In which Professor X isn't nearly as nice a man as he is in canon. In fact, one might say he's... the Reverse. Not my own work. Support the author at:
She was one of the most powerful telepaths he'd ever met. Charles Xavier knew this from the very first moment he laid eyes on Miss Grey. Just like he knew he had to have her at his school. Sitting in his wheelchair in the living room of the Grey family, he plasters a smile on his face, listening with half an ear as the young woman's parents talk about this or that.
Beside him, Erika Lehnsherr stands at his right hand, while darling Raven Darkholme stands at his left. The female mutants field questions that the older Greys have, even as Charles focuses his attention on the girl herself. You're scared, my dear. Jean flinches, blushing as she looks down into her lap. I don't… I don't know what's going to happen to me. Charles sends the metaphorical version of a nod across their mental connection, even as he presents nothing more than the kindly father-like image he's cultivated for years now.
You're right to be afraid. That gets a big reaction from the young red head, as her eyes snap up, wide and surprised that he would say as much. Charles just smiles as he looks back at her, seemingly sitting in silence while Erika explains the benefits that Jean will gain at their school. If you stay, they will hurt you. If you stay, they will grow to fear you… as they always do.
He's lucky to have caught this one so young. Jean Grey isn't just powerful beyond his reckoning… she's a threat, or at least has the potential to become one. But luckily, she's inexperienced and untamed. Only the years he has on her allows Charles to hide his true thoughts and feelings behind a flowing river of what he wants her to see. If he simply put up a wall, she would feel that and grow suspicious. But when a river is deeper than it should be, most are afraid to dive in.
Jean is no different, and the dark recesses of his mind are thus safe from her. She shivers as if able to hear the truth in his words, and Charles just smiles a bit wider as she slowly nods, coming to terms with what he's saying. Unfortunately, at the same time, Erika is proving to not be quite so successful at her own task.
"No." The single word draws the attention of both Charles and Jean away from one another as Jean's father stands up, setting his jaw. "No, I think not. Jean… Jean belongs here, with us. For better or for worse." He can feel Jean's rising panic. Has her father already grown angry with her? Has he already hurt her? It's possible, but Charles doesn't allow emotion to dictate his actions. He considers all possible paths for a brief moment, before deciding on the one that will most benefit him first, and those close to him second. The well-being of Jean's parents is barely a blip on his radar.
"I think, Mr. Grey, that you should reconsider. My school is not simply an institution of learning, but a safe haven for young mutants like your daughter. One she desperately needs. I can feel the distrust and the hatred fermenting in this area even now. The times when Jean has… lost control are beginning to be noticed. And beyond even that… you yourself are beginning to lose what little love you have for your daughter."
It's not necessarily true. But Charles is quite capable of making it true. He sees Jean react out of the corner of his eye, he watches as she turns her powers onto her parents, just as he's planting the proper seeds in their minds. It's been months since the girl read her parents' minds, their thoughts and feelings. And she's not nearly trained enough to distinguish between what's them… and what's him. So in the end, she finds what he wants her to find.
The young telepath finds the building disgust and revulsion in her father, and the growing fear in her mother. It brings a tear to young Jean's eye, and a moment later she stands up, hands clenched into fists. "I-I'm going with Professor Xavier." With the barest of nudges, Charles snuffs out the father's building anger before it can even truly begin. Once more, Jean doesn't notice even with her untamed talent. It truly is a godsend that they found this one early. Letting out a shuddering breath, Mr. Grey falls back onto the couch beside his wife, his face drawn and weary as he simply nods in response. "Perhaps that would be best."
And that's that. Raven moves to help Jean pack, and Erika brings out the paperwork for the Greys to sign. With Jean distracted by Raven's shapeshifting antics upstairs, Charles is a bit more heavy-handed in forcing the young mutant's parents to simply make their way through the paperwork without fuss and without questions. By the time they're done, they've signed their daughter's life away to him, at least until she's come of age. But by then… Jean won't want to leave the Institute. No one ever does.
Thinking back to that day, so many years ago, Charles can't help but smile. The bald mutant slides a hand beneath his desk and slips his fingers through beautiful red locks as a pair of lips suctions down on his cock, bobbing up and down on his member. While his fingers massage her scalp, he uses his powers to do the same with Jean's mind. All grown up now, the absurdly powerful telepath is completely and utterly… under his control. A glance down shows a pair of gorgeous, emerald-green eyes staring up at him with nothing but adoration and devotion. Jean sucks and slurps at his cock like she was made for it, like she was destined to do it. And perhaps she was, in the end. If Charles actually believed in fate or destiny, he might have claimed as much. But no, he'd long discarded such childish notions. A man like him? It was hard to believe in either of those things when he was so utterly in control. But then, he'd been in control all his life. It'd started with his parents, all that time ago. And then Raven had shown up, and he'd gotten both a playmate… and a plaything to experiment on. His first and most loyal servant, Charles had twisted and turned Raven's mind until the shapeshifter was his creature beyond all others.
From there, collecting beautiful mutants had become a bit of a hobby of his. Erika was one of his favorites, even if she was getting along in the years a bit now. He'd have to look for a way to rejuvenate her, just as he intended to eventually rejuvenate himself. The mind was a wondrous thing, but without a proper and strong body to maintain it, there were… limits. Ah, but the world was evolving, and those limits were slowly but surely falling away for people like him. Soon, eternal life would be his… and he would share it with his lovely pets, because he was a benevolent master who would do no less. Besides, they belonged with him, they belonged TO him, one and all. It was his duty, his responsibility, and his privilege to care for their needs.
