
Chapter 23 - Kleptomania

***** BONUS CHAPTER ***** A/N: Surprise bonus chapter. Hope you all Enjoy! *****

"Goodbye everyone!"

They were all gathered in the living room of the Burrow as Khan was currently saying farewell to the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione, before he left via Floo to return to Hogwarts.

It had been 2 days since the events of the World Cup riot, and things were apparently quite hectic in the British greater wizarding world. Both Percy and Arthur had barely been home, helping the ministry deal with the aftermath of the entire fiasco.

Understandably, after Molly had smothered them in welcome upon arriving back to the Burrow, Khan was the center of attention, after his rather impressive combat display during the riot.

While the family had pestered Khan for combat lessons, he had been able to placate them with tales of his various adventures. Ginny, Fred and George were quite impressed in particular with tales of his various beast adventures together with Poppy.

Ron meanwhile, had become quite hostile towards Khan, for some unknown reason, often times going out of his way to interrupt his stories, much to his sibling's and Hermione's displeasure.

Unfortunately Khan had to return to Hogwarts ahead of everyone else, as he had to speak with the headmaster regarding his current status. He was currently unsure if he even qualified as a student anymore.

He had learned that the combat abilities had dropped since his time, not to mention, conjuring was apparently taught 7th year now…. Thus he assumed he was slightly ahead of Hogwarts students in terms of practical magical application and overall combat ability.

Unfortunately he was still lacking in general knowledge of each subject, due to his simple lack of magical schooling, not even fully completing 1 full year.

Not to mention, he hadn't even completed an exam yet, yet alone his O.W.Ls or N.E.W.Ts.

Thus he had to clarify his student position with the headmaster, and leave for Hogwarts a few days early.

"Make sure to save us a seat on the train!" Hermione called out in farewell. "You will be riding the Hogwarts Express, won't you?"

"You know, I never rode the train the single year I attended Hogwarts?" Answered Khan pensively. "Perhaps, I will travel to London from Hogwarts specifically to experience this with you all."

"Why would you bother?" Remarked Ron rudely. "You'd already be at Hogwarts! Waste of time, that'll be!"

"Oh the Express is Brilliant!" Interjected Harry, covering up for Ron. "You'll really enjoy it!"

"Say hi to Hagrid for me!" Hermione finished, as Khan reached out to pinch some flip powder.

After nodding his agreement at Hermione, without knowing who Hagrid was, he threw the powder on the fireplace, before calling out loudly.

"Hogwarts: Trophy Room!"


Arriving in a flash, Khan landed in the corridor directly circling the trophy room, directly by the large troll armor display.

Walking along, he moved towards the stairs, climbing them up quickly and moving through the decorated corridor leading towards the upper faculty tower.

Having snuck into the headmaster's office for the 3rd Ancient magic legacy task, Khan was familiar with the route leading towards the office.

Upwards, he climbed, passing by numerous professors' sleeping quarters on the way up to the headmaster's office, when suddenly Khan had the urge to explore his new professor's rooms.

'Just to get to know them a bit better.....' He rationalized to himself.

It seemed like Khan's Kleptomania was acting up again.

It all stemmed from his childhood. Growing up as the heir of the great Khan family, he had never wanted for anything. Food, clothes, entertainment, tutors, money; everything was provided for him.

Thus Jordan grew up without the concept of 'belongings'. Anything he fancied, he would take (and it would be taken care of by his family), whether that was various trinkets, old obscure tomes or books. And while this would be fine at their home, it would soon begin to cause trouble when Jordan began to venture out into society.

Fortunately, it was all taken care of by Lord Jochi Khan, Jordan's Father.

A stern and strict man, he was rarely seen, often times busy with the family business, leaving Jordan to his own devices growing up.

Always ensuring that his son was cared for, he soon learned of his son's habit. However instead of curbing or correcting his kleptomania, he instead always covered for his son, encouraging him even, always reminding Jordan:

'If a Khan wants something, he gets it.'

Words Khan took to heart his first year at Hogwarts. Learning the Disillusionment charm from Sebastian, and the Alohamora Charm from Mr. Moon, Khan spent many a night, exploring the various secrets of Hogwarts, and sneaking into off-limit rooms such as the prefect's bathroom.

Even when he was on the important 3rd Legacy task, he had stopped to explore his various Professor's rooms in curiosity, finding enchanted battle robes he had subsequently taken for his own use.

His justification at the time was that he was actively fighting Goblins, so he would be making better use of it for Hogwarts....

He would, in fact, go on to use that excuse quite a bit over his year at Hogwarts, breaking into various shops and residences, throughout the Hogwarts valley.

Seems like his 100 year coma, did nothing to curb his old tendencies.

"Maybe just one room..... then I'll meet with the headmaster." Khan justified to himself.

Casting Alohamora, Khan unlocked the Professor's door and ventured inside, quickly casting Revelio, in search of any hidden secrets or traps.

Finding none, he began to look around the room for various chests and anything of value.

'It seems this room belongs to the Potions Professor.' Khan commented off-hand to himself, observing the T-Shaped triple potions table in the corner of the room. 'Looks like the Professor was previously brewing a few potions.... don't mind if I do.'

Bottling the 3 brewed potions, Khan instantly recognized them, as he himself was familiar with the recipes, having brewed them for his own use in the past. Reciting off the recipes, he made sure to remind himself of each potions' use.

A Maxima Potion: made with leech juice and a spider fang, this useful potion amplified one's spell damage for its duration.

