
A Guy From Earth

Because of a terrorism 10 Years Ago, many lives has been taken. A Father, which is doing his best to feed his family, was killed by an alien from a neighbor galaxy. His Son, that saw how his Father got diced into pieces by someone he didn't know actually exist, now have a task, Revenge. Because of a help from someone who don't live on Earth, his task were given a percentage to be possible. And because of a help from a Planet thousands of light years away from Earth, he will fight, meet new friends, and discover many mysteries until he get his desired revenge. — Release of new Chapters: Sundays Original Birth/Publish Date: May 10, 2022

Reimarcl · Khoa huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
35 Chs

Chapter 15: An Intelligent Assistant

"Oh? I see. So those three i assigned were defeated by the same being? That took ny interest, note him up." -Some "girl" at Andromeda?


After a long day of fight, a large area was once again captured by Hakusen 9th againts Andromedans. Shoku got to half-recover to rush himself to check what is Yubiwa doing.

"What? I did something wrong?" Yubiwa said.


"A-ah, eh... Sorry Shoku i got carried away at the moment." Yubiwa said and whispering,

"That fkng Inner..."

"And you Ai?! What are you doing not stopping him from doing that technique?!"

"Sorry Shoku, i didn't know he was using the hand version of the technique. Im very sorry!"

"Now now Shoku, its not too good for you to scold Ai that much, it was her first time! Let's talk about this and calm down." Yubiwa's defence for Ai.

While the Haikuseins were overwhelmed of how big is the damage of the technique was, Shoku got nothing to do but to sigh and calm down,

"Alright, let's go back to the station and rest."

The Portable Station was only designed for half of the Haikuseins of Hakusen 9th, half guarding the ship, while the rest were on the "task". And considering how big their Station is, they also afford to give a room for five Haikusein, take note it was a "Portable Station"

"Umm... About the mistake i did, Mr. Operator." Awkward Yubiwa said.

"Its fine Yubiwa, i may slip this off this time but i hope to limit yourself from doing that monstrosity next time." Operator said.

"Thanks Operator, i really would next time!"

"I'll look forward to it, but let's talk about Ai. I heard your first comment about her and i already told your Doctor about that."

"Wait, what do you mean about Ai?"

After he said it, the call ended.

"So how was it?" Shoku asked.

"Hah... Im still good this time." Yubiwa's releive

*sighs* "Good to hear. Also, since the Operator wanted to, may i introduce you, Kishou, he will be staying with us in this room."

"Everyone, i'm Kishou, nice to meet you." Kishou's introduction.

Even after that attack from Shindo, he was surprisingly able to maintain himself for the next day.

"Nice to meet you too, Kishou!", Yubiwa's welcome.

But for some reason, Kishou wasn't seem to be noticing Yubiwa, as if he was ignoring him. Yubiwa just wondered and ignored it. And so, the Planet's Sun came to hide after a long day, its time to rest.


7:00AM by the Planet's Time.

Everyone was warming up for an Extensive Capturance.

Everyone heard the info that Yubiwa gave, that there were only three superiors Andromeda gave in this planet which Yubiwa all defeated, so they were confident to attemp to capture a big part of the planet.

On their way to the new area to be captured, Yubiwa became pale out of embarrassment to see the big damage that his Inner's technique made while they were going pass through it. Several minutes later, the noise as loud as you hear from an average Philippine market came to everyone's ear.

As they got off to their Mini Hakusens(Mini Spacecraft but with Eleganto name). They jumped from above, surprising everyone, by Kishou's first attack,

"Crisstal Madness!" he lands with growing sharp cristals around him and spreading it forward from each side, shattering, popping and levitating them, Kishou fired all the small sharp crystals at the surrounding Andromedans that started the war.

Not too far, Yubiwa was sitting on his Mini Hakusen. He was restricted to fight today as a punishment from yesterday, but incase of an emergency, he can participate.

"Now what? If i were here i could just 'Errupt' the ground and kill them all!" bored Yubiwa said.

"What did Shoku said?" Ai asked.

"He said that im not allowed to fight, obviously!"

"Oh yea? So that means im not included to your punishment! Yubiwa, go outside!"

As the war continues, many Projects came and was ready to defend the area.

"I found out that Projects and Andromedans have this 'Self-destruct' feature to themselves..." Ai said.

And by the snap of her finger...


A massive explosion occured at the side of Projects, so big, Hakusen 9th managed to capture 50% of the area without 5 mins!

"You're not the only one who's destructive here, Yubiwa!!!" -Ai, Power: Hacking

—End of Chapter 15

Ai Time!

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! FINALLY! WITH THIS POWER I COULD TAKE OVER THIS UNIVER- ehem, stop this Ai. BUT FINALLY I GOT SOME GOOD SCENE OVER THERE! Also thank you Doctor for this modification for me even after taking me off from Yubiwa's Right Head while he's asleep for a shimmering 3-hours of shouting to me. But back to the topic, as my power's name said, i could hack at anything without a problem! Yes! Using this power i could control the whole Haikusei- i mean Yubiwa's body when using that technique.

But Hey! Did you know that the Author actually have a 3-Seasoned "Anime" created only by himself on his head? But due to copyright problems he was forced to throw that anime and decided to create a new one, which is this novel, and the Yubiwa there was just a side character! Hey Yubiwa you should be grateful with this, with your other 4 co-assistants for the MC, you were picked as the MC for his new novel!

(March 13, 2023. This is Ai of the future. I just figured out that this Author's 3 seasoned anime was the result of his old Maladaptive Daydreaming.)