
Old times

The two stood staring at eachother.Merissa finally broke the silence."Why cant you move on already?Why do you still persist in loving him?He is not worthy of your love.I know he's your first love.I know its hard to move on.But you should leave everything in the past and marry someone atleast for your parents sake.Just because you had a bad relationship doesnt mean every relationship will be bad." Merissa said as she slowly walked forward and held her hand.Sandriya didnt expect her to be this patient with her.But she lowered head and said"No Isa(calling her by her short name)I wont"

This made Merissa lose her temper.

"Why do you want someone who left you?Why do you keep clinging to the past?If I were you he would have been the person i hated the most."she yelled.

"No,I cant hate him.I cant"Sandriya knelt to the ground and burst into tears"Not in my entire life"

Seeing her cry in sorrow, Merissa knelt down beside her and hugged her.When she felt that her friend had calmed down a little, she said comfortingly "Dont keep the pain to yourself.You can share it with me.If you dont want to then its fine" hugging her tightly.

As she didnt get a reply,she released her from her hug and stood up to leave the room.But Sandriya grabbed her hand

"I want to-"


"I want to tell you" Sandriya said as she wiped tears.

"It all started 8 years ago"

Sandriya was doing her high school in a local school.She worked hard in her academics and was an excellent student.She was a friendly person.Everyone she met,she always greeted them with a smile.Adding to her good character,she was really beautiful.Her skin was fair, her eyes were big and bright and nose was long.Her hair was black and long.Her body was in perfect proportion.Some girls even felt envious of her.But she never cared about that.She was always the same kind hearted girl.

It was the first day of their 11 th grade.

"O God.I am late.That too on my first day".She ran downstairs,shoved a piece of bread into her mouth and hurried outside as she waved bye to her mom.

She was a good student but she was also good at showing up late to class.

By the time she reached the front gate of her school,the bell had already rung and the watchman didnot let her pass through.She tried to reason with him,but invain.

So she slowly walked towards the back of the school.There was an old cherryblossom tree.It was old and strong.One of its branches was leaning upto the compound wall.

She reached the branch and climbed down its trunk and ran fast to her class.This was her routine for most of the days as she was always late.By the time she reached the class,the staff was not there yet.So she quietly went and sat on her desk, panting for breath.

"Girl friend,that's a new record"nudged Cathy whose desk was behind Sandriyas'.

"Really!?did i come early today?"She asked still gasping for breath

"Nope,You bet your last record by coming 15 minutes late than the previous time" Elena teased from the desk beside Cathys'

Elena and Cathy were her best friends in school.They had been in the same class since kindergarden.

The trio laughed.Just then the Chemistry teacher came in and everyone turned to the board...

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