
A Goblin's Tale

In a world full of magic, creatures of all types, and legions of dark warriors; Gheehae steps forward to lead the way to set the land of Zubyan to peace and prosperity. But who is Gheehae? A goblin? How could one of the races of most fearful conscripts of evil-doers possibly be the savior of the world? Full of being that will capture your imagination and keep you reading, A Goblin's Tale is a fantasy read you just can't miss!

Keith_St_James · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Majoran Kingdom II


Once outside the walls, the couple sprinted to the drawbridge and crossed before the sentinels regained their equilibrium to come after them. Before they disappeared into the mesmerizing fall-colored boreal forest, Sky unleashed a giant smokescreen behind them. This thick blanket of foul-smelling vapor lasted for an hour, choking up and blinding anyone attempting to follow.

After running on the cleared path for thirty minutes, they leaped inside a huge burning bush, concealing themselves in its thick branches. Sky then cast a concealment spell, which changed the color of their garments, skin, and hair to totally blend in with the magnificent fall shades of the forest to all eyes but their own. This kept them hidden as their colors changed with the backdrop of the surroundings.

"I hope this spell wears off eventually. I don't wish to look like autumn shrubbery to all living beings for the remainder of my existence." Kames whispered.

"The power will cease in a few hours. That is plenty of time to rest and finally sleep. We shall resume our journey after nightfall. If anyone is out looking, they will surely miss us here and stop looking by dark. Killed soldiers from random enemy attacks aren't what my father wants, even if it means losing track of his own daughter. That is if he can avoid Tseveta's charms long enough to notice I am missing!" Sky said with a disdainful tone.

Tseveta, the king's chamber maid's daughter was Sky's age and was her closest friend since they were children. The High Court started spreading rumors about an affair between Armenious and the beautiful young woman when Queen Brenda was still alive. Now that the queen was deceased for a couple of years, it was common knowledge of the castle that Tseveta was indeed Armenious's concubine.

"Yes, traveling in darkness is better to avoid being caught. And I hope you can look past your father's indiscretions and not be too distracted. There are foul creatures roaming these woods at night. What of them? I can't defend us against an entire army of Ghoells and Trolls alone!" Kames said nervously.

"No, but do not forget my enemy ring. It will radiate a soft violet color if any brigands are within ten leagues. This will give us plenty of time to conceal ourselves."

"Ah, yes, but what of your sparkling white vestments after this spell wears off? Somebody will spot you at night from fifty leagues away!" Kames insisted.

"You needn't worry about my apparel, Kames. These garments I wear can change color whenever I wish. I will travel as a piece of the forest tonight and be more concealed than you with your black robe. Please, don't fret so." Sky answered.

"Yes, you're right. I am too fretful. This is the most dangerous time to travel these roads. I hope this journey and the breaking of my vows isn't for naught!" Kames replied.

"I know Kames. I know. Going gives us a great opportunity since both sides of this conflict are too occupied to be looking for a couple of stragglers. And you realize it is imperative that we find the ancient Goblarian as soon as possible. He is the single being who has the knowledge or skills to stop Hazjarid before she unleashes her wrath. Though you could defend my father by staying, joining me gives the best chances to win with fewer casualties." Sky answered.

"Indeed, for you have the right of it. Sorry to have you go through this again. We can sleep now, and gather what strength we can. For our journey will be long and difficult, perhaps even impossible." Kames said as he repositioned himself comfortably and gave a yawn while pulling Sky close and holding her lovingly. They hadn't slept in a fortnight due to their planning and daily duties, and the fatigue caught up with Kames in mere minutes.

"And as for my father's love, you know as well I the time was much too soon for him after my mother's death to be so uncaring and display his affair for all to see. I'm sure he started with her long ago after she flowered of course. Just to think, all those times as young women we spent talking and giggling about the gallant warriors or handsome princes we wished to be carried off by. All the while she was secret with my father."

"I know it is difficult for you. Now, however, is the first time we have been alone for a while. Do you say this spell has us concealed? Let's removed our vestments and warm each other in an embrace that I have desired for months since our first time making love."

Kames suggested as new energy entered his body upon his closeness with the lovely young lady of his dreams. The fierce and determined look now changed on his handsome face to the gaze of one deeply in love as he stroked Sky's golden locks with the back of his hand.

She immediately turned to him, held his tender eyes in her sight while shedding a tear of passion, melting, she grabbing the sides of his head and kissed him deeply in the throes of infatuation. Their garments were soon thrown off and the beautiful couple made love in the bed of fallen leaves under cover of the burning bush with no heed to the branches and roots all around them and not worrying about being spotted or caught. Even though the bush rattled and moved, they could not be seen by man, creature, or animal, and stayed in the midst of their desire for hours.

And despite the cold, both of them produced a tempered burning which led them to pass out in each other arms from the extreme arousal and excitement produced. It was the first time they could make love in peace, as their initial affair happened in minutes while closeted inside the armory with soldiers walking about just outside the door. Their powerful feelings of tenderness and devotion to each other has started when they first met as children and had grown into a full yearning of physical desire once they came of age.

After sleeping in each other's arms for a couple of hours, Sky awoke first, and cloaked herself again, while Kames remained in slumber. What they had just experienced was the most physically exhausting activity either of them had ever experienced before. She kissed Kames upon the forehead and wrapped him undercover then took out ancient texts to review, for they needed to reach Gheehae as soon as they could, and could let no distraction, even their deep love for each other, distract them and throw them off course.

Sky had read enough of the ancient lore and maps to know of the places where the Goblarian may be. The ocean-dwelling of the Emerald Merefolk was the best option. Getting there was the difficult part. To approach those shores by land, you would first have to travel through the Malevolent Swamp to avoid a month's long journey going around. Such time they simply didn't have. Per written and spoken legends, no living being came out of that wretched place once they entered.

Many reasons are given why, from evil scribe-spirits to horrible swamp monsters. Nothing clear was found though since no account of anyone escaping the swamp was known. There had been those who claimed they traveled into the swamp, defeated unbearably dreadful creatures, and came out again. However, most of those tales were chalked up as tavern bragging and untrue.

There had been no trace of Gheehae in years. The invisible Shadow Hunters of Majoran that Sky had dispatched could find no trace of where he may be, and many folks didn't believe such a creature even existed. A goblin of a thousand years in age was unthinkable; much less a wise and powerful magic-using goblin. The wisest of trackers and the most ignorant of gossip-mongers held tales of Gheehae and nothing more.

Even the Smigg disaster on the day the Majorans were trying to retake Castle Ferchaine went in the records as a gift from the god, Masiast, for a reward of their devotion to the religion. Not one of their soldiers was lost or scratched, and the Smiggs spontaneously burst into flames being completely wiped out. Sky and Kames knew what truly happened because they had watched from atop a Large Toothed Aspen near the battlefield after the Goblarian saved them.

They had run from the dungeon prison, immediately climbing the largest tree they beheld to watch the ensuing battle. They saw the magnificent power on display and were shocked; they had never seen anything like it before throughout their multiple lifetimes.

For Gheehae to have disappeared completely with no trace, he would have to either be dead or in the Citadel of the Eastern Sea. Sky wagered the ocean was the best bet. Their problem was not knowing of the Goblarian's exact whereabouts. Sky felt if they got close enough, Gheehae would be able to sense their presence as he did when they were children, captured by the Smigg soldiers, and he would then come to them.

She hoped they found the legendary creature before something foul happened on their journey.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Keith_St_Jamescreators' thoughts