
a FORVER home, izana Kurokawa x reader

Daoist7Yud8C · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs


Two days later.


'Izana Acts weird, the first time you met him he was rude and ruthless. But then, he became sweet and affectionate, even going as far as to have sex with you. You thought it was weird, the dramatic change. But recently, he's been ignoring you, when he thinks you're not looking he would just stare at you, a look of betrayal' you thought as you stared at your bedroom ceiling.

Hearing a knock at your door, you turned your attention to the boy walking in, forgetting your once clouded mind, and paying full attention to the white haired cat boy.

"Is something that matter?" You queued as you sat up in worry, feeling your night wear pull tight against your s/c skin, Without an answer, Izana walked over to you, he slowly got onto your bed, and curled his body around your own.

Laying back down, you faced the cat hybrid, your eyebrows raised.

"Who's that boy" izana asked in an hushed whisper, "what boy?" You questioned as you tilted your head, pushing it further into the pillow your head layed on, feeling the soft fabric on your skin, you relaxed at the feeling, izana moved his head closer to you, you sighed in relaxation.

"There" izana pointed to the picture frame on your bedside table, turning your head around you groaned at the loss of the warms you had once found.

"Oh! Hinata?" You laughed, "remember when I told you mr tetta was familiar?" You smiled as you turned you head back around, facing him again, and finding your once comfortable position with ease, you yet again sighed in relaxation as izana nodded his head, "now that I think about it, mr tetta used to live next to me, I knew his son, his sons name was kisaki, he annoyed me, but that dog hybrid is hinata, kisakis hybrid" you laughed as you pattered izana head.

"That's Kakucho" izana looked at you.

"What?" You exclaimed softly, "that 'hinata' is my Kakucho" izana laughed, "I thought you betrayed me, but it just seems you're stupid" izana sneered.

"Excuse me?" You giggled, "your stupid, dumb y/n, dummy, dummy" izana grumbled as he pushed his lips against yours, you gladly kissed him back, holding his cheek in your palm as you let go.

"I'll find out is Kakucho is okay in the morning" you smiled at your hybrid.

"Thank you mahal" izana smiled back at you, "speaking of" you started, "what does mahal mean?" You tilted your head.

"It means love, your my love, your my worth, your whole being is so expensive that no one will be able to buy your love, your irresistible" izana smiled at you, leaning in again he pushed his lips against yours for a soft peck before letting go, moving from your lips to your neck, he forced bruising hickeys into the skin just above your shoulder, you moaned at the touch.

"What does that make us then?" You questioned as izana stopped his sloppy kisses on your neck and stared at you, love reflecting off his eyes.

"Your my mate"

"But what does that mean?" You exclaimed, "your my other half mahal" Izanas rough voice sounded really cranky, "human terms izana" you laughed as he tilted his head, a bigger smile forming on his lips, "your my wife, my queen"

"So I'm your lover then?" You questioned, voice heavily laced with a flirt.

"I don't know" izana shrugged, "I don't know what that means mahal" izana pouted as he pushed his face against your chest, "lover is like, your partner, the person you want to have kids with, someone you want, and will never replace them" you closed your eyes as you pushed his hair close to your nose, inhaleing his wooden and warm scent.

"Oh, yeah, that's what we are" izana sighed happily as he relaxed into your touch.

"Hallo?" Your younger brother answered the phone, confusion laced into his voice.

"Hey, is it okay if you give me kisakis number?" You asked him as he laughed in response.

"I don't even talk to him, why would I have his number?"

"But he lives next to you right? So you can ask? Please Chifuyu?" You pleaded with your brother as you waited for his response.

"I don't even like that guy! Neither does Baji, and Baji is my best friend, I'm not talking to him!"

"Chifuyu remember hinata!"

"Yeah, that dog hybrid kisaki has?"

"Turns out Hinatas name is actually Kakucho, and he is my hybrids brother, I need to see if he is alright" you pleaded with your brother as you saw Izanas anxious eyes in the corner of your vision.

