
Trying Something For The Best

Months turned into years, and the vibrant café that had once been a symbol of their love was now a shadow of its former self. The décor, which had once been trendy and inviting, was now worn and outdated. The equipment, once top-of-the-line, frequently broke down, causing further disruptions to service.

During one of their most heated arguments, Jae finally snapped. "I can't do this anymore, Mia. This place, it's killing us."

Mia, exhausted and heartbroken, responded, "What do you want to do, Jae? Give up? We've put everything into this café."

Jae's silence spoke volumes. It was then that Mia knew he had already been considering alternatives. The next day, she found him in their small office, staring at his computer screen, a job application form open. The position was for a project manager in a reputable firm in Singapore.

"You're applying for jobs abroad?" Mia's voice wavered between anger and disbelief.

Jae sighed deeply, rubbing his temples. "I haven't sent it yet. But Mia, we need a change. This place… it's not working for us anymore. Maybe a fresh start somewhere else would be better."

Mia felt a mixture of betrayal and understanding. The café had been their shared dream, but it was now a source of constant pain. She walked out of the office without another word, needing time to process this new reality.

Days turned into weeks, and Jae's potential move became a looming presence in their lives. The distance between them grew, not just emotionally but physically, as Jae started spending more time at home preparing for interviews and less time at the café. Mia, on the other hand, threw herself into trying to salvage what was left of their business, refusing to give up.

One evening, after another grueling day at the café, Mia returned home to find Jae packing a suitcase. Her heart sank. "You got the job, didn't you?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jae nodded, avoiding her gaze. "Yes, I did. They want me to start next month."

Tears welled up in Mia's eyes. "And what about us? What happens to us, Jae?"

He finally looked at her, pain etched on his face. "I don't know, Mia. But I know that staying here, in this constant cycle of stress and failure, isn't good for either of us. Maybe some time apart will give us the perspective we need."

The next few weeks were a blur of preparations and farewells. Jae's departure was bittersweet, filled with moments of nostalgia and the harsh reality of their current situation. The night before he left, they sat together in the empty café, surrounded by memories of better days.

"Mia, I want you to come with me," Jae said suddenly, breaking the silence.

She shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "I can't, Jae. This café… it's still a part of me. I need to see it through, one way or another."

They embraced, knowing that their love was still there, but unsure of what the future held. The next day, Jae boarded his flight, leaving Mia behind to face the challenges alone.

As Mia watched the plane disappear into the sky, she felt a mix of fear and determination. The café was on the brink of bankruptcy, and her relationship was hanging by a thread. But she was not ready to give up on either just yet. With Jae's departure, a new chapter was beginning, one filled with uncertainty but also with the possibility of renewal.

The café continued to struggle, and so did Mia. She fought to keep the doors open, often working late into the night, driven by a stubborn refusal to let their dream die. Every day was a battle against mounting debts and dwindling hope.

Meanwhile, Jae adjusted to his new life in Singapore. The work was demanding but fulfilling, a stark contrast to the constant stress of the café. He missed Mia and thought of her often, wondering if they had made the right choices. Communication between them became sporadic, as both were caught up in their own struggles.

Months passed, and the distance began to take its toll. Mia felt increasingly isolated, her once-supportive community now a reminder of what she had lost. The café, despite her best efforts, continued to bleed money. She knew she couldn't keep going like this, but the thought of closing the café for good felt like admitting defeat.

Jae, too, grappled with his decision. Though his career was thriving, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had abandoned Mia. He threw himself into his work, hoping that success would somehow justify his absence. But every achievement felt hollow without her to share it with.

Despite the physical distance, Mia and Jae's bond remained. They both knew that their story was far from over. The cafe might be on the brink of bankruptcy, and their relationship might be strained, but they held onto the hope that they could find their way back to each other.

As Mia stood behind the counter, looking out at the empty tables, she made a silent promise to herself and to Jae. She would fight for their dream and their love, no matter how difficult the journey. And maybe, just maybe, they would find a way to rebuild what they had lost, together.