
A Lord's Indifference

A man named Blake was questioned by an Mysterious Old Man about reincarnation, upon answering he was suddenly given a ring that was skull-like in details with two horn's on either side and a crimson like glow in it's eye socket, while the old man disappeared the following moment. On a certain night it glowed in red brightly then disappeared in the following moment, while waking up Blake suddenly found himself in another world where magic can control elements to make anything magical happen and superior physical strength that can destroy entire continent's. after knowing that this world had different races such as elves,dwarves,mermaids etc. He found out that he really did transmigrated to another world. thinking of the many mysteries and the chance to obtain power and find entertainment in this Great magical World, He had a huge grin that would make anyone feel uncomfortable. While adventuring he found a weird girl carrying a kid. She always has a cold expression while having a potential that could make even god's spit blood in envy. he can't help but think that by staying with her he can acquire a rival and entertainment at the same time. +notice: -this is my first novel i hope you enjoy it, and please give me suggestions if you have something that could help me make this novel better. -Though The first 20+ chapters are not good, It will get better so please give it a chance. -Please give me a good rating just to show me you support me and also like my novel.

Monarch_novel · Kỳ huyễn
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49 Chs

Fighting The Towns Mayor

After a few more minutes of walking, we arrived in the vicinity of the town. The gate has plenty of people trying to get into the city while plenty of guards are keeping watch on them.

Dozen of carriages are passing at the gate while being checked every time it will pass the gate except for those with insignia on their side.

'Looks like having a known insignia has their privilege as well, I thought that they were just designed to keep people from messing with you.'

'Well, it makes sense I guess, the protagonists usually find trouble with people like that so the details aren't usually known by other readers.'

I thought while wondering if I could enter without any disturbance at the town gate.

Though, I don't think that's possible due to the attention I'm receiving right now.

Plenty of people were staring at me while also whispering at each other, Seeing this I can't help but think;

'For them to look at me like that, Am I that handsome?'


'Well, looks like passing the gate without any kind of disturbance is out of the question right now.' I thought while shrugging my shoulders.


'We should have just jumped above the walls with a low number of guards'

'That way we could avoid any kind of attention.'

[Host, The system thinks that isn't possible as there is a barrier around the whole city.]

'Well, I don't see any problem with sneaking in, you're here to help me avoid that kind of problem right?'

[Well... The host is...correct]

'See? As long as both of us are present, we could even survive a nuclear battle.'

[*Looks like you didn't change despite you forgetting...*] The System thought.

Unaware of this thought, Me and Kereina just kept walking across the astonished faces of all the people we came across with.

"Look! There's a fox!" one of them said.

"Wow! He's handsome!" Another said.

"Hmph! I'm more handsome than him!"

As they heard this, they can't but roll their eyes and thought: 'What a narcissistic bastard! Even a dog has more shame than you!'

"Achoo! Who's talking about me?"

I and Kereina just ignored everything that had happened and continued walking toward the entrance.

"C-can I check your I.D please?"

"I don't have one," I said in a neutral tone.

"Sorry, But I can't let you enter without one...''

(Shall I kill them Mash~ter?)

"Not for now..."

Hearing this, The guard can't help but think: 'Huh? Who's he talking to? Is he perhaps delusional?'

I just kept a neutral look on my handsome face while waiting for his answer.

"As I had just said I can't let you in~"

"I said I don't have one, So can I now enter?" I said in a cold tone while releasing a little of my killing intent.

Feeling my Intent, All the humans that were near us suddenly kneeled with their heads on the floor while shivering.

The guard dropped to his knees and looked down on the ground too afraid to look me in the eyes.

"WHO DARE TRIES TO CAUSE A TROUBLE IN MY TOWN!?" A loud voice was heard in the whole town as an old man was seen floating in the sky.

'Oh? Is this one of those cliches?' I thought while feeling amused about this whole situation.

'System, What is his level?'


[The System had to detect that his current level is 78 (tier 7)]

'Oh? Looks like he is the mayor of this town, but why would a person of his level be here in the middle of nowhere far away from the human capital?'

[The Host should know that this town serves as a defense against the beasts of the Grand Forest, It's usually here to defend against the yearly beast tide.]

'Maybe he was assigned here or something, And a yearly beast tides huh?'

'Is this perhaps one of the events where the protagonist will have his character development?'

As I thought of that, Another loud shout from the floating Old Man was heard again.


Hearing his loud voice, I can't help but complain.

"Can't you just shut the fuck up!? You are hurting my ears! Why would you keep Shouting in the middle of the fucking afternoon? Don't you know that plenty of people are sleeping?''

Hearing this The Old Man was speechless, he didn't expect that someone would talk back to him.

He was a master-ranked human (tier 7) you know? A master-ranked human!! Though plenty of people could reach this rank, It's still respected even if you are from a different race!

The Old Man can't help but think: 'Are young people nowadays that arrogant?'


'Back in my days, even a kid knew how to respect someone stronger than them, Oh! How this generation has fallen...'

"Oy! Old Man stop daydreaming! Can I now enter the town or what?"

The Old Man looked at me for a second before saying: "You can enter But before that, You need to explain to me what had happened here"

"Shut the fuck up! Can you stop ordering me?"

"I didn't me-"

"I don't care about what you want to say! I'll Enter this town whether you like it or not."

"What an arrogant young man, You don't even have a mana circuit," he said with pity visible in his voice.

I just ignored him as I signaled Kereina to enter while Emerald was on her back just sleeping in peace.

We just walked towards the gate completely ignoring everything around us.

Seeing me completely ignore him, He felt humiliated and decided to teach me a lesson.

"You forced me to do this! I won't have any mercy towards you anymore!" He said in an irritated voice.

He launched an attack that looked like a snake on me using the element of Fire. I dodged it without any effort while he stared at me dumbfoundedly.

I was about to ignore him and continue, but something inside me boiled again in anger due to the disrespect he has given me.