
Pondering on Next Move

(2 out of 2 chapters this week)

Raynor smiled as he saw his darling Yukino in his living room dressed in pyjamas, the girl was with other girls doing their homework.

It was beautiful to watch this beauty now living in his place full time.

While they were doing their homework, The Godslayer was already done with him and now he was reading a manga.

Reading from source material directly is the greatest gift to him. Sure he loves all the flashy stuff but his love for manga only started to grow now that he was in Japan.

However, one thing he can't stand is that even if he was the source of all of his entertainment, he still needs to wait for people to finish their work.

'Hmm, what did Erica say to me all those weeks ago?'

For a second he stroked his chin while thinking about that conversation.

'Oh! Right! Getting a studio of my own! Maybe even a publisher!'

The Storm King started to grin from ear to ear, he closed the finished manga and proceeded to do some research on anime studios and manga publishing houses.

~~~~~~Government Intelligence & Security~~~~~~

"...Umm…sir." One of the operatives called his commanding officer.

"What is it?"

"His Majesty's phone… he is surfing the web and checking out companies related to Manga and Anime." He showed what Godslayer was looking at at this moment on his phone.


After the phone is handed over to him by the government, they can 'spy' on him with approval, after all, it's to improve their performance to give him anything he wants.

Otherwise, they could waste time gathering the data, as Raynor isn't known for explaining everything and his actions can be arbitrary.

"This much was expected. He wants something that could make content for him. So taking a studio or manga publisher was always on the cards." The commanding officer explained as he was pondering what the Godslayer wanted and what would catch his fancy.

"...I understand. Should we compile a list of possible publishers and studios he could potentially want?"

"...Hmm… no. Instead, we should compile a list of females with a talent for creating such things." The commanding officer shook his head in denial before explaining with a serious look.

"...Oh, I see, you want him to attach himself to them as they do what he wants."

"Exactly, the more attachment he has for our land the more he will try to protect it to the best of his ability." The Intelligence Officer explained with a scheming look.

His words Impressed the subordinate who praised his boss after hearing the plan.


"Hmm, I should give praise to the intelligence bureau, they work quickly, they know what I want," Raynor mumbled to himself with a praising tone. Having the entirety of the intelligence bureau as Google is a genius move on their part.

'Ah, Japanese and their hard-working mentality. I was sceptical about taking a bugged phone but these are useful.' He praised them in his mind, how he couldn't!? They swiftly prepared a list of useful people! Hell, they are all females with an impressive talent for manga drawing, script writing, music composing and all that jazz.

While he has this 'government' phone he still has one of his own.

So why not use this government phone to abuse his political powers?

"What are you thinking?" Yukino walked over to his side as she saw him extremely engrossed in his new phone.

Instead of answering the question he swiftly pulled her into his lap.

There was no reaction from her which is somewhat disappointing. He used to love to tease her. But she is swiftly getting used to his attention.


As she asked she got comfortable on his lap, she even turned sideways and used one of her hands to hug him as well.

This made him curious. What is with this affection overload from his conservative beauty?

"Thinking about making a manga of my own. Well, more like finding people or maybe an organisation which could do it for me." He said with a thoughtful look as he showed her his new phone.

The black-haired girl's eyes widened when she saw a list of girls with specific talents.

'This is a list of people who are talented in what they do! E-Even idols are not spared! They even named the current famous idol Ai Hoshino, the novelist Utaha Kasumigaoka… and some other characters I think I saw on the web…'

The girl felt how her feet were just cold for a second. This is absurd…madness. They are willing to give away such people just because Raynor Valeron is feeling like he wants to make an…Manga of his own? Maybe even Anime since there are idols concerned, they usually use their voice for openings and certain characters.

"...W-What are you planning to do?"

"Well, they even added idols from the looks of it…so why not make a visual novel or something? I can use Sobu and make a video game club just for this."

Yukino's mouth for a second opened before closing.

"W-What about the Service Club!?" She asked him with some concern.

"Hmm? What about it? It's not like we have some sort of work every single day in that place." Raynor confidently said that he had been here for over a month—- maybe longer, and they only had a few assignments as a Service club.

"...This you are right. *Sigh* I can't deny that, but you will be messing with other people and their schedules." She reasoned how he would be pulling these girls from their places just to place them in this school.

"Doubtful, with my assistance all these talents here will gain freedom, they will be free from worries— like money, since they will be working for me."

Yukino Yukinoshita grimaced for a second. Imagine taking away an idol who is at her peak stardom. She is certain there could be a civil war or some riot.

People are crazy when it comes to their idols! And this guy wants to take one for himself…

In the end, the girl could only sigh and cuddle with him more.

