
A Hero’s Path

In The Distant Future, Where Robots, Advanced Technology and Bio-Humans co-exist, there lies another thing in Society, Super Powers, and with everyone having Superpowers there is the everyman like Rex who tries to make use of his bad power to climb to the top, What will happen Next? Find out in a Hero’s Path!

YaBoyZae_64 · Võ hiệp
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14 Chs

The Summer Training Begins

"Good Evening Neo New York, I'm coming to you live with some breaking new! Street Camera Footage showed the Green-Man from the fight this morning, getting critically injured by a local junior high student. The young boy has been identified as Rex, a child with the power to bend water, said to police that he did this to protect his friend, but no further comment could be made from both Rex or his friend Orion who only sustained minor injuries. The Suspect will has taken into custody and will be examined of his injuries before going to trial. I am Rebecca Syces with Channel 32 News at 7."

This is what the television said as Rex's Mom watched in horror, her baby boy got into a run in with a villian and could've been killed, in her mind, she could never let this happen ever again.

Rex unlocked the door with his house key, As usual he entered his Two Bedroom, One Bathroom Apartment where only him and his mom reside.

"Hey mom I'm H-" Rex couldn't even finish before rushed him, hugging him tight and bawling her eyes out.

"I thought I lost you my baby" Rex's Mom said looking up at him with tears in her eyes.

Rex reassured his mom that he was fine and after a few more minutes of crying, Rex's Mom got ahold of herself and had a talk with Rex about his future.

"Rex, I've thought about this a lot and I think it's best for you to go to a normal high school" His Mom said bluntly.

"Wait what…" Rex said quietly.

"It's too dangerous out there Rex! You and your friend were almost killed!" Rex's Mom yelled.

"Mom would you just listen to me for once!" Rex yelled, this is the first time Rex has ever raised his voice at his mom.

"I beat that Monster, I helped Orion, I've never been able to do much of anything with this power but now I know! I can help people!" Rex said.

"Please mom, Let me take the Entrance Exam for Superhuman Tech, and if I fail, you can enroll me into any High School you want, no fuss" Rex said lowering his voice.

There was a little silence, Rex's Mom was surprised about how passionate her son was all of a sudden. The shock turns into a smile.

"Alright Rex, you got a deal, prove me wrong, my handsome boy" Rex's Mom said.

Rex smiled and went to his room, mapping out all the different things he needed to do for the next two months, with all these thoughts in his head, he drifted off to sleep, readying his body for the harsh training that's gonna ensue.

Meanwhile at the Orion Estate, Orion Jr arrived to his home to see his dad standing in front of the window.

There was a awkward silence between the two but something was said eventually.

"Do you know why you were called here Son" Orion Senior said, his voice was deep and demanding it's like you were forced to do what he says.

"Maybe cause I was late for curfew.." Orion Jr said under his breath.

"NO!" Orion Sr said slamming Orion Jr down with his gravity. Orion Sr gravity wasn't anything like Jrs gravity, it was strong, it was as if a Elephant just jumped onto Orion Jr and it was a merciless hold.

"Do you understand boy, no son of mine is gonna be weak, understood" Orion Sr said.

"D-Dad… I can't… Breathe" Orion Jr struggled to say.

Orion Sr let go of his barely breathing son from the force of the gravity and turned back around.

"For these next two months you will be training in a high tech facility, you aren't gonna just pass the Superhuman Tech exam, you're gonna excel" Orion Sr said.

"And if I refuse" Orion Jr said holding his throat.

Orion Sr ignored this until he got to the door, "Until you don't need to be saved by that peasant you call your 'friend' you have no room whatsoever to speak to me that way boy, your training begins tomorrow from the crack of dawn to when you can see the pure black night sky, get some sleep, you'll need it" Orion Sr explained leaving the room.

Orion Jr looked at the door for a good five minutes, his mind was completely blank, his goal wasn't to become a great hero anymore but instead, To crush his dad.

