
A God in Training

Everyone's born into a world with all sorts of people. Good, bad, neutral, chaotic, and a lot more. Imagine being given a chance to take care of those shitty people, the ones who prey on the weak as they walk home from work or leave the store. Kenji Makito has been putting up with bad people all his life and even endured quite a bit of trauma in his life. He's now given a chance to become a god but it's not instant nor is it easy. Fight for what you believe is right, that's what they say at least. Schedule: Updates are TBD but will try for Daily! Disclaimer: Cover doesn't belong to me and if any art belongs to you, let me know!

Kota_Sama · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Chapter 10: Rank ?!?!

"That can't be." The Officer says while wiping his eyes.


Aika - Rank C

Misaki - Rank B

Yasu - Rank C

Taichi - Rank A

Kenji - Rank S


An S Rank? I'm assuming that must be a pretty high ranking to get here since the officer looked at me with a shocked expression.

That's when the whispers began to go about the room with people talking about me being an S Rank. Definitely is a big deal after all but now I'm curious to see where this goes.

"So why is this S rank such a big deal?" I question while looking towards the officer

"You don't know anything about the ranks? Well an S rank is incredibly rare to see, especially just at an examination." The Officer says while trying to keep calm.

Hmm so that explains a little bit about it but what does that say for me?

"Good to know how rare it is. What does that mean for me?" I question while trying to think.

That could help me encounter stronger Mitho which could eventually lead me to Ayumi or the creatures that took her. I won't let this opportunity slip away from me.

Before I could think any further I heard the door open up from behind me.

"So again I'll say I'm happy to have you join us Kenji. Our new S rank." The General says from behind me.

I recognized her voice immediately but does something tell her directly when an S rank comes up. If so that would mean that it never slips under the radar but I doubt it would to begin with.

Is it even possible to hide a rank here during this examination?

"Thank you General." I respond with a respectful tone.

I wasn't going to make any stupid remarks since I don't understand the general well enough yet. Though it's best to keep a serious and respectful attitude around here.

"Get him assigned to a squad by the end of the day Officer Hiro." The General instructs before walking back out the room.

At least I'll get to see what team I'm on today but I wonder what determines your rank here or how it does that. Especially since my power comes from this system and I don't think it's just able to be detected.

Then again I can't rule that out since Mina barely told me anything about the gift she gave me.

"Yes ma'am." The Officer Responds.

A silence swept the room for a few moments before the officer began assigning people to the teams that the general just mentioned.


Main Attack Force 1

Main Attack Force 2

First Defense Team

Second Defense Team

Support Team 1

Support Team 2

Cleanup Team 1

Cleanup Team 2


These were the teams that were displayed up on the board as he began to go over each one. It was pretty self explanatory I believe for the most part. Attack, defense, support, and this cleanup team.

Probably what Aliza was talking about back at the school when we first met and had finished up with the Mitho there.

"The teams displayed are the options that will be available but are determined by rank." The Officer says with a serious expression on his face.

I'd definitely want to be on the main attack force if I was able to choose. I'm not much for the defense side of things but I like the sound of being the main attack force.

Again it'll get me closer to finding the Mitho responsible for everything. Hopefully they aren't dead yet because I owe them quite a bit of pain and suffering.

"Kenji you are given the option to join The Main Attack Force 2 or First Defense Team." The Officer says while staring my direction.

"I'll take the Main Attack Force 2." I respond with a respectful tone.

Everyone looked at me for a second after I picked my team but I guess they didn't expect me to pick it. Most probably expected me to pick the defense team which is fine but I'm not scared of fighting these things.

"Next." The Officer says while going over to the next person.

I listened to each person pick their team one by one and it honestly didn't surprise me based on the rankings. Support, support, cleanup, defense, defense. It wasn't a bad lineup for the amount of people there but I'm wondering how often they determine ranks for people.

"Welcome to Angelic Core, your teams will find you tomorrow." The Officer says while looking across the room.

Sorry for the short chapter! Longer chapters are next! Thank you for the support!!!

Kota_Samacreators' thoughts