
A Guy From Earth

Because of a terrorism 10 Years Ago, many lives has been taken. A Father, which is doing his best to feed his family, was killed by an alien from a neighbor galaxy. His Son, that saw how his Father got diced into pieces by someone he didn't know actually exist, now have a task, Revenge. Because of a help from someone who don't live on Earth, his task were given a percentage to be possible. And because of a help from a Planet thousands of light years away from Earth, he will fight, meet new friends, and discover many mysteries until he get his desired revenge. — Release of new Chapters: Sundays Original Birth/Publish Date: May 10, 2022

Reimarcl · Khoa huyễn
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35 Chs

Chapter 33: N-40002 and K-246531

Knowing that the one who destroyed his friend's homeplanet was just right in front of him, Yubiwa got nothing to do than to tremble in fear.

"Oh my, oh my, what could this Andromedan be here for?"

-Kallen, The Rumored Underling of "Chaos"

Earlier before Yubiwa met Kallen...

"So she was last seen here? Alright then! Thank you!"

Having no ability that goes with finding, Nishou chose to find Hydro alone using his natural strength alone.

By concealing their bodies also affects their name as well so they used Codenames to avoid making the Residents suspicious. The two Commanders wanted to have everyone a temporary name but since it takes too much time, they were forced to pick the 2nd option of naming as a Suisein. As for Nishou's codename, it's: N-400021.

Minutes later...

"Hmm... No signs of Hydro huh... Oh hey! There's one! You gonna regret facing the same path as me!


After the explosion, the resulting smoke made the fight between the Intruder and Nishou difficult.

"Ah... If it weren't for the Firepower of 9th."

He dont know how, Nishou was hearing a lot of grass crackling everywhere.

"(Two, three? No. Four, five? Yes, they're five.)"

As the smoke dissapeared, Nishou was late to realize that he was pinned already as the enemies knocked him down and disabled all of his libs using their bode.

"(Wait, what? When did they pinned me down?)"

"Nishou, The Firepower of 9th. I was actually scared when I saw you, but it turned out, you were so easy!"

As he saw himself unable to move, Nishou glanced one by one at the men who pinned him, as he noticed, there were only four, yet one of them talked to him.

"... But I wonder, what does a Haikusein be doing in Suisei? That creeps me."

"It's none of your business!"

"Oh, is that so? Or maybe the rumor was true! Hydro was missing and the 9th Hakusen was here to find her!"

"What if that could be the case? You have the same reason why you're here right?"

"Ohoho, no no no, Nishou. We didn't even knew that Hydro have a twin brother! Hey you, contact Her right away! Once we captured Hydro, the long awaited victory of Andromedans will be on our hands!"

This is bad. Because of Nishou's carelessness, their secret of finding Hydro was now leaked to the Andromedans. One member of the group was about to contact Her but then...


"Not a single move, Andromedan." -Kishou

He was correct, the five people he felt was the four members of the group and the other one was Kishou. Also because of Kishou's rescue, not only they prevented to report the news to "Her," but Kishou helped his big brother, Nishou, too.

"What a shame, Nishou... To put an image like that to your Little?"

In a blink of an eye, 3 out of 4 members got their heads off by the Sharp Crystal — Kishou was using.

"Shit, I'm cornered. See ya later!-"

As the remaining Andromedan saw his team's head falling in the ground, he immediately stands up and ran, but then he felt a grip in his arm, it was Kishou.

"Stay there, Andromedan, we're not done yet."


Air Chamber: Release!"

Using the Compressed Air in his 'Lungs', the remaining Andromedan made it's escape leaving Kishou and Nishou alone. Kishou glanced at the Andromedan as it flew away from them, he turned his vision to his big brother and offered a hand.

"This is a rare opportunity, No. N-400021. Let's chase him together."

"Yeah. Thanks for the help...

No. K-246531,

We're just gonna show what we're made of."

Nishou accepted the offer and pulled Kishou's hand to help him stand up, as he does, they looked at the direction where the enemy escaped.

Returning back to Kallen and Yubiwa's conversation.

"A-ah um... I'm... Here... To... Wor...k, yeah! I work here!" Yubiwa said.

"Is that so? Alright then, you may continue what you're doing." Kallen said.




"Oh? Why are you surprised? You're not doing something that I dont like, ain't?"

"N-no, nothing!"

"I like your attitude, what's your name?"

"Shit! This is bad, this is bad, this is bad!"

As Yubiwa's being cornered by Kallen herself, Shoku, who can only talk to him, can't help him anymore.

"Hahaha! Just a joke... It was obviously on your suit out there."

"Wait, my suit?"

After seeing random numbers on his left chest, he found himself that he was now,


"Oh! Im Cytus!"

"Yes! So how was your stay here at Ovular V?"

"(So 'Cytus' was new to 'Ovular V'?)

Uhh... It was nice here! Clean and fresh, like outside!"

"Im happy you liked it! Here, my name is Kallen. Dont be afraid, I dont eat children."

"Yeah, nice to meet you."

As his first interaction to Kallen, Yubiwa or should we call temporarily, Cytus, was now having thoughts if Shoku was just lying.

"No, Yubiwa! Trust me! She was the Kallen I saw hundred years ago!"

"Nah, she doesn't look like it. Now if you may, you could just mind your own business and I'll mind my own, alright then, see ya!"


"That fucking Yubiwa, again!"

Three beep occured at the call After Yubiwa finally turned down the call, Shoku was not happy of it.

— End of Chapter 35