Still, if he had to truly rank them, Charles would probably be unable to deny who held first in his heart. Staring down at her, he can't help but smile as he continues to pet her head, and Jean continues to dutifully suck on his cock like the loyal bitch she is. As his access to the Phoenix Force, Jean Grey was essentially his greatest weapon, his greatest tool in achieving both his aims and his desires. Keeping her under his sway took a lot of effort, but it was ultimately worth it, for the chance to siphon a small sliver of the Phoenix Force for his own use. He played with fire by doing so of course, and he knew it too… but then, fire had given humanity so many of its advancements over the years. One did not simply ignore power because it had the potential to end the universe. Regardless, Jean Grey was his, in mind, body, and soul. Those with a more moralistic view on life would undoubtedly call it grooming. It was probably the best word for it, though Charles felt no guilty over what he'd done. Turning Jean into his slave, making her his girl through steady conditioning and brainwashing had taken more time than any of his other pets. Years, as a matter of fact. He'd had to work hard to keep the girl from learning what was truly happening around her, even as he also kept her from realizing what was happening TO her. But he'd had plenty of time, in the end. And now she was his, irreversibly so. The amount of time he'd spent inside of Jean's mind rivaled the amount of time he'd spent inside of his own. Even Erika and Raven hadn't garnered this treatment, mostly because Charles knew that neither woman had the mental capacity to break free on their own once he fixated them on him. Jean though… Jean required constant attention, just like what he was giving her right now. Even as she sucked on his cock, even as he massaged her scalp, Charles' mind was pressing down on Jean's quite… oppressively. She enjoyed it, because he'd made sure she enjoyed it, but in the end the entire process wasn't for her pleasure, nor was it even for his. Ultimately, Charles was doing this because he was looking for cracks, for blemishes in what he'd made of Jean Grey. The mind that he'd spent years sculpting and cultivating and conforming to his standards could at any moment develop… faults. If too many of these faults persisted, Jean very well might begin to lose track of what was real and what wasn't. He'd never truly taught her control, in the end… he'd merely given himself control over her, and made her think it was her own control, masking his presence in her mind as her own voice in the back of her head, telling her what she wanted, what she needed, what she desired above all else. Even now, he was finding those faults and smoothing them over, removing them for the time being. Meanwhile, Jean was happily, ecstatically even, sucking his cock beneath his desk like the good little girl she was. Not that she was a little girl anymore. His darling red head was a woman grown now, and it showed in the curve of her breasts, the swell of her hips, the thickness of her shapely behind. Charles liked his girls beautiful, he wouldn't lie. And only Raven could change her very form on a whim. The rest were kept on strict diets, though of course every single one of them, even Jean, thought the diets were their own decision, made to keep him attracted to them, made to keep him from discarding them. That was of course their greatest fear, a fear he'd given each and every one of them, even those that'd been with him the longest such as Raven and Erika. They would do anything to avoid being left behind and forgotten, much to Charles' great enjoyment. Ah, but enough about that. He'd removed all the faults he could find. It was time to move on. Sliding his hand from Jeans' hair, Charles pulls back away from his desk, his hard cock slipping out of the red head's mouth with a soft pop as she looks at him questioningly. "Stand up and bend over the desk, my dear." Her eyes light up with an eagerness that causes Charles to throb in anticipation. Jean is quick to crawl out from under the large mahogany desk and stand up. A moment later she's bent over it, facing away from him as she flips up her cute little skirt. She's a teacher these days, but when she's with him, she will forever be his student�� which means wearing a sexy schoolgirl's uniform, despite clearly having the proportions of a beautiful, matured woman. Standing up from his wheelchair without issue, Charles moves behind Jean and grabs hold of her hips. "Not wearing any underwear, my sweet? Naughty, naughty." "Mm, please, Professor X… punish me for my misbehavior." He chuckles darkly but wastes no time in lining his already hard cock up with her dripping wet pussy lips, pushing in right then and there. He could give her a spanking, but that would come later. For now, his pleasure came first. Thrusting into Jean from behind as she moans and mewls and cries out, Charles can't deny that fucking the other telepath is VERY pleasurable indeed. She's so very hot, his crimson-haired phoenix. And she's all his.
Reaching out, Charles grabs a fistful of Jean's hair eventually. As he spears into her physically, he also spears into her mentally. For the less intelligent, it could be compared to him standing in a room before a button labeled "Jean's pleasure" and just smashing it repeatedly. Needless to say, the female mutant was orgasming around his cock from about the fifth thrust in, and she didn't stop as he fucked her senseless. It caused her telekinesis to act up a bit, and some of the things in the room began to shake and rattle as her pleasured screams filled the air, but with his control over her mind, nothing actually broke. He was the master, and she was nothing more than the instrument by which he made his masterpieces. Fucking her, plowing her senseless… it left Charles feeling like he was on top of the world, though all the while he knew he was precariously perched atop a fiery mare. Keeping Jean under his thumb certainly made for an interesting life, if nothing else. But fucking her… fucking her was a treat that could scarcely be replicated. With a growl, Charles finally lets loose, giving the red head what she's not-so-secretly desired since she stepped into his office in her slutty, sexy schoolgirl's uniform. He pumps his cum into Jean's womb, filling his phoenix with another load of his oh-so-precious semen. She moans and then slumps forward onto his desk, panting heavily as he finally let's go of her hair. Charles smiles down at her for a moment, even as he steps away from the wheelchair he doesn't truly need, moving to the side and turning slightly so he has a better position for what he plans to do next. Then, bringing his hand down, he begins to spank Jean across her delicious bubble butt, alternating cheeks as she squeals but dutifully counts out her punishment. "Ooh! One, thank you sir~" "T-Two, thank you sir~" "Threeee! Thank you, sir~" Charles just grins at the breathless tone the red head is taking. She's hoping he'll fuck him again, he can feel it. But then, of course he can… he's the one who planted the desire in her mind in the first place. It's good to be King.