"Fine!! BUT ONLY BECAUSE OF YOUR CAT HYBRID, and please let me meet him I love cats"

"Yes yes ofc, izana would love to meet you! Just help me see if Kakucho is alright!" You cried happily.

"Izana can meet bajis tiger hybrid, do you think they will be friends, they are both cats right" Chifuyu happily sighed, "who knows" you replied back with a laugh.

"Izana?" You shouted as you stood at the doorway, "yeah?" Came a shout back as izana ran towards you.

"Where are you going mahal?"

"I'll be back"

Without another word you walked out slamming the door in izana face as he tried to catch up with you, a miserable attempt, proof as Izanas shouts and scratches on the door.

After a while of walking you finally stopped and stood in front of two figures.

"You need to keep your promise!" One of the figures snarled as you looked at them.

"I will, now keep your end of the deal" you challenged as the figure grabbed the other figure and threw them your way, you caught them before they hit the ground.

"Are you okay hinata? Or should i say Kakucho" you smiled as you held him in your arms.

"Y/n? I'm so confused? What? Why am I here? Why are you here? And how do you know my actual name" Kakucho asked confused.

"I mean I'm glad your here" Kakucho whined into your touch as you cupped his cheek, "I'm just confused" the raven looked down as he cried.

"You'll see" you smiled, you lost it within a second as you turned your attention to the figure above you.

"You better find hinatas new number for me!" The figure shouted at you.

"Kakucho or the actual girl" you snickered "the girl you dumbass!" The figure argued, "I know, I have an idea how I will do it too, I'll find her! And get her number for you kisaki! Just promise me Kakucho is all mine from now on!" You pleaded.

"I promise!"

"Thank you!" You smiled as you held the puppy hybrids hand and started to walk away.

"I'll give you two weeks y/n! If you don't get her number for me! I'll, heh you don't want to no what I'll do"

"Oh kisaki shut up! I've known you for 5 years! If you don't behave and stop acting like your the boss of me, then you and I are going to play our favourite little game we used to play" you stopped as you turned to him, facing him with a grin.

"Oh no! No you're okay" kisaki shivered as you continued "are you sure, I loved that game, that princess dress fit so perfectly on you, it was like I actually had a little sister! And when we used to have tea parties" you giggled as a look of horror plastered itself onto his face.

"No, that damn dress DIDNT even fit, everytime I wore it I couldn't breathe" kisaki cried as you smiled at him, the grin erasing itself from your face, as a serious one took over.

"How come you even got your hands on Kakucho anyways kisaki?"

"I asked dad to get me a dog hybrid, I found out my crush liked dogs, and I wanted to give the hybrid to her for her birthday, but hinata didn't want Kakucho, she said that she wouldn't accept such a gift" kisaki sighed as he rolled his eyes.

"So I tried to give him back to the shelter thing, but apparently once you buy one, you can't give it back, it's a no return policy" kisaki groaned.

"Yeah, it's like that everywhere, it became illegal to give any hybrids back to the shops once you have bought them two years ago, it seems the shops just want to get rid" you sadly sighed as you looked as kakucho, he must have sensed your sadness and whined, "I'm okay" you smiled as you rubbed his chin.

"Anyways, I'm going, bye, and thanks again" you smiled as you walked away.

"Just don't forget to get me her number" kisaki shouted as he too walked away.

Izana groaned in frustration, tears began to form in the corner of his eyes as he clawed at the door.

His nails hurt from the rough treatment, and his knees ached from the constant position.

Why did you leave, even when he just arrived, and when he was an ass to you, everytime you left you told him where you was going! But this time you didn't, izana was beyond worried.

What did he do?

A tear escaped Izanas eye as he moaned out a cry, how could he do this? He made you sad, He doesn't no what he did but he had upset you! And he can never be forgiven for that. He made you so mad you wouldn't even tell him your wear abouts.

His mate, he upset his mate, he wouldn't be surprised if you was out there with someone else, although the idea got him even more sad, it made him snarle and start l to snap at the door, hailing insult after insult at the wooden object.

