4 A New World

When Forest opened his eyes, he was no longer in the library that he had escaped to. He looked around him. To his right there was a river flowing freely along a bank. He was surrounded by trees and could hear birds signing in the branches. It was sunny and warm, definitely not like the fall weather that he had experienced this morning while walking to school.

He slowly stood up, trying to shake the dizziness that he had experienced off. "Where am I?" He said to himself. He heard footsteps off in the distance that sounded as if they were coming closer. He looked in the direction of the sound and saw a white horse with wings standing in the clearing of trees.

What the? he thought. A horse with wings is known as a Pegasus. He knew this from his mythology and Greek God books. a Pegasus was a white horse with wings that was produced through the blood of Medusa, after being killed by Perseus.

Forest began to slowly walk toward the Pegasus, in awe of its beauty. As he got closer, the Pegasus neighed, bucked, and then took off into the air. Forest stood there in shock, wondering if what he just saw had really happened, or if it was all just a figment of his imagination.

He shook his head, sure it was just a figment of his imagination, 'I read too many fantasy books, they are starting to take over my mind,' he thought to himself.

"Who are you?!" Forest was yanked out of his thoughts by a male voice behind him. He turned around and found a young man, not much older than him, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore malice on his chest, much like a knight. "I-I-I'm F-Forest," he stuttered, nervous at this new encounter.

If you couldn't tell already, Forest didn't do well with people. It didn't matter if they knew him already or not, he had never had a good encounter with anyone he met. He assumed the same with this person here in the woods.

"What are you doing in these woods all alone?" the man asked him skeptically, "and what are you wearing?" Forest looked down at the clothes he had put on this morning. He had on a black shirt, kind of raggedy looking. He needed new clothes, but he didn't have a job yet and his parents refused to buy him clothes unless they had fallen apart so bad that you could see right through them. The only reason they would buy him clothes then, is to put on a good ruse to the public. They didn't want anyone associating with them looking like slum or poor.

"I know my clothes aren't all that but they are all I have," Forest finally says, meeting the boy's eyes. "Okay, but where did you get these? I have never seen clothes like these before," he says as he reaches out and pinches Forest's shirt.

"Have you never seen a t-shirt and jeans before?" Forest asks the boy in confusion. The boy looks back up at him after he finishes inspecting his clothes. "Is that what you call this contraption on your body?"

"Who are you and why are you questioning my appearance?" Forest asked, developing a backbone, something he wished he had earlier today in the girls bathroom. The boy looked at him in shock as if Forest should already know who he is.

"I am Ambrose Terrowin. Knight to King Castellan and defender of the Kingdom of Coswor," the boy said proudly.

Forest froze as he looked at the boy, realization hitting him. "If you are Ambrose Terrowin, then this," he backs away, " this isn't real, this has to be a dream." Ambrose walks up to Forest and pinches his arm hard, leaving a small black and blue bruise to form where his hand just was.

"Tell me Forest, does that feel like a dream?" Forest looks at the bruise forming on his arm and rubs his hand over it. He looks back over at Ambrose. "This can't be real, I was sitting in the library reading about you and...." he freezes and looks around, "if you are Ambrose, where is-"

"Drago?" Ambrose cuts him off, "hmph, that silly dragon is probably somewhere chasing bunnies." He laughs, "she is never happy unless she is chasing something."

According to Forest's favorite book, "The Knight of Coswor," Dragonia, Drago as Ambrose calls her, was a female dragon that Ambrose Terrowin had found as a baby. Her parents had been murdered by dragon hunters and she was taken and to be sold. Dragons are rare, especially a baby dragon, so if one was found they could go for a lot of gold coins. Ambrose had saved her from being sold to a slave driver who's only intention was to raise her to do his bidding, keep her chained up in a cave, and when he was threw with her, kill her and sell her teeth and scales. A dragon's scales was believed to have magic healing powers, a lot of knights loved to buy them and weave them into their armor for battle.

Forest laughs at Ambrose's words. He imagined a huge dragon stomping around after a bunny like a little puppy playing around. "Can I meet her?" He asks Ambrose looking hopeful.

Ambrose shrugs, "I suppose so," he kicks his foot along the ground, "that is if she will let you, she is not too keen on humans." Forest laughed, "her and I have that in common."

Ambrose smiled and waved him on, "well come on then let's see if we can track her down."

And with that, Ambrose and Forest went on to look for Dragonia.

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