May 30th Ended and June 1st Began, Both Kids improved this Powers connection as well as their physical bodies. As opposed to Rex trying to Balance his Power with Training his body, Orion went all in on his S-Tier power and it was working.

By June 30th Huge Progression was made by both boys.

Meanwhile at Neo New York Bay

"Alright water you know the drill already" A Newly 15 Years old Rex said.

Rex put all his concentration on the water in the Area, in this past month he felt the deep connection with the water he should've felt since he was born.

Rex's Power control improved tremendously, the problem was just finding water in the area on the spot.

"Alright it WORKED!" Rex yelled causing some eyes to be on him after the scream.

"Alright I'm totally ready now, at Midnight tonight the world will know my name" Rex said going back home to get ready for his mission.

Meanwhile at the Orion Estate

Orion has mastered his Gravity to the absolute max, thanks to all the money his family is worth, he was able to get the best trainers to teach him the basics of Power Control and Technique Mastery, and he excelled at it.

Out of the Two it seemed like Orion always had the most dormant potential, but Rex wasn't gonna fall behind, not that easily at least.

A many hours pass to the point where it is now 11:30PM

Rex snuck through his Apartment and after seeing that his mom was sound asleep with no signs of waking up, grabbed the Police Radio that he used the rest of his money to buy, climbed out his window, and dipped into the city.

Rex sat under a lamppost for a good twenty minutes waiting for something just around his skill level (most of the stuff he was hearing was WAY out of his league)

"Aw come on man just give me some action, don't tell me I came out here for nothing!" Rex exclaimed thinking out loud.

After about five more minutes, Rex heard it, the mission that he was waiting for.

"Uhhh yeah I have reports of a Mugging from a women at 1212 Neo New York Road, all units or Heroes in the area respond to it immediately." The Radio blaired.

Rex shoot up out of the chair, 1212 Neo New York road was only five minutes away from where he was, without any hesitation, Rex ran to the area where the suspect was last seen.

In no time Rex was in the area, a pretty quiet neighborhood with very little stores and businesses.

"There's nobody really here, but there's gotta be some sketchy guy here right?" Rex said out loud again.

Rex walked around for a bit checking the surroundings of this street, it was a pretty modest patrol until he heard it. Some noise in a alleyway up ahead.

Rex put on the Beanie that he cut holes into to simulate a mask and without hesitation, he went in the alleyway where he seen it, Three Thugs playing with recently stolen jewelry.

"Heh, taking this purse from this lady was as easy as saying One, Two, Three" One of the Thugs said.

But that's weird, he was the only one talking and all three thugs had the same build, what's going on?

It didn't matter to Rex though he immediately revealed himself (mask on of course) and stood on his business.

"Really man, stealing from a women or are you a little pansie who can't steal from a guy bigger than you?" Rex Said to the Thug.

"Aw buzz off kid I don't have time for you, get him clones." The other two thugs rushed Rex but he wasn't really worried at all.

After watching a crapton of Boxing videos and some weight lifting, he was able to dispatch these fakes with two punches for each.

"Is that really all you got? Having a cloning power is amazing and you're wasting it on petty theft? Come on bro!" Rex exclaimed staring at the thug.

"Damn it how can a snot nosed brat like you get rid of my clones that fast!?" The Thug yelled.

He scoffed and immediately dug into a dinghy duffel bag and before Rex can even react to it, he pulled out a Jet-Black Dagger that was at least 12 inches long.

"You call this petty kid" The Thug says snickering.

"Let's see if the museum I mugged this from kept this SHARP!" He yelled lunging it at Rex's head.

It doesn't even touch Rex but it grazed him enough for his senses to feel the presence of the blade.

Surprisingly, the blade was so sharp that it sliced the cloth of the beanie completely revealing Rex's confused face.

Rex had to think fast or it could be bleeding out in a Alley.

"Alright think Rex, this shit is getting real, but I have the advantage, he isn't focused on using his power but I can still use mine! Just focus, there has to be some water in this area is there not?" Rex thought.

