl's eyes lit up. "A game!? what is it!?" She asked excitement. "First, follow me." I said as she grabs my hand. We then walked to a more secluded place specifically the bottom part of the park's kiosk where they used to be a worker, but it's been empty.

"Okay, I want you to close you're eyes and count to ten and when you open them, you'll get to see something awesome!" I stated as her eyes sparkle. "OKAY! OKAY!" She yelled in excitement as she covers her eyes with her hands. "1...2" She started counting as Machio's expression turns from happy to serious, as she counted from 1 to 2 he plucked out one strand of hair as she temporarily stops counting. "Mister, did something happen? My head's hurt?" She askes Machio. "It's nothing, keep counting." He answered as he holds the strand of hair and closes his eyes. "3...4" The girl continued as Machio was focusing. Inside of Machio's head, he see's a man and a woman looking for someone, he knew this was the girls parents, afterall he located them using the girls har strand as a dna sample.

"5...6" A blue colored aura starts to surround the whole body of Machio as he focuses even more. "7...8" And then at the 8 second mark, he flicked his finger. "9...10!" The girl yelled as she opens her eyes to see, not Machio, but her parents. The parents visibly confused on what happened, was looking around, they then see their daughter who was just looking at them in confusion. "Mommy? Daddy? What are you doing here?" She asked them. Both the parents werw crying as they hugged their daughter tightly. "Were sorry! Were really sorry for losing you honey! I'm sure you were really scared!" The mother yelled in tears. "Don't worry about me Mommy! That kind mister in a coat helped me!" She said to her mom as they break the hug and look at her. "Honey, what man?" Her Father asked.

"You know, the mister who was just here? He was so kind to me he even bought me food and promised me if I close my eyes and count to ten I'd see something cool!" She answered as the parents looked even more confused for awhile, until they figured it out. They realize their daughter was with a mutant as they gained a shocked face. "Sweetie, do you know where'd this man go?" Her mother asked her. "Hmm..No, he said that I needed to close my eyes." She answered. The parents wanted to thank the mutant who helped their daughter. despite the hate they recieve because of their "methods" for equality.

Some are actually not bad to them, like the family you see right now. And now back to Machio, who was now buying some chocolate sticks from a store named Namkin. As he leaves while eating his snack, he then notices a figure he remembers all too well. It was a man who was probably in his 40's who was wearing a light blue open hoodie and under it was a white t-shirt and to finish it off, he was wearing blue jeans with black sneakers.

"I knew you'd be here, Machio." The man said to Machio who just kept a smile on his face. "Ofcourse, you have eyes all over this city, and believe me it's quite creepy." Machio answered in a playful tone. "Well, as you still have known by now, my-" "No...." Machio said cutting him off. "Like I said before, I'm not coming back." Machio finished. "Hmm...very well, but do know when you return, the family will welcome you with open arms. Especially me, Alphonse and Diana." The man said as he starts walking away. He was engulfed in the crowed which he uses to disappear out of Machio's vision, to which the latter just sighs and starts walking off. "Still as dramatic as always." Machio said tk himself as he calls for a cab, get's on and leaves.



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