
A Loners Creations

"Y-Y-You can see me". Said the mysterious gothic-lolita Aarick nods at her statement. "But how is that possible". I'm the pillar of existence how can y-y-you". Sniff, Sniff finally some-ones is able to comprehend my existence. Aarick looks at the crying girl with confusion so to cheer her up he pats her head. For the first time since the dawn of all creation, the pillar of existent has finally felt the touch of one of her creations. What is your name the gothic-lolita asks Aarick with a beautiful smile? Then the Pillar of existence watch as the first living being to comprehend her existence took out a notebook and began writing something "Hi, I am Aarick". "Cant, you talk". The beautiful grey-blackish hair gothic-lolita asks in concern to the human who now holds a special place in her heart. Aarick then began to write again but this time he removes his black face mask. And what the Pillar of existence saw shock her. Both the page and inside his mouth. "I bite off my own tongue". The pillar of existence didn't need to ask why he did it she could see it in the child's dead eyes one devoid of all life she knew the person who she has now officially considered an equal was suicidal she was shaking at the very fact. I have decided I shall make you my... ***PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO ANY ANIME COMIC OR GAMES THAT WILL OCCURS DURING THE STORY I ONLY OWN THE CHARACTERS AND ABILITIES THAT I MIGHT CREATE DURING THE STORY P.S THIS IS MY STORY SO I WILL DO WHATEVER THE HELL I PLEASED SO IF DON'T LIKE WELL BE ALL MEANS THE EXIST IS TO YOUR LEFT***

Retro_Senpai · Tranh châm biếm
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33 Chs


So what up everyone author-sama here I just want to say thank you for all the support for my other 2 projects which you should totally check out by the way both work under the name of Re: Asura and Kanashimi no Monogatari I also plan on making a discord soo for my series hope to see you all there so anyways back to the main point.

A Loner Creation was inspired by a friend of mine who was deeply in love with God-like MC and had a great fetish for the gothic-lolita type of girls but sadly he got into a serious car accident 2 days ago and is in a coma he might even have brain damage so I decided to write this in his name, so please do enjoy.

PS: Kanashimi no Monogatari will update either tonight or tomorrow night