
A Guy From Earth

Because of a terrorism 10 Years Ago, many lives has been taken. A Father, which is doing his best to feed his family, was killed by an alien from a neighbor galaxy. His Son, that saw how his Father got diced into pieces by someone he didn't know actually exist, now have a task, Revenge. Because of a help from someone who don't live on Earth, his task were given a percentage to be possible. And because of a help from a Planet thousands of light years away from Earth, he will fight, meet new friends, and discover many mysteries until he get his desired revenge. — Release of new Chapters: Sundays Original Birth/Publish Date: May 10, 2022

Reimarcl · Khoa huyễn
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35 Chs

Chapter 21: Beyond Boundaries

"By sharing this power of mine, it wont be too hard for me anymore because the Rings will weaken while you'll gonna have the ability not only to do techniques i can do using this Ring but also to control your Rewind!"


"Thanks for this power, Yubiwa, your death will not go to waste."

Because of her training, she can finally use one ring, as for the others, they're yet to show up.

As she strengthen her stamina for a Rewind, she can guarantee a victim's result to return to their very first life form; a Dust. She rushed into the Strange Guy and was attempting to get a touch for the Rewind to happen, as she tried to, most of her footprints dissapeared because of her Rewind.

Back to the days, Yubiwa almost become a senseless monkey while on his training with Maki, but the Maki this time succeeded the Maki on Training by 100x stronger! Shoku can't get to close to Maki because of the Pressure the Mini-Alans were giving.

"It's okay, Commnder, we can hold this!" Said a Haikusein.

"I'll entrust the rest to you, goodluck!" Shoku said.

As Kishou destroys everyone with his Crystals, Nishou, his older brother, was giving everyone an explosive death, decreasing massive numbers of enemies, while Shoku was being a backup for everyone mostly to Maki.

Minutes later, its was only the Strange Guy who's left and the Hakusen 9th.

"Looks like this is my lost after all. And Hakusen 9th... Looks like its time for your Cringe Protocol to be applied within me. As i will destroy Hakusen 9th for killing my 'Pet'." The Strange guy said.

"Actually, you're not defeated yet. NOT UNTIL I KILL YOU OFF!"

Maki suddenly appeared behind the Strange Guy and successfully touched his arm.

"Oh, Maki, i heard about you!"

His arm disappeared like a ballon pops out.

"I heard that you can return a being to a time of your choice. By your surroundings, i knew that myself that you have those ability because that ground you were stepping on reminds me of its dust flowing in my nose several million years ago!"

They all gasped to get a hint that this Guy might be a Million Years Old.

"But look at my arm, it dissapeared, yet the following parts of my body too. But hey, i wanna tell you something. Im not gonna die yet. Because im just a 'Hologram' of my true body! HAHAHAHA!"

As he disappeared without a trace, the fight was ended into Hakusen 9th's Victory.

"To think that we wont be seeing Ai yet." "That's okay Shoku, we'll find her next time."

"Yes. But im wondering... Is that what Yubiwa meant to the word 'Talkative'? That Andromedan suddenly talked alot in the middle of nowhere."

And on their way back to their station, the day was concluded a successful day.

Places left to recapture: 30%

—End of Chapter 21

"As he talks so much, this codename was perfect for him!"

Hakusen Code Name: Big Mouth

First Encounter Name: Strange Guy

Power: Unknown

Clues Regarding to the Being's Power: Cloning/Duplicating

Trait: Andromedan/Enemy

Ai Time!

Just let me out of this box its so cramped in here, I'm serious! Even on this situation, the Author still wants me to work for him!

Anyways im just gonna explain something. "Big Mouth's" meaning about Hakusen 9th's "Cringe Protocol" is the Protocol to give a Codename to an enemy if it was considered "Strong". BUT IF HE WERE A HOLOGRAM LIKE ME THEN I CAN SELF-DESTRUCT THAT GUY!