"Wait I got it, I'll use the water vapor in the air to test out my new attack, one should be enough to take this guy out!" Rex thought. All the water vapor in the air was transferred into Rex's finger tip.

"Water Gun!" Rex yelled shooting a bullet of water square at the thug's stomach knocking him out.

Rex heard police sirens, they were a few blocks away it was time for him to make his escape.

As Rex turned his back the thug got back up again, ready to stab Rex his his back.

"You're dead Kid!" The Thug yelled as the knife came closer and closer Rex had no way to react. But from a gift from the heavens, Rex got saved.

"Shadow Jab!" A female voice said connecting a black fist directly into the Thugs face while he was mid air, he was sent flying back into the wall he just get sent into from Rex's water gun.

Rex was still dumbfounded and didn't even move out the way for a long while.

"Come on let's go!" The female voice said grabbing Rex's arm and running out of sight before the police could see them.

Before Rex knew it she had taken him into a 24 Hour Grab N Go gas station.

She took Rex into the back of the story to discuss what had happened.

When Rex finally payed attention he seen a beautiful girl with long black hair.

"Wait, wait wait who are you?" Rex said. "I think a thank you is in order?" The girl replied.

Rex sighed and just rolled with it.

"Thanks, but I gotta know my saviors name first if you came here to talk" Rex said smiling.

The girl gave an annoyed sigh and introduced herself.

"My name is, Sabrina" She said.

Sabrina- Unknown Savior- Power: Shadow Control: Can control all types of shadows in the general area, her attack power is weakened in sunlight, however.

"Cool Sabrina, the names Rex" Rex said introducing himself too.

There was a bit of awkward silence between the two but Rex eventually managed to scramble some words in his tiny brain.

"So what brought you into the area" Rex said sitting in the gas stations café chair.

"I was here for some patrol, just wanted to test my powers" Sabrina said looking down.

Rex was happy, she was out there for the same reason as him.

"Wait so that means you're going to Superhuman Tech as well?" Rex said.

"Yes, my power, it's fit for helping people the best I can, and Superhuman Tech is the best place to hone it, I need to get in" Sabrina said, all her passion spilling out.

"Well if you wanted to be a good hero you got the perfect power for it!" Rex said getting up and smiling.

Sabrina looked to her left while blushing "Well if you wanted to patrol you should've made sure to be aware of your surroundings, you have the potential but you turning your back around like that almost got you killed!" Sabrina said scolding him.

The two kids talked to each other for about Ten minutes straight before they walked out the store, the police were gone so it was completely safe.

"Hey Sabrina!" Rex yelled while she was walking away. She turned back to see what he had to say.

"Thanks for saving me, as of today we're friends so make sure you pass that exam!" Rex yelled.

Sabrina smiled and nodded at him, the young lady never really had friends, Not in a long time.

Rex snuck back into his home after a nice stroll and though the night sky, he thought about his next month of training as he drifted off to sleep.

But not everything was as peaceful as Rex during this night.

In the Neo New York hospital, a Doctor went to examine the Green Mans unconscious body of his injuries.

"Poor bastard, a bunch of broken bones and a hole and you stomach? You got beat good didn't you" The Doctor said puffing out the smoke from his cigarette.

As the Doctor was leaving he heard a crash from outside, The doctor ran out and he seen it, his co-workers all dead on the floor, all of them with puddles of blood where their heads have been.

"What the fuck!" The Doctor said grabbing his phone and dialing 911, but he was too late. A Hooded Man grabbed his face.

As he dropped his phone, the doctor seen him, a bald man covered in scars, but wait, he has, NO FACE!

The Doctor panicked and before he could even plead for his life his head popped. The body dropped and there was a puddle of blood where his head was, just like everyone else in the facility.

The Hooded Man walked up to the unconscious body of the Green Man.

"Don't worry my creation, I will, Fix you." The Hooded man said breaking the hospital window while carrying the Green Man on his shoulder, making his escape with many casualties to his name.

Thanks for reading Episode 2 of a Hero’s Path, hopefully this was an improvement over the first!

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