An Invisibility Potion: made with Leaping Toadstool Caps, Knotgrass Sprigs, and Troll bogeys, this potion acted as a stronger disillusionment charm, enabling someone to stand directly in front of an enemy, without detection.

And finally, A Felix Felicis Potion: Made with Lacewing Flies and Fluxweed stems, this amazing potion increased someone's luck! Khan had previously stumbled upon the castle ruins where he found his Merlin's Battle Robes, using that very same potion!

Storing each away carefully, Khan continued to search the Potion Professor's room, coming eventually to his desk.

Rummaging around the desk to see what he could find, he avoided taking the personal letters, instead looking for any interesting Potions recipes or books.

Quite quickly, he found a piece of parchment with a single phrase on it. "Skittles: taste the rainbow!"

'Skittles..... that a spell, or a potion?' Khan was confused. 'It allows you to taste what a rainbow is like?'

Putting the piece of parchment with the odd phrase to the side, Khan continued to look through the desk, looking for anything of value.

Eventually, he came upon a very used textbook.

'Jackpot!' Khan smiled in success at having found a potions book. 'Advanced Potion Making, just what I need!'

Khan utilized potions quite a lot during his adventures in Hogwarts; Combat Potions, Wiggenweld Potions, and Luck Potions, Khan used them all.

And now he had found another more recent Potions textbook! He was quite excited to add more modern useful potions to his repertoire.

'This book is the property of the Half Blood Prince.' Khan read aloud, opening the textbook, and noticing the writing on the inside cover.

'Did this book belong to a member of the royal family?' Khan thought back to his knowledge of the previous monarchy. Being from an ancient and noble family, Khan had attended a few Royal Balls during his childhood, and was vaguely familiar with the British Monarchy.

'Queen Victoria was quite old during my time, and her numerous children were not known to be wizards, or married to known wizarding families to my knowledge...' Khan thought to himself, puzzled with the title. 'Perhaps a wizarding family married into Royalty over the last 100 years?'

'Something else to investigate, I suppose.' He mused to himself. 'I should pay my respects to the Throne, now that I have taken over Head of House duties.'

Placing the book away in his storage, intending to studying it later in the RoR, Khan left the Professor's room, to continue climbing up towards the headmaster's office.

Soon, he came upon the gargoyle protecting the stairwell to the headmasters office.

'Toujours pur!' Khan stated aloud, announcing the old password he had previously used when Professor Black was headmaster.

The Gargoyle stayed in place, indicating the password was wrong.

'Dumbledore is a half-blood.... Of course he wouldn't keep the password the same.' Khan berated himself. 'Perhaps I should've announced my intent to visit.'

"Professor!" He called out loudly, hoping that Dumbledore would hear him, and allow him entrance. "Please sir! I need to discuss my current student stat-"

Khan was interrupted as the Gargoyle statue began to spiral upwards, revealing a staircase behind.

It seems the Headmaster heard him.

Climbing the stairs and entering the Headmaster's office, Khan saw that the headmaster was not present at the moment.

Looking around, he noted that while the office appeared quite similar to the past, there were much more magical trinkets around, many of which, glowed Orange, which was again, a new magical color to Khan.

'Orange?' Khan thought to himself. 'I don't recall ever seeing an orange type of magic being used...'

This was the 2nd new magical color Khan had experienced in the 1900s.

The Pink colored magic, protecting Potter against Dark magic. And now this Orange colored magic, existing around the various trinkets littered around the headmaster's office.

"Jordan Khan, is that truly you?" Niamh Fitzgerald called out from her Portrait, interrupting Khan's musing about the new colored magic.

"Yes Headmistress!" Khan answered respectfully to the 3rd Keeper. "I was in a magical coma since the battle against Ranrok, and have only recently awaken."

"Blasted boy!" Headmaster Black called out from his Portrait. "You were the one blight on my spotless career as a Hogwarts Headmaster! The scandal that came for me for causing the heir of the Great Khan family to go missing! You wer-"

"Quiet Nigellus!" Niamh interrupted. "Nobody cares about your tenure as a headmaster or the fallout."

"What did happen to the Black family sir?" Khan questioned curiously. "I had overheard that the Black ancestral home is in disrepair, with the Black family possibly falling out of power."

"My useless decedents happened!" Black's portrait raged. "My entire family was killed off during the last wizarding war. And the only one left alive, went and got himself arrested and thrown in Azkab-"


Their discussion was interrupted as Dumbledore Flashed into his office, alongside Fawkes.

Khan was quite startled at the sudden appearance of another Phoenix.

'I thought Sol was one of the only known domesticated Phoenixes?' Khan thought to himself, as Sol sensing another Phoenix, ventured out of the Knab-Sack, to meet and interact with Fawkes.

Phoenixes were a very rare animal back during his time, but perhaps over the past 100 years, they had managed to increase their population.

"A pleasure to see you again Lord Khan!" Dumbledore greeted him upon arriving, a twinkle in his eye as he viewed Khan's Phoenix interacting with Fawkes.

Dumbledore was previously worried about his Senior's actions during the World Cup, wondering about his motives, and questioning his lethal actions. Worried about another Voldemort, Dumbledore could not help but suspect that Khan's heavy-handed tactics during the world cup, may lead him down a darker path.

But any hesitations he had about him were now gone as he watched Khan's Phoenix interact with Fawkes. How could a Phoenix bond with a dark wizard after all? His thoughts were interrupted as Khan greeted him back.

"My apologies for the unannounced visit Headmaster. I wish to discuss my current Hogwarts Student status."

Always thought it was funny how in the game, MC was basically breaking into people's houses to loot chests lmfao

Sudokucreators' thoughts
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