

"Duran" I heard someone call out to me. Their voice was rather manly but not to the point where they sounded like a body builder.

With my head laid against the wooded and aging desk, I open my right eye to notice a person staring at me from just above me. "Yo" I respond to him rather nonchalantly. The person in question was actually believe it or not a good friend of mine, versil. The said person had dark grey hair which almost stepped into the zone of black which almost covered his eyes if not for his glasses.

"You shouldn't be sleeping in class, ma'am will most certainly give you a lecture you know." He spoke while placing his arm on my shoulder, to which I just shrugged of, not wanting to be touched, especially by another man.

"Ya ya" I respond once again without the care in the world. Honestly I didn't care because it made no difference to me at all. Of course seeing my 'don't give a fu*k attitude', he just rolled his eyes, allredy used to my personality.

The name is Duran, Duran Pillay. Age well I'm pretty sure I'm 17, sexuality? Of course I'm straight, what a stupid question. Hobbies you ask? Let's see, there's volleyball, programming and writing too, that's mostly it though. This is me. This is what everyone knows about me. I feel rather proud to live an average life, without a care in the world.

Well that's until my mask comes crumbling down along with the classroom walls. I'll have you know I spent 17 years creating that mask, God damn it...actually forget those last 3 words. Uh the walls...you want me to go on with it? Fine I guess so, anyways let's rebuild this 4th wall that I broke.

Turning away from my friend, I put my head back down to sleep, cause well...I love sleeping. However much to my disappointment, a sudden explosion is heard in the sky above the school followed by 2 humanoid figures crashing into the wall ahead of me to which I curse out silently but cursing nonetheless. These 2 figures were cloaked in what looked like some type of aura, while one was aqua blue, giving the feeling of tranquility, the other was a deep shade of purple giving everyone in the class an ominous vibe. Everyone but me that is. All I felt was annoyance since these bastards ruined my sleep. However I was calm and just decided to go back to sleep while the 2 began brawling. Black ran towards his opponent at astonishing speed almost as fast as a speeding bicycle before slamming his hands down on the ground inches away from aqua. Doing so, a puddle of darkness appeared where his palms were placed before entrapping his foe, well his shadow atleast. Aqua responded violently by releasing an explosion of water all around his surroundings.

This continued on as they trashed the class along with one another. Oh by the way every one was scared shit less by this phenomenon. I would be lying if I said the 2 men never notice us, they did but they didn't care...simple...well until black saw me still sleeping peacefully, which I guess must have irritated him.

"DURAN FU*KING WAKE UP!!!!!" I heard them shout from the back of the classroom. Of course they tried waking me up before fleeing to the back to which I just shrugged them of, as I wanted to sleep longer. Black seemed to have enough as he summoned a dark metallic looking being from the shadows and sent in my direction.

"Die brat!" He yelled aloud. Lifting my head up, I notice a huge black robot pacing at me with a heavy sword in toe, it resembled the 'Pekka unit' from coc actually. However much to his disdain I raise my right arm, and with my fist closed except for my middle and index finger standing out. I raise my hands to the roof. Just moments before the monster was in my face I brought my hand down, and like thunder, the entire room trembling as the monster in question was split cleanly in half.

"Weak" I say.

To which I could see black and aqua's mouths drop digging into the earth. It was quite humorous seeing their expressions of both bewilderment and fear which was also present on the faces of everyone in my class, yet non dared to speak.

Pushing my desk one side, I rose from my seat which sent a shiver down their injured spines. With an expressionless face, "HOW DARE YOU DISTURB THIS KING'S SLEEP." I roared with an icy glance that could freeze a beating heart cold. My voice alone sent tremors and air waves in their direction as they struggled to get a bearing. They both looked at each other momentarily and nodded in unison before glancing back at me.

They rushed at me with speeds that could blind a person, easily crossing 5 meters in under a second. They probably thought they would deal with me first before continuing their squabble...however...I was in no mood for it.

Just as they appeared in front of me, both of them ready to give me the final blow, I caught both of them by their necks instantaneously and squeezed with the slightest of pressure. Their face color began changing, becoming more pale by the passing second as I looked at them without anger nor fear...there was no emotion in my eyes whatsoever, as if they were devoid of emotions...a machine...perhaps?

~HaIo_x here

Just to let you know, breaking the fourth wall is basically when the audience or in my case the reader is being spoken to by the actor/character

~Halo_x out :~}

Halo_xcreators' thoughts