He should be the only man! The only one! That is aloud to touch you.

Mid cry Izanas eyes widened as he stood up and still, his whole body freezing up.

He could smell you! You was close!

"Y/n!" Izana yelled as he rubbed his cheek onto the door.

"Yeah Izzy I'm back" izana heard your soothing voice outside, he ignored the odd nickname you gave him and moved out of the way, making room for you as you opened the door and walked in.

Izana fell to his knees, his eyes widened even more so if it was possible, izana could feel the warm tears falling from his eyes at a rapid pace.



Izana waisted no time, his legs moving on there own, he ran over to kakucho and jumped on him, thankfull you was behind the puppy so you held his shoulders, stopping the both from falling on the floor.

"I don't understand? What are you doing here izana?" Kakucho questioned, tears spilling from his eyes.

"I live here! Y/n got me! I'm her hybrid" izana smiled as he held his little brother tight.

"And your my hybrid too from now on Kakucho" you smiled as you told both hybrids, as you said that they both stopped there hug and looked at you.

"I do apologise izana but you're going to have to share your room with kakucho" you smiled, "I DONT CARE" izana shouted, his voice extremely loud.

"Eh" you questioned as you watched tears spill from both their eyes, "thank you! Thank you" izana repeated as he let kakucho go and rubbed his eyes continuously.

"It's warm here" kakucho smiled as he relaxed in the cushions that rested on the couch.

Izana only hummed in agreement as Kakucho suddenly jumped up.

"OH MY GOD" kakucho suddenly shouted, his voice going high pitch.

The potato's you were currently cutting fell to the floor as you turned around in shock.

"What?" Izana questioned, "are any of you hurt?" Izana queued, he seemed to have realized you almost cut yourself too.

"You hair?" Kakucho cried as he looked at Izanas hair in bewilderment.

"What about it?" You smiled as you walked over to the both of them. "Your tail and ears to!" Kakucho cried.

"What?" Izana angrily spat, getting annoyed with how confused he was.


"YEAH I KNOW" izana angrily shouted, his irritation level going higher.

"I THOUGHT IT WAS GREY!" Kakucho cried, "ME TOO" izana laughed "but it's white"

"Hows my mahal doing this morning?" Your lover whispered in your ear as you opened your eyes.


"Hm my love" izana smiled as he wrapped his arms tighter around your torso, "what are you doing here?" You questioned as izana nuzzled into the corner of your neck, "I couldn't sleep, so I came in your room" izana chuckled as he rubbed your belly, ticking it with his sharp nails as he whispered huskily in your ear "in more then one way" (1)

A harsh blush coated your cheeks, you looked down towards your legs expecting to see a white liquid but instead you came face to face with Kakucho who was cuddling around the bottom of your torso.

He looked up at you with sleepy eyes, a yawn escaping his lips as he moaned, "goodmorning"

You froze for a second, completely confused.

"I'm joking" izana laughed as you sat up vastly, "Kakucho???" You exclaimed, "what are you doing here?" You sighed as you pushed izana off you, leading him to fall halfway off the bed with a loud 'thud'

"Good morning" kakucho repeated, "oh good morning I guess" you quirked your brow.

"Why is it a good morning?" Izanas asked, still halfway off the bed.

"What?" You questioned as you looked at him, his bottom half was on the bed, but his torso was hanging off the corner of the mattress, his head was almost touching the floor as he looked up at you, his lilac eyes glossed as he stared at you with a loud smile, his arms dangling just as his earrings, his hair was pulled down by gravity, looking bright and lavish.

"Why is the morning a good one?" Izana asked again, this time with a teasing manner.

"I don't know? It's something people just say" you shrugged, "you're so cute mahal" izana laughed as you blushed, "shut up" you cried as you moved your hands and covered your blushed face, the movement startled Kakucho who accidentally kicked izana fully of the bed, this time it caused a louder thud.

"Why are you here Kakucho?" You questioned, ignoring izana cry if pain.