"That's fine. Do whatever you want. Though, I still will be one of your favourites~" She said that after thinking for a while.

This…has impressed Raynor, he never expected her to become…bolder like this.

'Should I thank Haruno for that? Did that girl feed some questionable food to my Yukino?'

"What do you think?" She asked him with a deep blush, it was hard for her to say that with such a straight face!

"...You are right. My Yukino is the Ice Queen~"

Her blush only got deeper when she heard that nickname coming from his mouth.

"...You…I am not an Ice Queen!"


He returned to his cuddling.


Raynor looked at the calendar on the wall.

In late November he will be flying back to his country to attend a dinner, the dinner is quite specific as it's the fifth anniversary of his Grandfather's passing away

At that time he will be returning to his country.

'Do you think another God will descend?' Athena's smooth voice spread through his head.

'You are thinking of returning to your birth land at that specific time.' The Goddess said with a knowing tone.

'No need to be surprised. I am the Goddess of Knowledge, I can guess with certainty just by looking at the calendar in front of me.'

The Storm King slowly nodded to her accurate speculations.

'Correct. We will be going to lands where my knowledge of myths is quite abysmal.'

'Now that is amusing. You don't know myths from your birthlands?'

'My lands are heavily influenced by Slavic mythos, which in turn have been influenced by Greeks. All thanks to trade.' He said with a shrug.

'Hmm, I suppose, my origins are convoluted…now that I think about it. So I can't say anything.'

The Goddess said with a voice that says that she has no idea how to react. If She was less Godly, no doubt she would have some sort of identity crisis.

'It would be much better if some sort of Norse God descends. Or worst case I will pull on your Authority.'

'Fine with me, I am yours, my power is your power. However, I would prefer if this time around I could be fighting at your side. Last time you used the daily quota to find a tea house.'

The Goddess pouted angrily in his head. The Godslayer could feel bitterness radiating from her voice.

'The BEST tea house in that side of India. I used that Authority's limit properly, not randomly. I asked for the BEST stuff.' Raynor proudly explained how he used it, he was quite proud of what he had found in India.

'...No comment, my King. As I said, my power is your power, I just hope that each time you use it, you remember that you are using Goddess Athena's power, the power of Mother Goddess!'

He rolled his eyes at her, before returning to gazing at the calendar on the wall.

'I have around a month and a few days to arrange something before I will be returning to Europe.

I do wonder if the shockwave of me killing three gods of Greek origin has 'attracted' the attention of other Greek Gods who are now watching that part of Europe.

Do…you think another version of you can descend?'

Raynor asked the Goddess curiously.

'She won't be anything like me. I am the original, I have been around this world for Millennia whatever image she will descend it will be in the image of the daughter of that fool.'

Raynor slowly nodded. Internally he was pleased that he had such a rare species as subordinate, one of a kind.

'Hehehe, so cute. You should be eternally grateful, you might have cheated in the way you have beaten me, but victory is a victory nonetheless.

So yes, I expect to be pampered by my King~'

Once again the Godslayer rolled his eyes. His Goddess is as arrogant as ever.

'Sure, whatever my Goddess says.'


The Silver-Haired Goddess giggled at him before waiting for his word.

'Let's push aside that pampering you want. From my understanding, it could be the Goddess of Warfare, Wisdom, and other new myths, most likely the spear and the shield.

But, then again it could be any other known God, even Hades.'

The Storm King pondered for a bit before forgetting about this and walking back to the living room.

'Good choice, there is no need for you to think endlessly like this. For now, just be in Optimal condition and wait for the enemy to descend.'

'Fine by me.'

'Hehehe, now about that pampering~' She reminded him about that pampering with a singing voice.


The routine life has returned to Sobu High. The thing with this school is that it's never passive. There are a multitude of events happening throughout the school year.

This was just like what Raynor wanted from that Rom Com experience he wanted.




As the class ended Raynor looked at the paper on his table.

There was an amused look on his face, he just got something fascinating Rom-Com-ish. The paper was a workplace application form.

As in he needs to fill it up so that he could visit a workplace of his choice. This is to help one decide what he wants to do with his life.

Since he asked for genuine experience he is getting all of it. Even this.

'Well-Well… I can use this to visit some anime studios OR manga publisher places.'

He said that while inspecting the boxes he needs to fill them up.

"...My Lord, are you okay?" Liliana asked him with concern.

"Hmm? Don't mind me, Lily. I am pondering on my next move." Raynor used one of his hands to hold his head while he looked at the paper.

"...You are considering filling it up? With your…status?" She asked with disbelief all over her face.

"But of course. Though I have an ulterior motive for this." As he said that he started to write what he wants to be in future. Something like the CEO of an anime studio and manga publisher house, maybe a mix of both? a conglomerate?

"...Oh…My Lord is thinking about what to do in his free time! As expected you don't wish to waste your time!"

Yet, for some reason, Liliana was impressed…


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