"Dammit Kakucho"

"Izana is in here" Kakucho cried, "I can't sleep in a room by myself"

"What did you do with kisaki then?" You questioned as you played with the puppy dogs hair.

"I was scared!"

"It's okay, we are here now" you smiled as you patted his head.

"Can we go to the park?" Kakucho asked, "of course we can!" You smiled as you got up, you walked past izana who was still on the floor, he looked up at you, "get out" you commanded, "why it's not like I haven't seen you naked before" izana teased as Kakuchos brows furrowed, "did you to bathe together?" Kakucho questioned.

"Oh no em" you stuttered as you tried to come up with an excuse, "we mated" izana said with a stern face, "although! Mahal we should bathe together" izana smirked at you, you threw you shoe at his head.

"Ow" izana cried as you shouted "GET OUT I NEED TO SHOWER!"

"Oh so you're wanting a shower instead of a bath, you could have just told me, I'd prefer to bath with you, but I'll shower" izana teased as he tried to grab your ankle, "OI" you sighed as you kicked him.

Izana and Kakucho quickly made their way out of your room, both doing whatever, mostlikly getting changed.

You ran in your bathroom and showered quickly then got dressed.

You chose a plain white jumper with a black skirt and white short socks with a pair of black shoes.

Running back into the bathroom you quickly brushed your teeth and applied light makeup.

"I'm ready" you walked out of your room.

"What the hell" you exclaimed as you saw Kakucho nicely dressed in Izanas clothes, and izana sat down on the couch, dressed in nothing.

"I'm sorry! I tried but he woul-" Kakucho started but you interrupted, "IZANA GET DRESSED!" you yelled as he turned to you.

"Why?" Izana questioned as you shouted again, "WE ARE GOING TO THE PARK" you was slowly getting more irritated, "I'm not" izana laughed, "why?" You questioned as izana smiled at you, "it's really warm out mahal, I have hay fever" izana got even more comfy on the couch.

"Oh, well that doesn't mean you can sit on my couch naked!" You scrambled over to Kakucho as you grabbed his hand, "so get dressed!" You yelled again.

"Come on" you smiled as you led Kakucho out the door. "No bye?" Izana shouted, "NO" you aggressively yelled back and shut the door behind you.

You and Kakucho walked through the park, you both giggled as you talked about izana and how he acted this morning.

"It was a good question though" Kakucho laughed, "I mean sure, but it's just something everyone says, like who says just 'morning' it's always good morning" you laughed.

"True" Kakucho suddenly stopped as he stared at a crape stand, "want one?" You questioned as he blushed and shook his head, "you sure?" You asked again, "maybe one?" He mumbled,

After you both eat your crapes, you chose your favourite flaver, Kakucho chose stawberry, you decided to walk around the park for awhile.

"Y/n?" Kakucho cried as you suddenly stopped.

"What's up?" You questioned as you looked back at him.

His ears layed flat on his black matted hair.

"Look!" Kakucho cried as he pointed to a bush, you questioned what he was looking as you moved closer to the bush.

You gasped as you saw a panther hybrid, he was laying in mud, his once clean skin was covered in a brown substance, his black hair was notted, and he hugged himself tight, he had cuts and bruises all over him.

"Oh my god" you cried as you ran over to him.

"Kakucho thank goodness you saw him" you panicked as you tried to think of something to do, the panther opened his eyes, he stared at you, his lips scowling as he stared you down.

"I know him" Kakucho said as you stared at the panther hybrid, "he was at our orphanage!" Kakucho frowned.

"Let's get you home" you said as you motioned Kakucho to pick him up.

"yeah, Let's get you home" Kakucho smiled as he named the unknown individual.

"So that's your name" you smiled as you walked alongside Kakucho.

You smiled "It's a very pretty name, but I think I'll shorten it, to Koko"




I'm thinking of making this a tenjiku x reader? What do you think?

Also I HC that izana has hay fever.

(1) it's a joke considering that he came in your room, it can also mean he came sexually.